Experiments comparing diploids with polyploids and in single grassland sites show that nitrogen and/or phosphorus availability influences plant growth and community composition dependent on genome size; specifically, plants with larger genomes grow faster under nutrient enrichments relative to those with smaller genomes. However, it is unknown if these effects are specific to particular site localities with speciifc plant assemblages, climates, and historical contingencies. To determine the generality of genome size-dependent growth responses to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization, we combined genome size and species abundance data from 27 coordinated grassland nutrient addition experiments in the Nutrient Network that occur in the Northern Hemisphere across a range of climates and grassland communities. We found that after nitrogen treatment, species with larger genomes generally increased more in cover compared to those with smaller genomes, potentially due to a release from nutrient limitation. Responses were strongest for C3grasses and in less seasonal, low precipitation environments, indicating that genome size effects on water-use-efficiency modulates genome size–nutrient interactions. Cumulatively, the data suggest that genome size is informative and improves predictions of species’ success in grassland communities.
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Tanentzap, Andrew J (Ed.)Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 11, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 2, 2025
Abstract Context Habitat fragmentation is a leading threat to biodiversity, yet the impacts of fragmentation on most taxa, let alone interactions among those taxa, remain largely unknown.
Objectives We studied how three consequences of fragmentation—reduced patch connectivity, altered patch shape, and edge proximity—impact plant-dwelling mite communities and mite-plant-fungus interactions within a large-scale habitat fragmentation experiment.
Methods We sampled mite communities from the leaves of
Quercus nigra (a plant species that has foliar domatia which harbor fungivorous and predacious mites) near and far from edge within fragments of varying edge-to-area ratio (shape) and connectivity via corridors. We also performed a mite-exclusion experiment across these fragmentation treatments to test the effects of mite presence and fungal hyphal abundance on leaf surfaces.Results Habitat edges influenced the abundance and richness of leaf-dwelling mites; plants closer to the edge had higher mite abundance and species richness. Likewise, hyphal counts were higher on leaves near patch edges. Despite both mite and fungal abundance being higher at patch edges, leaf hyphal counts were not impacted by mite abundance on those leaves. Neither patch shape nor connectivity influenced mite abundance, mite species richness, or the influence of mites on leaf surface fungal abundance.
Conclusion Our results suggest that mites and foliar fungi may be independently affected by edge-structured environmental gradients, like temperature, rather than trophic effects. We demonstrate that large-scale habitat fragmentation and particularly edge effects can have impacts on multiple levels of microscopic communities, even in the absence of cascading trophic effects.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025
Abstract Plant productivity varies due to environmental heterogeneity, and theory suggests that plant diversity can reduce this variation. While there is strong evidence of diversity effects on temporal variability of productivity, whether this mechanism extends to variability across space remains elusive. Here we determine the relationship between plant diversity and spatial variability of productivity in 83 grasslands, and quantify the effect of experimentally increased spatial heterogeneity in environmental conditions on this relationship. We found that communities with higher plant species richness (alpha and gamma diversity) have lower spatial variability of productivity as reduced abundance of some species can be compensated for by increased abundance of other species. In contrast, high species dissimilarity among local communities (beta diversity) is positively associated with spatial variability of productivity, suggesting that changes in species composition can scale up to affect productivity. Experimentally increased spatial environmental heterogeneity weakens the effect of plant alpha and gamma diversity, and reveals that beta diversity can simultaneously decrease and increase spatial variability of productivity. Our findings unveil the generality of the diversity-stability theory across space, and suggest that reduced local diversity and biotic homogenization can affect the spatial reliability of key ecosystem functions.more » « less
Abstract During the “decade on restoration,” we must understand how to reliably re‐establish native plant populations. When establishing populations through seed addition, practitioners often prioritize obtaining seed from locations geographically near the restoration site (i.e. “local seed sourcing”). They are assumed to be under similar environmental conditions to the restoration site and should establish more robust plant populations and preserve local biotic interactions better than seeds sourced from further away. However, this assumption remains virtually untested in realistic restoration settings and the importance of seed sourcing, relative to other factors such as seeding rate and management regimes, is unclear.
To determine if seed sourcing decision impacts plant establishment, abundance and phenology, we developed a partnership between university‐researchers and a native seed producer that kept records on where their seed was sourced from and where it was planted. At each site, we recorded the abundance and phenological stage of five commonly used tallgrass prairie restoration species seeded at 24 sites undergoing restoration across Michigan. We considered two measures of seed source locality: geographic distance (seeds were sourced from locations 6–750 km away from their respective restoration sites) and environmental distance. We also obtained data on the seeding rate and post‐seeding management at each site.
We found that no measure of seed source locality predicted the likelihood of plant establishment or abundance at restoration sites. However, sites sown with seed from further away, or from cooler and wetter climates, had a greater proportion of flowering individuals earlier in the season. Finally, sites with higher seeding rates had greater plant abundance, and post‐seeding management of the restoration site increased the likelihood a species would establish by 36%.
Overall, these results support that seed sourcing decisions did not impact plant establishment or abundance in our system. However, using less‐local seed sources may alter flowering phenology.
Our results suggest that tallgrass prairie restoration efforts should prioritize higher seeding rates, post‐seeding management, and might expand the region seed sources are considered “local”, though this may impact flowering phenology. Future research leveraging native seed producer records can help answer critical questions about restoration seed sourcing.
Abstract Although plant–soil feedbacks (interactions between plants and soils, often mediated by soil microbes, abbreviated as PSFs) are widely known to influence patterns of plant diversity at local and landscape scales, these interactions are rarely examined in the context of important environmental factors. Resolving the roles of environmental factors is important because the environmental context may alter PSF patterns by modifying the strength or even direction of PSFs for certain species. One important environmental factor that is increasing in scale and frequency with climate change is fire, though the influence of fire on PSFs remains essentially unexamined. By changing microbial community composition, fire may alter the microbes available to colonize the roots of plants and thus seedling growth post‐fire. This has potential to change the strength and/or direction of PSFs, depending on how such changes in microbial community composition occur and the plant species with which the microbes interact. We examined how a recent fire altered PSFs of two leguminous, nitrogen‐fixing tree species in Hawaiʻi. For both species, growing in conspecific soil resulted in higher plant performance (as measured by biomass production) than growing in heterospecific soil. This pattern was mediated by nodule formation, an important process for growth for legume species. Fire weakened PSFs for these species and therefore pairwise PSFs, which were significant in unburned soils, but were nonsignificant in burned soils. Theory suggests that positive PSFs such as those found in unburned sites would reinforce the dominance of species where they are locally dominant. The change in pairwise PSFs with burn status shows PSF‐mediated dominance might diminish after fire. Our results demonstrate that fire can modify PSFs by weakening the legume‐rhizobia symbiosis, which may alter local competitive dynamics between two canopy dominant tree species. These findings illustrate the importance of considering environmental context when evaluating the role of PSFs for plants.
Abstract Ecological restoration outcomes are highly variable, undermining efforts to recover biodiversity and ecosystem functions. One poorly understood source of variability is ‘year effects’—interannual variation in environmental conditions during the first year of restoration that alter successional trajectories of plant communities.
There have been few experimental tests disentangling planting years from other differences among restoration projects (e.g. edaphic conditions, restoration approach), particularly those resolving mechanisms for year effects such as planting‐year rainfall. Moreover, past year effect studies focused almost exclusively on species‐level consequences. Therefore, the extent to which year effects influence the traits of communities is unknown.
To address these gaps and provide a mechanistic test of how precipitation contributes to year effects, we conducted an experiment where we manipulated rainfall (drought, average and high levels) during the first growing season, replicated across three establishment year treatments to disentangle the effects of precipitation from other drivers of year effects. In each establishment year, we seeded the same species mix to initiate grassland restoration. We then surveyed plant community compositions annually for 5 years to quantify trait responses of restored communities to planting year rainfall.
We found that variation in planting‐year precipitation altered community assembly trajectories by influencing community‐weighted mean (CWM) trait composition, and these effects persisted for at least 5 years. Over time, CWM specific leaf area and CWM seed mass decreased and CWM plant height increased. The effect of age on CWM plant height was stronger in plots that received mean and high watering treatments compared to drought treatments. This effect was also observed for CWM seed mass, albeit weaker.
We also found some evidence for planting year effects unrelated to planting‐year rainfall for the three CWM traits, illustrating how interannually varying environmental conditions besides rainfall can generate persistent year effect on plant communities through their traits.
Synthesis and applications . Our results provide evidence for planting year rainfall interacting with community assembly to alter the functional trait composition of restored grasslands. This suggests that interannual variation in rainfall during establishment is an important source of divergent biodiversity and functional outcomes in restored grasslands.