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Since the 1990s, scientists have deployed thousands of robotic floats equipped with temperature and salinity sensors in the ocean as part of an international effort called the Argo program. These floats have already collected more ocean profiles than all scientific cruises combined. They reveal how ocean temperature and circulation patterns have changed over the years and shed light on the extent that these changes have been caused by humans. But to monitor the impact of climate change on the marine ecosystem—from productivity to fisheries to ocean acidification—scientists need a greater variety of chemical measurements. To that end, research groups around the world have worked in collaboration to develop additional sensors to include on the bodies of Argo floats, turning them into automated biogeochemical floats.more » « less
Abstract Sensors that use ultraviolet (UV) light absorption to measure nitrate in seawater at in situ temperatures require a correction to the calibration coefficients if the calibration and sample temperatures are not identical. This is mostly due to the bromide molecule, which absorbs more UV light as temperature increases. The current correction applied to in situ ultraviolet spectrophotometer (ISUS) and submersible ultraviolet nitrate analyzer (SUNA) nitrate sensors generally follows Sakamoto et al. (2009, Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 7, 132–143). For waters warmer than the calibration temperature, this correction model can lead to a 1–2
μ mol kg−1positive bias in nitrate concentration. Here we present an updated correction model, which reduces this small but noticeable bias by at least 50%. This improved model is based on additional laboratory data and describes the temperature correction as an exponential function of wavelength and temperature difference from the calibration temperature. It is a better fit to the experimental data than the current model and the improvement is validated using two populations of nitrate profiles from Biogeochemical Argo floats navigating through tropical waters. One population is from floats equipped with ISUS sensors while the other arises from floats with SUNA sensors on board. Although this model can be applied to both ISUS and SUNA nitrate sensors, it should not be used for OPUS UV nitrate sensors at this time. This new approach is similar to that used for OPUS sensors (Nehir et al., 2021, Front. Mar. Sci. 8, 663800) with differing model coefficients. This difference suggests that there is an instrumental component to the temperature correction or that there are slight differences in experimental methodologies. -
NA (Ed.)
Abstract. Measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON), and phosphorus (DOP) concentrations are used to characterize the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool and are important components of biogeochemical cycling in the coastal ocean. Here, we present the first edition of a global database (CoastDOM v1; available at, Lønborg et al., 2023) compiling previously published and unpublished measurements of DOC, DON, and DOP in coastal waters. These data are complemented by hydrographic data such as temperature and salinity and, to the extent possible, other biogeochemical variables (e.g. chlorophyll a, inorganic nutrients) and the inorganic carbon system (e.g. dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity). Overall, CoastDOM v1 includes observations of concentrations from all continents. However, most data were collected in the Northern Hemisphere, with a clear gap in DOM measurements from the Southern Hemisphere. The data included were collected from 1978 to 2022 and consist of 62 338 data points for DOC, 20 356 for DON, and 13 533 for DOP. The number of measurements decreases progressively in the sequence DOC > DON > DOP, reflecting both differences in the maturity of the analytical methods and the greater focus on carbon cycling by the aquatic science community. The global database shows that the average DOC concentration in coastal waters (average ± standard deviation (SD): 182±314 µmol C L−1; median: 103 µmol C L−1) is 13-fold higher than the average coastal DON concentration (13.6±30.4 µmol N L−1; median: 8.0 µmol N L−1), which is itself 39-fold higher than the average coastal DOP concentration (0.34±1.11 µmol P L−1; median: 0.18 µmol P L−1). This dataset will be useful for identifying global spatial and temporal patterns in DOM and will help facilitate the reuse of DOC, DON, and DOP data in studies aimed at better characterizing local biogeochemical processes; closing nutrient budgets; estimating carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous pools; and establishing a baseline for modelling future changes in coastal waters.
Abstract Measurements of pH and nitrate from the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling array of profiling floats were used to assess the ratios of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and nitrate (NO3) uptake during the spring to summer bloom period throughout the Southern Ocean. Two hundred and forty‐three bloom periods were observed by 115 floats from 30°S to 70°S. Similar calculations were made using the Takahashi surface DIC and nitrate climatology. To separate the effects of atmospheric CO2exchange and mixing from phytoplankton uptake, the ratios of changes in DIC to nitrate of surface waters (ΔDIC/ΔNO3) were computed in the Biogeochemical Southern Ocean State Estimate (B‐SOSE) model. Phytoplankton uptake of DIC and nitrate are fixed in B‐SOSE at the Redfield Ratio (RR; 6.6 mol C/mol N). Deviations in the B‐SOSE ΔDIC/ΔNO3must be due to non‐biological effects of CO2gas exchange and mixing. ΔDIC/ΔNO3values observed by floats and in the Takahashi climatology were corrected for the non‐biological effects using B‐SOSE. The corrected, in situ biological uptake ratio (C:N) occurs at values similar to the RR, with two major exceptions. North of 40°S biological DIC uptake is observed with little or no change in nitrate giving high C:N. In the latitude band at 55°S, the Takahashi data give a low C:N value, while floats are high. This may be due to a change in CO2air‐sea exchange in this region from uptake during the Takahashi reference year of 2005 to outgassing of CO2during the years sampled by floats.
Abstract From seasonal cruises in the NE Pacific Ocean during 2017, we (1) determined dissolved organic carbon concentrations; (2) calculated net community production (NCP) from nitrate drawdown; and (3) established relationships between NCP and seasonal dissolved organic carbon (DOC) accumulation in the upper 75 m. The fraction of NCP that accumulated as DOC, hereafter referred to as the net dissolved production ratio, was calculated for several stations during spring and summer. The net dissolved production ratio was about 0.26 at the oceanic station Ocean Station Papa during different seasons and years. Using nitrate concentration profiles obtained from Bio‐Argo floats during 2009–2018 operating near Ocean Station Papa, we calculated NCP at high temporal resolution and then applied the 0.26 constant in order to (4) estimate DOC variability for the 9‐year period. We found strong seasonality near Ocean Station Papa, with NCP maxima during summers ranging from 0.3 to 2.9 mol C/m2and surface DOC concentrations estimated from 56 μmol/kg in winters to 73 μmol/kg in summers. There was a 10‐fold interannual variability in the seasonally accumulated inventory of DOC, ranging from 0.078 to 0.75 mol C/m2. This study reinforces the value of deploying floats equipped with chemical sensors in order to better understand marine biogeochemical cycles, especially when high resolution data cannot be obtained otherwise. Given that ~26% of NCP accumulates as DOC in the central Gulf of Alaska, the remaining balance of ~74% is available for export as sinking biogenic particles.
Abstract. Marine diazotrophs convert dinitrogen (N2) gas intobioavailable nitrogen (N), supporting life in the global ocean. In 2012, thefirst version of the global oceanic diazotroph database (version 1) waspublished. Here, we present an updated version of the database (version 2),significantly increasing the number of in situ diazotrophic measurements from13 565 to 55 286. Data points for N2 fixation rates, diazotrophic cellabundance, and nifH gene copy abundance have increased by 184 %, 86 %, and809 %, respectively. Version 2 includes two new data sheets for the nifH genecopy abundance of non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs and cell-specific N2fixation rates. The measurements of N2 fixation rates approximatelyfollow a log-normal distribution in both version 1 and version 2. However,version 2 considerably extends both the left and right tails of thedistribution. Consequently, when estimating global oceanic N2 fixationrates using the geometric means of different ocean basins, version 1 andversion 2 yield similar rates (43–57 versus 45–63 Tg N yr−1; rangesbased on one geometric standard error). In contrast, when using arithmeticmeans, version 2 suggests a significantly higher rate of 223±30 Tg N yr−1 (mean ± standard error; same hereafter) compared to version 1(74±7 Tg N yr−1). Specifically, substantial rate increases areestimated for the South Pacific Ocean (88±23 versus 20±2 Tg N yr−1), primarily driven by measurements in the southwestern subtropics,and for the North Atlantic Ocean (40±9 versus 10±2 Tg N yr−1). Moreover, version 2 estimates the N2 fixation rate in theIndian Ocean to be 35±14 Tg N yr−1, which could not be estimatedusing version 1 due to limited data availability. Furthermore, a comparisonof N2 fixation rates obtained through different measurement methods atthe same months, locations, and depths reveals that the conventional15N2 bubble method yields lower rates in 69 % cases compared tothe new 15N2 dissolution method. This updated version of thedatabase can facilitate future studies in marine ecology andbiogeochemistry. The database is stored at the Figshare repository(; Shao etal., 2022).
Abstract Between 2013 and 2016, a series of warm events induced by ocean atmosphere oscillations negatively impacted productivity in the northeast Pacific Ocean. For two consecutive winters (2013–2014 and 2014–2015), suppressed wind stress and warm near‐surface ocean temperature anomalies restricted vertical mixing between the surface and underlying nutrient‐enriched waters. Here we assess historical data of sea surface temperature and sea level pressure, along with nearly a decade of biogeochemical float data to evaluate the impact of these warm events on organic carbon production. The first stratified winter experienced little apparent impact on the magnitude of net organic carbon production in the growing season relative to prior years, suggesting an immediate resilience from reduced new nutrients, apparently depending on recycled iron. However, the subsequent winter experienced virtually zero net production; a loss of resilience, perhaps due to net iron removal with export, was evident. We find that consistently enhanced winter stratification decreased carbon production much more so than a single warm winter. This study highlights the sensitivity of marine productivity to ocean atmosphere oscillations, reducing deep ocean carbon sequestration with prolonged ocean warming and stratification.