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  1. Lamberg, T. (Ed.)
    Our paper details the ways teachers understand and navigate equity-oriented dilemmas (Berlak & Berlak, 1981) when teaching mathematical modeling and how mathematics teacher educators can support teachers’ learning of culturally responsive mathematics teaching. Using Zavala and Aguirre’s (in press) framework for culturally responsive mathematics teaching, we explored the ways teachers describe and frame their choices when faced with dilemmas. Findings revealed that teachers identified dilemmas with Rigor and Support most often, followed by Knowledges and Identities. Dilemmas related to Power and Participation occurred far less frequently. Implications for teacher professional development are discussed. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  2. Lamberg, T. (Ed.)
    There is growing recognition that mathematical modeling can be a lever for equity in elementary mathematics classrooms. This study focuses on the impact of a professional development program focused on culturally responsive mathematical modeling on 8 kindergarten through 2nd grade teachers’ practices in modeling lessons. We use a project developed observation tool to evaluate two video recorded modeling lessons from each teacher (16 total). Findings focus on patterns in the strengths and challenges in primary grade teachers’ practices for teaching modeling, including how teachers’ practices align with culturally responsive teaching. We discuss implications of our findings for the design and refinement of professional development. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  3. Lamberg, T. (Ed.)
  4. Lamberg, T. ; Moss, D. (Ed.)
  5. Lamberg, T ; Moss, Diana (Ed.)
  6. Lischka, A ; Dyer, E. ; Jones, R. ; Lovett, J. ; Strayer, J ; Drown, S. (Ed.)
  7. Lischka, A ; Dyer, E ; Jones, R ; Lovett, J. ; Strayer, J. ; Drown, S. (Ed.)
  8. A. Lischka, E. Dyer (Ed.)
    This theoretical paper describes how Community-based Mathematical Modeling can advance equity and cultivate civic empathy in elementary school settings. We provide a framework for community-based mathematical modeling instruction consisting of five goals: facilitating connections, fostering engagement, promoting rigor, cultivating civic empathy, and elevating justice. We illustrate how these goals work together to advance equity and cultivate civic empathy through classroom vignettes of community-based modeling lessons. Through this theoretical synthesis, implications for community-based mathematical modeling instruction will be discussed. 
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  9. Lischka, A ; Dyer, E ; Jones, R ; Lovett, J. ; Strayer, J ; Drown, S. (Ed.)
  10. We present a drift-diffusion and Poisson solver using a finite-element method to study carrier dynamics under ultra-high solar concentration. By modeling the carrier densities and the electric potential in quasi steady-state and dynamic conditions, we can use the splitting of the quasi-Fermi levels to model electrical properties such as open-circuit voltage. In this work, we analyze the validity of previously used approximations on open-circuit voltage and the effects of increasing optical carrier densities on small band gap solar cells. Graded mesh refinement is implemented to improve runtime. Ultimately, we show a change in the carrier profiles that may lead to detrimental charge carrier extraction. 
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