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Abstract Design of nucleic acid-based viral diagnostics typically follows heuristic rules and, to contend with viral variation, focuses on a genome’s conserved regions. A design process could, instead, directly optimize diagnostic effectiveness using a learned model of sensitivity for targets and their variants. Toward that goal, we screen 19,209 diagnostic–target pairs, concentrated on CRISPR-based diagnostics, and train a deep neural network to accurately predict diagnostic readout. We join this model with combinatorial optimization to maximize sensitivity over the full spectrum of a virus’s genomic variation. We introduce Activity-informed Design with All-inclusive Patrolling of Targets (ADAPT), a system for automated design, and use it to design diagnostics for 1,933 vertebrate-infecting viral species within 2 hours for most species and within 24 hours for all but three. We experimentally show that ADAPT’s designs are sensitive and specific to the lineage level and permit lower limits of detection, across a virus’s variation, than the outputs of standard design techniques. Our strategy could facilitate a proactive resource of assays for detecting pathogens.
Abstract Synapses contain hundreds of distinct proteins whose heterogeneous expression levels are determinants of synaptic plasticity and signal transmission relevant to a range of diseases. Here, we use diffusible nucleic acid imaging probes to profile neuronal synapses using multiplexed confocal and super-resolution microscopy. Confocal imaging is performed using high-affinity locked nucleic acid imaging probes that stably yet reversibly bind to oligonucleotides conjugated to antibodies and peptides. Super-resolution PAINT imaging of the same targets is performed using low-affinity DNA imaging probes to resolve nanometer-scale synaptic protein organization across nine distinct protein targets. Our approach enables the quantitative analysis of thousands of synapses in neuronal culture to identify putative synaptic sub-types and co-localization patterns from one dozen proteins. Application to characterize synaptic reorganization following neuronal activity blockade reveals coordinated upregulation of the post-synaptic proteins PSD-95, SHANK3 and Homer-1b/c, as well as increased correlation between synaptic markers in the active and synaptic vesicle zones.
Abstract Profiling multiple omic layers in a single cell enables the discovery and analysis of biological phenomena that are not apparent from analysis of mono‐omic data. While methods for multiomic profiling have been reported, their adoption has been limited due to high cost and complex workflows. Here, a simple method for joint profiling of gene expression and chromatin accessibility in tens to hundreds of single cells is presented. Assessed herein is the quality of resulting single cell ATAC‐ and RNA‐seq data across three cell types, examining the link between accessibility and expression at the
CD3G andFTH1 loci in human primary T cells and monocytes, and comparing the accuracy of clustering solutions for mono‐omic and combined data. The new method allows biological laboratories to perform simultaneous profiling of gene expression and chromatin accessibility using standard reagents and instrumentation. This technique, in conjunction with other advances in multiomic profiling, will enable highly resolved cell state classification and more specific mechanistic hypothesis generation than is possible with mono‐omic analysis.