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One in three children globally is estimated to have blood lead levels (BLL) at or above the BLL reference value of 5 μg/dL with increased burden falling on low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Within developed countries, aqueous lead is the predominant exposure route. However, aqueous lead exposure is rarely examined in the LMIC, leaving a gap in the literature that ignores a potentially significant route of exposure. Furthermore, limited lead-based remediation efforts around consumer products have been examined. This study investigates the importance of lead exposure from the water supply through a case study in Toamasina, Madagascar. The project measured aqueous lead and BLL of children pre- and postremediation efforts (i.e., removal of leaded pump components in hand pumps) to verify the impact of aqueous lead exposure within this community. Removal of the leaded pump components (i.e., piston and foot valves) and replacement with nonleaded components decreased aqueous lead levels below the World Health Organization provisional guideline of 10 μg/L in all but 4% of pumps tested. Measured BLL concentrations indicated a statistically significant decrease in BLL from pre- to postremediation. Furthermore, the remediation resulted in a decrease in BLL for 87% of children with the greatest changes in BLL observed for children with the highest preremediation concentrations. These findings point to a need for greater consideration of lead in drinking and cooking waters as an important exposure route in LMIC.more » « less
One-third of children globally have blood lead levels (BLLs) exceeding the (former) US CDC reference value of 5 μg/dL; this value may be as high as one-half for children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Lead exposure occurs through a variety of routes (e.g., water, dust, air), and in LMICs specifically, informal economies (e.g., battery recycling) can drive lead exposures due, in part, to absent regulation. Previous work by our team identified a ubiquitous source of lead (Pb), in the form of Pb-containing components used in manually operated pumps, in Toamasina, Madagascar. Characterization of BLLs of children exposed to this drinking water, and identification of additional exposure routes were needed. BLLs were measured for 362 children (aged 6 months to 6 years) in parallel with surveying to assess 14 risk factors related to demographics/socioeconomics, diet, use of pitcher pumps, and parental occupations. BLL data were also compared against a recent meta-review of BLLs for LMICs. Median childhood BLL (7.1 μg/dL) was consistent with those of other Sub-Saharan African LMICs (6.8 μg/dL) and generally higher than LMICs in other continents. Risk factors significantly associated (p < 0.05, univariate logistic regression) with elevated BLL (at ≥ 5 μg/dL) included male gender, living near a railway or major roadway (owing potentially to legacy lead pollution), having lower-cost flooring, daily consumption of foods (beans, vegetables, rice) commonly cooked in recycled aluminum pots (a previously identified lead source for this community), and a maternal occupation (laundry-person) associated with lower socioeconomic status (SES). Findings were similar at the ≥ 10 μg/dL BLL status. Our methods and findings may be appropriate in identifying and reducing lead exposures for children in other urbanizing cities, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, where lead exposure routes are complex and varied owing to informal economics and substantial legacy pollution.more » « less
Lead (Pb) exposure through water contamination is an important issue at the intersection of public health and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Behavior-change programs designed to address this pressing problem rarely take a behavioral-science-informed approach, nor do they consider the role of intermediate players who often influence and support behavior change. Social marketing segments the population and focuses on the consumer/user throughout program development and implementation. To illustrate the social marketing process, this cross-sectional, qualitative design study investigates the use of Pb in the construction and maintenance of household pitcher pumps for potable water in Madagascar. A sample of 18 technicians were interviewed on their current practices, motivators, barriers, and communication channels for knowledge exchange. The results reveal the importance of peers, those considered experts or “market mavens”, and the need for information on the dangers of Pb as an outdated practice for any future intervention. This study advances the notion of a design shift within engineering WASH projects, whereby social/behavioral approaches are used to consider the needs, concerns, and current behaviors of the consumer. We also advocate for engaging intermediate players who often influence behavior change in the rollout of an engineering innovation.more » « less