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  1. Abstract

    Contemporary wildlife disease management is complex because managers need to respond to a wide range of stakeholders, multiple uncertainties, and difficult trade‐offs that characterize the interconnected challenges of today. Despite general acknowledgment of these complexities, managing wildlife disease tends to be framed as a scientific problem, in which the major challenge is lack of knowledge. The complex and multifactorial process of decision‐making is collapsed into a scientific endeavor to reduce uncertainty. As a result, contemporary decision‐making may be oversimplified, rely on simple heuristics, and fail to account for the broader legal, social, and economic context in which the decisions are made. Concurrently, scientific research on wildlife disease may be distant from this decision context, resulting in information that may not be directly relevant to the pertinent management questions. We propose reframing wildlife disease management challenges as decision problems and addressing them with decision analytical tools to divide the complex problems into more cognitively manageable elements. In particular, structured decision‐making has the potential to improve the quality, rigor, and transparency of decisions about wildlife disease in a variety of systems. Examples of management of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, white‐nose syndrome, avian influenza, and chytridiomycosis illustrate the most common impediments to decision‐making, including competing objectives, risks, prediction uncertainty, and limited resources.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 24, 2025
  2. The amphibian chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans ( Bsal ) threatens salamander biodiversity. The factors underlying Bsal susceptibility may include glucocorticoid hormones (GCs). The effects of GCs on immunity and disease susceptibility are well studied in mammals, but less is known in other groups, including salamanders. We used Notophthalmus viridescens (eastern newts) to test the hypothesis that GCs modulate salamander immunity. We first determined the dose required to elevate corticosterone (CORT; primary GC in amphibians) to physiologically relevant levels. We then measured immunity (neutrophil lymphocyte ratios, plasma bacterial killing ability (BKA), skin microbiome, splenocytes, melanomacrophage centres (MMCs)) and overall health in newts following treatment with CORT or an oil vehicle control. Treatments were repeated for a short (two treatments over 5 days) or long (18 treatments over 26 days) time period. Contrary to our predictions, most immune and health parameters were similar for CORT and oil-treated newts. Surprisingly, differences in BKA, skin microbiome and MMCs were observed between newts subjected to short- and long-term treatments, regardless of treatment type (CORT, oil vehicle). Taken together, CORT does not appear to be a major factor contributing to immunity in eastern newts, although more studies examining additional immune factors are necessary. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Amphibian immunity: stress, disease and ecoimmunology’. 
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  3. Abstract Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans ( Bsal ) is a fungal pathogen of amphibians that is emerging in Europe and could be introduced to North America through international trade or other pathways. To evaluate the risk of Bsal invasion to amphibian biodiversity, we performed dose-response experiments on 35 North American species from 10 families, including larvae from five species. We discovered that Bsal caused infection in 74% and mortality in 35% of species tested. Both salamanders and frogs became infected and developed Bsal chytridiomycosis. Based on our host susceptibility results, environmental suitability conditions for Bsal , and geographic ranges of salamanders in the United States, predicted biodiversity loss is expected to be greatest in the Appalachian Region and along the West Coast. Indices of infection and disease susceptibility suggest that North American amphibian species span a spectrum of vulnerability to Bsal chytridiomycosis and most amphibian communities will include an assemblage of resistant, carrier, and amplification species. Predicted salamander losses could exceed 80 species in the United States and 140 species in North America. 
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  4. Reguera, Gemma (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT Mucosal defenses are crucial in animals for protection against pathogens and predators. Host defense peptides (antimicrobial peptides, AMPs) as well as skin-associated microbes are key components of mucosal immunity, particularly in amphibians. We integrate microbiology, molecular biology, network-thinking, and proteomics to understand how host and microbially derived products on amphibian skin (referred to as the mucosome) serve as pathogen defenses. We studied defense mechanisms against chytrid pathogens, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and B. salamandrivorans (Bsal), in four salamander species with different Batrachochytrium susceptibilities. Bd infection was quantified using qPCR, mucosome function (i.e., ability to kill Bd or Bsal zoospores in vitro ), skin bacterial communities using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, and the role of Bd-inhibitory bacteria in microbial networks across all species. We explored the presence of candidate-AMPs in eastern newts and red-backed salamanders. Eastern newts had the highest Bd prevalence and mucosome function, while red-back salamanders had the lowest Bd prevalence and mucosome function, and two-lined salamanders and seal salamanders were intermediates. Salamanders with highest Bd infection intensity showed greater mucosome function. Bd infection prevalence significantly decreased as putative Bd-inhibitory bacterial richness and relative abundance increased on hosts. In co-occurrence networks, some putative Bd-inhibitory bacteria were found as hub-taxa, with red-backs having the highest proportion of protective hubs and positive associations related to putative Bd-inhibitory hub bacteria. We found more AMP candidates on salamanders with lower Bd susceptibility. These findings suggest that salamanders possess distinct innate mechanisms that affect chytrid fungi. IMPORTANCE How host mucosal defenses interact, and influence disease outcome is critical in understanding host defenses against pathogens. A more detailed understanding is needed of the interactions between the host and the functioning of its mucosal defenses in pathogen defense. This study investigates the variability of chytrid susceptibility in salamanders and the innate defenses each species possesses to mediate pathogens, thus advancing the knowledge toward a deeper understanding of the microbial ecology of skin-associated bacteria and contributing to the development of bioaugmentation strategies to mediate pathogen infection and disease. This study improves the understanding of complex immune defense mechanisms in salamanders and highlights the potential role of the mucosome to reduce the probability of Bd disease development and that putative protective bacteria may reduce likelihood of Bd infecting skin. 
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  5. Abstract

    Variation in the structure of host-associated microbial communities has been correlated with the occurrence and severity of disease in diverse host taxa, suggesting a key role of the microbiome in pathogen defense. However, whether these correlations are typically a cause or consequence of pathogen exposure remains an open question, and requires experimental approaches to disentangle. In amphibians, infection by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) alters the skin microbial community in some host species, whereas in other species, the skin microbial community appears to mediate infection dynamics. In this study, we completed experimental Bd exposures in three species of tropical frogs (Agalychnis callidryas, Dendropsophus ebraccatus,andCraugastor fitzingeri) that were sympatric with Bd at the time of the study. For all three species, we identified key taxa within the skin bacterial communities that were linked to Bd infection dynamics. We also measured higher Bd infection intensities in D. ebraccatus and C. fitzingeri that were associated with higher mortality in C. fitzingeri. Our findings indicate that microbially mediated pathogen resistance is a complex trait that can vary within and across host species, and suggest that symbiont communities that have experienced prior selection for defensive microbes may be less likely to be disturbed by pathogen exposure.

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  6. Wang, Chengshu (Ed.)
    Environmental temperature is a key factor driving various biological processes, including immune defenses and host-pathogen interactions. Here, we evaluated the effects of environmental temperature on the pathogenicity of the emerging fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans ( Bsal ), using controlled laboratory experiments, and measured components of host immune defense to identify regulating mechanisms. We found that adult and juvenile Notophthalmus viridescens died faster due to Bsal chytridiomycosis at 14°C than at 6 and 22°C. Pathogen replication rates, total available proteins on the skin, and microbiome composition likely drove these relationships. Temperature-dependent skin microbiome composition in our laboratory experiments matched seasonal trends in wild N . viridescens , adding validity to these results. We also found that hydrophobic peptide production after two months post-exposure to Bsal was reduced in infected animals compared to controls, perhaps due to peptide release earlier in infection or impaired granular gland function in diseased animals. Using our temperature-dependent susceptibility results, we performed a geographic analysis that revealed N . viridescens populations in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada are at greatest risk for Bsal invasion, which shifted risk north compared to previous assessments. Our results indicate that environmental temperature will play a key role in the epidemiology of Bsal and provide evidence that temperature manipulations may be a viable disease management strategy. 
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  7. Abstract

    The host‐associated microbiome plays a significant role in health. However, the roles of factors such as host genetics and microbial interactions in determining microbiome diversity remain unclear. We examined these factors using amplicon‐based sequencing of 175Thoropa taophorafrog skin swabs collected from a naturally fragmented landscape in southeastern Brazil. Specifically, we examined (1) the effects of geography and host genetics on microbiome diversity and structure; (2) the structure of microbial eukaryotic and bacterial co‐occurrence networks; and (3) co‐occurrence between microeukaryotes with bacterial OTUs known to affect growth of the fungal pathogenBatrachochytrium dendrobatidis(Bd). While bacterial alpha diversity varied by both site type and host MHC IIB genotype, microeukaryotic alpha diversity varied only by site type. However, bacteria and microeukaryote composition showed variation according to both site type and host MHC IIB genotype. Our network analysis showed the highest connectivity when both eukaryotes and bacteria were included, implying that ecological interactions may occur among domains. Lastly, anti‐Bdbacteria were not broadly negatively co‐associated with the fungal microbiome and were positively associated with potential amphibian parasites. Our findings emphasize the importance of considering both domains in microbiome research and suggest that for effective probiotic strategies for amphibian disease management, considering potential interactions among all members of the microbiome is crucial.

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