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Creators/Authors contains: "Bouman, Katherine L."

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  1. Abstract

    The interaction between the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*, and its accretion disk occasionally produces high-energy flares seen in X-ray, infrared and radio. One proposed mechanism that produces flares is the formation of compact, bright regions that appear within the accretion disk and close to the event horizon. Understanding these flares provides a window into accretion processes. Although sophisticated simulations predict the formation of these flares, their structure has yet to be recovered by observations. Here we show a three-dimensional reconstruction of an emission flare recovered from Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array light curves observed on 11 April 2017. Our recovery shows compact, bright regions at a distance of roughly six times the event horizon. Moreover, it suggests a clockwise rotation in a low-inclination orbital plane, consistent with prior studies by GRAVITY and the Event Horizon Telescope. To recover this emission structure, we solve an ill-posed tomography problem by integrating a neural three-dimensional representation with a gravitational model for black holes. Although the recovery is subject to, and sometimes sensitive to, the model assumptions, under physically motivated choices, our results are stable and our approach is successful on simulated data.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. An object’s interior material properties, while invisible to the human eye, determine motion observed on its surface. We propose an approach that esti- mates heterogeneous material properties of an object directly from a monoc- ular video of its surface vibrations. Specifically, we estimate Young’s modulus and density throughout a 3D object with known geometry. Knowledge of how these values change across the object is useful for characterizing defects and simulating how the object will interact with different environments. Traditional non-destructive testing approaches, which generally estimate homogenized material properties or the presence of defects, are expensive and use specialized instruments. We propose an approach that leverages monocular video to (1) measure an object’s sub-pixel motion and decompose this motion into image-space modes, and (2) directly infer spatially-varying Young’s modulus and density values from the observed image-space modes. On both simulated and real videos, we demonstrate that our approach is able to image material properties simply by analyzing surface motion. In particular, our method allows us to identify unseen defects on a 2D drum head from real, high-speed video. 
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  3. Measurements from the Event Horizon Telescope enabled the visualization of light emission around a black hole for the first time. So far, these measurements have been used to recover a 2D image under the assumption that the emission field is static over the period of acquisition. In this work, we propose BH-NeRF, a novel tomography approach that leverages gravitational lensing to recover the continuous 3D emission field near a black hole. Compared to other 3D reconstruction or tomography settings, this task poses two significant challenges: first, rays near black holes follow curved paths dictated by general relativity, and second, we only observe measurements from a single viewpoint. Our method captures the unknown emission field using a continuous volumetric function parameterized by a coordinate-based neural network, and uses knowledge of Keplerian orbital dynamics to establish correspondence between 3D points over time. Together, these enable BH-NeRF to recover accurate 3D emission fields, even in challenging situations with sparse measurements and uncertain orbital dynamics. This work takes the first steps in showing how future measurements from the Event Horizon Telescope could be used to recover evolving 3D emission around the supermassive black hole in our Galactic center. 
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  4. Abstract

    Inference is crucial in modern astronomical research, where hidden astrophysical features and patterns are often estimated from indirect and noisy measurements. Inferring the posterior of hidden features, conditioned on the observed measurements, is essential for understanding the uncertainty of results and downstream scientific interpretations. Traditional approaches for posterior estimation include sampling-based methods and variational inference (VI). However, sampling-based methods are typically slow for high-dimensional inverse problems, while VI often lacks estimation accuracy. In this paper, we proposeα-deep probabilistic inference, a deep learning framework that first learns an approximate posterior usingα-divergence VI paired with a generative neural network, and then produces more accurate posterior samples through importance reweighting of the network samples. It inherits strengths from both sampling and VI methods: it is fast, accurate, and more scalable to high-dimensional problems than conventional sampling-based approaches. We apply our approach to two high-impact astronomical inference problems using real data: exoplanet astrometry and black hole feature extraction.

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  5. Accelerated MRI shortens acquisition time by subsampling in the measurement k-space. Recovering a high-fidelity anatomical image from subsampled measurements requires close cooperation between two components: (1) a sampler that chooses the subsampling pattern and (2) a reconstructor that recovers images from incomplete measurements. In this paper, we leverage the sequential nature of MRI measurements, and propose a fully differentiable framework that jointly learns a sequential sampling policy simultaneously with a reconstruction strategy. This co-designed framework is able to adapt during acquisition in order to capture the most informative measurements for a particular target (see the figure above). Experimental results on the fastMRI knee dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach successfully utilizes intermediate information during the sampling process to boost reconstruction performance. In particular, our proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the-art learned k-space sampling baseline on over 96% of test samples. We also investigate the individual and collective benefits of the sequential sampling and co-design strategies. 
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