Supra‐permafrost submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the Arctic is potentially important for coastal biogeochemistry and will likely increase over the coming decades owing to climate change. Despite this, land‐to‐ocean material fluxes via SGD in Arctic environments have seldom been quantified. This study used radium (Ra) isotopes to quantify SGD fluxes to an Arctic coastal lagoon (Simpson Lagoon, Alaska) during five sampling periods between 2021 and 2023. Using a Ra mass balance model, we found that the SGD water flux was substantial and dependent on environmental conditions. No measurable SGD was detected during the spring sampling period (June 2022), when the lagoon was partially ice‐covered. During ice‐free periods, the main driver of SGD in this location is wind‐driven lagoon water level changes, not tides, which control surface water recirculation through sediments along the lagoon boundary. A combination of wind strength and direction led to low SGD fluxes in July 2022, with an SGD flux of (6 ± 3) × 106 m3 d−1, moderate fluxes in August 2021 and July 2023, which had an average flux of (17 ± 9) × 106 m3 d−1, and high fluxes in October 2022, at (79 ± 16) × 106 m3 d−1. This work demonstrates how soil and environmental conditions in the Arctic impact Ra mobilization, laying a foundation for future SGD studies in the Arctic and shedding light on the major processes driving Ra fluxes in this important environment.
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025 -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 31, 2025
Supra-permafrost submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the Arctic is poorly understood, yet has the potential to increase over the coming decades due to climate change. This study uses radium (Ra) isotopes to investigate this process by constraining seasonal SGD inputs to an Arctic coastal lagoon (Simpson Lagoon, AK). Within this dataset are 224Ra, 223Ra, 228Ra, and 226Ra activities for surface water samples (lagoon, rivers) and groundwater samples across three seasons: thaw (June 2022), open water (August 2021 and July 2022), and freeze up (September/October 2022). Experimentally determined valued for Ra desorption from riverine suspended sediments and diffusive fluxes from bottom sediments are also included.more » « less
Determination of alkali elements is important to Earth scientists, yet suitable and reliable microanalytical reference materials are lacking. This paper proposes a new albite reference material and evaluates the potential for future K‐feldspar reference materials. The proposed Piz Beverin albite reference material from Switzerland yields a homogeneous composition at the centimetre‐ to micrometre‐scale for Si, Al and Na with < 2000 μg g‐1total trace elements (mostly heterogeneously distributed Ca, K and Sr). EPMA and LA‐ICP‐MS measurements confirm a composition of 99.5(2)% albite component, which is supported further by bulk XRF measurements. A round robin evaluation involving nine independent EPMA laboratories confirms its composition and homogeneity for Si, Al and Na. In addition, a set of five distinct clear K‐feldspar samples was evaluated as possible reference materials. The first two crystals of adular and orthoclase yield unacceptable inhomogeneities with > 2% relative local variations of Na, K and Ba contents. The three other investigated sets of K‐feldspar crystals are yellow sanidine crystals from Itrongay (Madagascar). Despite distinct compositions, EPMA confirms they are each homogeneous at the centimetre to micrometre scale for Si, Al and K and have no apparent inclusions; further investigation to find larger amounts of these materials is therefore justified.
Abstract Radium isotopes have been used to trace nutrient, carbon, and trace metal fluxes inputs from ocean margins. However, these approaches require a full accounting of radium sources to the coastal ocean including rivers. Here, we aim to quantify river radium inputs into the Arctic Ocean for the first time for226Ra and to refine the estimates for228Ra. Using new and existing data, we find that the estimated combined (dissolved plus desorbed) annual226Ra and228Ra fluxes to the Arctic Ocean are [7.0–9.4] × 1014dpm y−1and [15–18] × 1014dpm y−1, respectively. Of these totals, 44% and 60% of the river226Ra and228Ra, respectively are from suspended sediment desorption, which were estimated from laboratory incubation experiments. Using Ra isotope data from 20 major rivers around the world, we derived global annual226Ra and228Ra fluxes of [7.4–17] × 1015and [15–27] × 1015dpm y−1, respectively. As climate change spurs rapid Arctic warming, hydrological cycles are intensifying and coastal ice cover and permafrost are diminishing. These river radium inputs to the Arctic Ocean will serve as a valuable baseline as we attempt to understand the changes that warming temperatures are having on fluxes of biogeochemically important elements to the Arctic coastal zone.