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Abstract Superradiance occurs in quantum optics when the emission rate of photons from multiple atoms is enhanced by inter-atom interactions. When the distance between two atoms is comparable to the emission wavelength, the atoms become entangled and their emission rate varies sinusoidally with their separation distance due to quantum interference. We here explore a theoretical model of pilot-wave hydrodynamics, wherein droplets self-propel on the surface of a vibrating bath. When a droplet is confined to a pair of hydrodynamic cavities between which it may transition unpredictably, in certain instances the system constitutes a two-level system with well-defined ground and excited states. When two such two-level systems are coupled through an intervening cavity, the probability of transition between states may be enhanced or diminished owing to the wave-mediated influence of its neighbour. Moreover, the tunneling probability varies sinusoidally with the coupling-cavity length. We thus establish a classical analog of quantum superradiance.more » « less
We present the results of a theoretical investigation of the stability and collective vibrations of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic lattice comprised of millimetric droplets bouncing on the surface of a vibrating liquid bath. We derive the linearized equations of motion describing the dynamics of a generic Bravais lattice, as encompasses all possible tilings of parallelograms in an infinite plane-filling array. Focusing on square and triangular lattice geometries, we demonstrate that for relatively low driving accelerations of the bath, only a subset of inter-drop spacings exist for which stable lattices may be achieved. The range of stable spacings is prescribed by the structure of the underlying wavefield. As the driving acceleration is increased progressively, the initially stationary lattices destabilize into coherent oscillatory motion. Our analysis yields both the instability threshold and the wavevector and polarization of the most unstable vibrational mode. The non-Markovian nature of the droplet dynamics renders the stability analysis of the hydrodynamic lattice more rich and subtle than that of its solid state counterpart.more » « less
null (Ed.)We present the results of a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the stability of rings of millimetric droplets bouncing on the surface of a vibrating liquid bath. As the bath's vibrational acceleration is increased progressively, droplet rings are found to destabilize into a rich variety of dynamical states including steady rotational motion, periodic radial or azimuthal oscillations and azimuthal travelling waves. The instability observed is dependent on the ring's initial radius and drop number, and whether the drops are bouncing in- or out-of-phase relative to their neighbours. As the vibrational acceleration is further increased, more exotic dynamics emerges, including quasi-periodic motion and rearrangement into regular polygonal structures. Linear stability analysis and simulation of the rings based on the theoretical model of Couchman et al. ( J. Fluid Mech. , vol. 871, 2019, pp. 212–243) largely reproduce the observed behaviour. We demonstrate that the wave amplitude beneath each drop has a significant influence on the stability of the multi-droplet structures: the system seeks to minimize the mean wave amplitude beneath the drops at impact. Our work provides insight into the complex interactions and collective motions that arise in bouncing-droplet aggregates.more » « less
We present the results of a theoretical investigation of a dynamical system consisting of a particle self-propelling through a resonant interaction with its own quasi-monochromatic pilot-wave field. We rationalize two distinct mechanisms, arising in different regions of parameter space, that may lead to a wavelike statistical signature with the pilot-wavelength. First, resonant speed oscillations with the wavelength of the guiding wave may arise when the particle is perturbed from its steady self-propelling state. Second, a random-walk-like motion may set in when the decay rate of the pilot-wave field is sufficiently small. The implications for the emergent statistics in classical pilot-wave systems are discussed.more » « less