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  1. null (Ed.)
  2. null (Ed.)
    The iASSIST is an iPhone-based assistive sensor solution for independent and safe travel for people who are blind or visually impaired, or those who simply face challenges in navigating an unfamiliar indoor environment. The solution integrates information of Bluetooth beacons, data connectivity, visual models, and user preferences. Hybrid models of interiors are created in a modeling stage with these multimodal data, collected, and mapped to the floor plan as the modeler walks through the building. Client-server architecture allows scaling to large areas by lazy-loading models according to beacon signals and/or adjacent region proximity. During the navigation stage, a user with the navigation app is localized within the floor plan, using visual, connectivity, and user preference data, along an optimal route to their destination. User interfaces for both modeling and navigation use multimedia channels, including visual, audio, and haptic feedback for targeted users. The design of human subject test experiments is also described, in addition to some preliminary experimental results. 
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  3. Accurate indoor positioning has attracted a lot of attention for a variety of indoor location-based applications, with the rapid development of mobile devices and their onboard sensors. A hybrid indoor localization method is proposed based on single off-the-shelf smartphone, which takes advantage of its various onboard sensors, including camera, gyroscope and accelerometer. The proposed approach integrates three components: visual-inertial odometry (VIO), point-based area mapping, and plane-based area mapping. A simplified RANSAC strategy is employed in plane matching for the sake of processing time. Since Apple's augmented reality platform ARKit has many powerful high-level APIs on world tracking, plane detection and 3D modeling, a practical smartphone app for indoor localization is developed on an iPhone that can run ARKit. Experimental results demonstrate that our plane-based method can achieve an accuracy of about 0.3 meter, which is based on a much more lightweight model, but achieves more accurate results than the point-based model by directly using ARKit's area mapping. The size of the plane-based model is less than 2KB for a closed-loop corridor area of about 45m*15m, comparing to about 10MB of the point-based model. 
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