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Creators/Authors contains: "Bircher, Walter G."

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  1. Humans use all surfaces of the hand for contact-rich manipulation. Robot hands, in contrast, typically use only the fingertips, which can limit dexterity. In this work, we leveraged a potential energy–based whole-hand manipulation model, which does not depend on contact wrench modeling like traditional approaches, to design a robotic manipulator. Inspired by robotic caging grasps and the high levels of dexterity observed in human manipulation, a metric was developed and used in conjunction with the manipulation model to design a two-fingered dexterous hand, the Model W. This was accomplished by simulating all planar finger topologies composed of open kinematic chains of up to three serial revolute and prismatic joints, forming symmetric two-fingered hands, and evaluating their performance according to the metric. We present the best design, an unconventional robot hand capable of performing continuous object reorientation, as well as repeatedly alternating between power and pinch grasps—two contact-rich skills that have often eluded robotic hands—and we experimentally characterize the hand’s manipulation capability. This hand realizes manipulation motions reminiscent of thumb–index finger manipulative movement in humans, and its topology provides the foundation for a general-purpose dexterous robot hand.

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  2. The process of modeling a series of hand-object parameters is crucial for precise and controllable robotic in-hand manipulation because it enables the mapping from the hand’s actuation input to the object’s motion to be obtained. Without assuming that most of these model parameters are known a priori or can be easily estimated by sensors, we focus on equipping robots with the ability to actively self-identify necessary model parameters using minimal sensing. Here, we derive algorithms, on the basis of the concept of virtual linkage-based representations (VLRs), to self-identify the underlying mechanics of hand-object systems via exploratory manipulation actions and probabilistic reasoning and, in turn, show that the self-identified VLR can enable the control of precise in-hand manipulation. To validate our framework, we instantiated the proposed system on a Yale Model O hand without joint encoders or tactile sensors. The passive adaptability of the underactuated hand greatly facilitates the self-identification process, because they naturally secure stable hand-object interactions during random exploration. Relying solely on an in-hand camera, our system can effectively self-identify the VLRs, even when some fingers are replaced with novel designs. In addition, we show in-hand manipulation applications of handwriting, marble maze playing, and cup stacking to demonstrate the effectiveness of the VLR in precise in-hand manipulation control.

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