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Despite hundreds of studies involving slide-ring gels derived from cyclodextrin (CD)-based polyrotaxanes (PRs), their covalent cross-linking kinetics are not well characterized. We employ chemorheology as a tool to measure the gelation kinetics of a model slide-ring organogel derived from α -cyclodextrin/poly (ethylene glycol) PRs cross-linked with hexamethylenediisocyanate (HMDI) in DMSO. The viscoelastic properties of the gels were monitored in situ by small-amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) rheology, enabling us to estimate the activation barrier and rate law for cross-linking while mapping experimental parameters to kinetics and mechanical properties. Gelation time, gel point, and final gel elasticity depend on cross-linker concentration, but polyrotaxane concentration only affects gelation time and elasticity (not gel point), while temperature only affects gelation time and gel point (not final elasticity). These measurements facilitate the rational design of slide-ring networks by simple parameter selection (temperature, cross-linker concentration, PR concentration, reaction time).more » « less
Ring-sliding behavior in polyrotaxanes imbues gels, elastomers, and glasses with remarkable stress-dissipation and actuation properties. Since these properties can be modulated and tuned by structural parameters, many efforts have been devoted to developing synthetic protocols that define the structures and properties of slide-ring materials. We introduce post-synthetic modifications of slide-ring gels derived from unmodified α-cyclodextrin and poly(ethylene glycol) polyrotaxanes that enable (i) actuation and control of the thermo-responsive lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior of ring-modified slide-ring hydrogels, and (ii) chemically bonding separate gels into hybrid or shape-reconfigured macro-structures with a slide-ring adhesive solution. The mechanical properties of the post-modified gels have been characterized by shear rheology and uniaxial tensile tests, while the corresponding xerogels were characterized by wide-angle X-ray scattering. These demonstrations show that post-synthetic modification offers a practical solution for re-configuring the properties and shapes of slide-ring gels.more » « less
Large scale synthesis of cycloparaphenyleneacetylenes has been challenging due to low macrocyclization yields and harsh aromatization methods that often decompose strained alkynes. Herein, a cis -stilbene-based building block is subjected to alkyne metathesis macrocylization. The following sequence of alkene-selective bromination and dehydrobromination afforded a [8]cycloparaphenyleneacetylene derivative in high yield with good scalability. X-Ray crystal structure and computational analysis revealed a unique same-rim conformation for the eight methyl groups on the nanohoop.more » « less