In recent years, non-reciprocally coupled systems have received growing attention. Previous work has shown that the interplay of non-reciprocal coupling and Goldstone modes can drive the emergence of temporal order such as traveling waves. We show that these phenomena are generically found in a broad class of pattern-forming systems, including mass-conserving reaction--diffusion systems and viscoelastic active gels. All these systems share a characteristic dispersion relation that acquires a non-zero imaginary part at the edge of the band of unstable modes and exhibit a regime of propagating structures (traveling wave bands or droplets). We show that models for these systems can be mapped to a common ``normal form'' that can be seen as a spatially extended generalization of the FitzHugh--Nagumo model, providing a unifying dynamical-systems perspective. We show that the minimal non-reciprocal Cahn--Hilliard (NRCH) equations exhibit a surprisingly rich set of behaviors, including interrupted coarsening of traveling waves without selection of a preferred wavelength and transversal undulations of wave fronts in two dimensions. We show that the emergence of traveling waves and their speed are precisely predicted from the local dispersion relation at interfaces far away from the homogeneous steady state. The traveling waves are therefore a consequence of spatially localized coalescence of hydrodynamic modes arising from mass conservation and translational invariance of displacement fields. Our work thus generalizes previously studied non-reciprocal phase transitions and identifies generic mechanisms for the emergence of dynamical patterns of conserved fields.
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Abstract Activity and autonomous motion are fundamental aspects of many living and engineering systems. Here, the scale of biological agents covers a wide range, from nanomotors, cytoskeleton, and cells, to insects, fish, birds, and people. Inspired by biological active systems, various types of autonomous synthetic nano- and micromachines have been designed, which provide the basis for multifunctional, highly responsive, intelligent active materials. A major challenge for understanding and designing active matter is their inherent non-equilibrium nature due to persistent energy consumption, which invalidates equilibrium concepts such as free energy, detailed balance, and time-reversal symmetry. Furthermore, interactions in ensembles of active agents are often non-additive and non-reciprocal. An important aspect of biological agents is their ability to sense the environment, process this information, and adjust their motion accordingly. It is an important goal for the engineering of micro-robotic systems to achieve similar functionality. With many fundamental properties of motile active matter now reasonably well understood and under control, the ground is prepared for the study of physical aspects and mechanisms of motion in complex environments, of the behavior of systems with new physical features like chirality, of the development of novel micromachines and microbots, of the emergent collective behavior and swarming of intelligent self-propelled particles, and of particular features of microbial systems. The vast complexity of phenomena and mechanisms involved in the self-organization and dynamics of motile active matter poses major challenges, which can only be addressed by a truly interdisciplinary effort involving scientists from biology, chemistry, ecology, engineering, mathematics, and physics. The 2024 motile active matter roadmap of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter reviews the current state of the art of the field and provides guidance for further progress in this fascinating research area.
Orientational order, encoded in anisotropic fields, plays an important role during the development of an organism. A striking example of this is the freshwater polypmore » « less
Hydra , where topological defects in the muscle fiber orientation have been shown to localize to key features of the body plan. This body plan is organized by morphogen concentration gradients, raising the question how muscle fiber orientation, morphogen gradients and body shape interact. Here, we introduce a minimal model that couples nematic orientational order to the gradient of a morphogen field. We show that on a planar surface, alignment to a radial concentration gradient can induce unbinding of topological defects, as observed during budding and tentacle formation inHydra , and stabilize aster/vortex-like defects, as observed at aHydra ’s mouth. On curved surfaces mimicking the morphologies ofHydra in various stages of development—from spheroid to adult—our model reproduces the experimentally observed reorganization of orientational order. Our results suggest how gradient alignment and curvature effects may work together to control orientational order during development and lay the foundations for future modeling efforts that will include the tissue mechanics that drive shape deformations.