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Haven and Verkerk studied the diffusion of ions in ionic conductive glasses with and without an external electric field to better understand the mechanisms behind ionic conductivity. In their work, they introduced the concept now known as Haven’s ratio (H R ), which is defined as the ratio of the tracer diffusion coefficient (D self ) of ions to the diffusion coefficient from steady-state ionic conductivity (D σ ), calculated by the Nernst–Einstein equation. D σ can be challenging to obtain experimentally because the number of charge carriers has to be implied, a subject still under discussion in the literature. Molecular dynamics (MD) allows for direct measurement of the mean squared displacement ( r 2 ) of diffusing cations, which can be used to calculate D, avoiding the definition of a charge carrier. Using MD, the authors have calculated the r 2 of three alkali ions (Li, Na, and K) at different temperatures and concentrations in silicate glass, with and without the influence of an electric field. Results found for H R generally fell close to 0.6 at lower concentrations (x = 0.1) and close to 0.3 at higher concentrations (x = 0.2 and 0.3), comparable to the literature, implying that the electric field introduces new mechanisms for the diffusion of ions and that MD can be a powerful tool to study ionic diffusion in glasses under external electric fields.more » « less
Abstract Previous research has shown a consistent discrepancy in the reported structure of alkaline earth aluminosilicate glasses using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations versus nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Past MD results have consistently shown less than 5% five‐coordinated Al units (Al[5]) in peraluminous glass compositions, but with high fractions of triple‐bonded oxygens (TBO, i.e., triclusters). Experimental results have shown a high fraction of Al[5]with no direct evidence for TBO. One of the main criticisms associated with high TBO content found in MD‐generated glass structures is the use of classical interatomic potentials. To investigate this issue, we analyze the formation of both TBO and Al[5]using three independently developed potentials with varying silica content and [Al2O3]/[MgO] ratios for the magnesium aluminosilicate (MAS) system. We specifically choose compositions with high ratios of alumina to magnesium oxide as this region is not as commonly explored. Results indicate that Al[5]charge compensates the Al network in metaluminous compositions (compositions with more Mg than Al) while both TBO and Al[5]are prevalent in peraluminous ranges (high Al content compositions) to charge balance Al units. From the literature, NMR experiments report MAS glasses with varying Al[5]fractions and show significant differences for the same reported compositions. When comparing MD results from this work, the fraction of calculated Al[5]is within the experimental variation found in the literature. This indicates that classical potentials can accurately capture alumina environments and that both Al[5]and TBO can coexist in relatively high fractions. From the consistency in our results, we conclude that TBOs are inherent to the aluminosilicate glass system and are not simulation artifacts.