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Creators/Authors contains: "Chen, Haonan"

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  1. Abstract

    Urban areas are known to modify the spatial pattern of precipitation climatology. Existing observational evidence suggests that precipitation can be enhanced downwind of a city. Among the proposed mechanisms, the thermodynamic and aerodynamic processes in the urban lower atmosphere interact with the meteorological conditions and can play a key role in determining the resulting precipitation patterns. In addition, these processes are influenced by urban form, such as the impervious surface extent. This study aims to unravel how different urban forms impact the spatial patterns of precipitation climatology under different meteorological conditions. We use the Multi‐Radar Multi‐Sensor quantitative precipitation estimation data products and analyze the hourly precipitation maps for 27 selected cities across the continental United States from the years 2015–2021 summer months. Results show that about 80% of the studied cities exhibit a statistically significant downwind enhancement of precipitation. Additionally, we find that the precipitation pattern tends to be more spatially clustered in intensity under higher wind speed; the location of radial precipitation maxima is located closer to the city center under low background winds but shifts downwind under high wind conditions. The magnitude of downwind precipitation enhancement is highly dependent on wind directions and is positively correlated with the city size for the south, southwest, and west directions. This study presents observational evidence through a cross‐city analysis that the urban precipitation pattern can be influenced by the urban modification of atmospheric processes, providing insight into the mechanistic link between future urban land‐use change and hydroclimates.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Machine learning‐based approaches demonstrate a significant potential in radar quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) applications. In contrast to conventional methods that depend on local raindrop size distributions, deep learning (DL) can establish an effective mapping from three‐dimensional radar observations to ground rain rates. However, the lack of transparency in DL models poses challenges toward understanding the underlying physical mechanisms that drive their outcomes. This study aims to develop a DL‐based QPE system and provide a physical explanation of radar precipitation estimation process. This research is designed by employing a deep neural network consisting of two modules. The first module is a quantitative precipitation estimation network that has the capability to learn precipitation patterns and spatial distribution from multidimensional polarimetric radar observations. The second module introduces a quantitative precipitation estimation shapley additive explanations method to quantify the influence of each radar observable on the model estimate across various precipitation intensities.

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  3. Real-time and accurate precipitation estimation is critical for environmental protection and water resources management. Compared to traditional methods, i.e., radar reflectivity (Z) and rainfall rate (R) relations, relying on local raindrop size distributions, the deep learning model can fit the functional relationship between radar observations and rainfall rate measurements. However, the black-box nature of deep learning models makes it difficult to explain the physical mechanisms behind their results. To address this problem, this study proposes DQPENet, a deep learning model for polarimetric radar QPE utilizing dense blocks. We employ a permutation test to understand the relative importance of different radar data input variables. Additionally, we propose a regression importance value (RIV) method for the precipitation estimation task to visualize feature importance regions. Our experimental results show that radar reflectivity and specific differential phase at the lowest elevation angle are the two most important observables for the model’s precipitation estimation. Furthermore, we find that radar data closer to the rain gauge are more influential on the model’s results, indicating that the deep learning model is able to capture the underlying physical mechanism of atmospheric data. 
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  4. The task of nowcasting by deep learning using multivariate, rather than just reflectivity, is limited by poor interpretability. The previous experiment designed MCT (Multivariate Channel Transformer), a deep learning model capable of nowcasting with dual-polarization radar data. Four analytical methods are designed to further explore the contribution of polarization parameters: (i) Case studies of different meteorological processes. (ii) A permutation test ranking the significance of each variable. (iii) Visualization of the feature maps obtained by forward propagation of the input data. (iv) Data downscaling of polarimetric radar data. The results show that the polarization parameters serve as a guide to predict the location and shape of strong reflectivity, as well as the energy retention of strong echoes at 40-50 dBZ. The contributions of Zdr and Kdp are more evident in the prediction results after 30 min, and the importance of Kdp exceeds that of Zdr in case of strong convective weather. 
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  5. Research on nowcasting through dual-polarization weather radar data using deep learning approach is rare but worth exploring. This paper lightens a previous work, the MCT (Multivariate Channel Transformer) model, which leads to the design of the MSF (Multivariate Swin Fusion) model. The commonalities between the two are as follows: on one hand, both fuses several dual-polarization observables including reflectivity (Z), specific differential phase (Kdp ), and differential reflectivity (Zdr ) to more comprehensively consider meteorological particle features; on the other hand, they introduces the attention mechanism to more fully fuse multi-frame, multi-variate, and multi-scale features. In the experimental evaluation, this study first selects observation data from KMLB radar in FL, USA, and uses traditional optical flow method, deep learning TrajGRU method, etc. as controls. The results show that both MCT and MSF perform better than the control, and the 60min forecast scores of both are 8.78/9.31 for RMSE and 0.46/0.18/0.07 for CSI (20/35/45dBZ), and this conclusion is verified by case study. Further, the role of the attention mechanism is verified by ablation experiments. 
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  6. Accurate precipitation retrieval using satellite sensors is still challenging due to the limitations on spatio-temporal sampling of the applied parametric retrieval algorithms. In this research, we propose a deep learning framework for precipitation retrieval using the observations from Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), and Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) on GOES-R satellite series. In particular, two deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models are designed to detect and estimate the precipitation using the cloud-top brightness temperature from ABI and lightning flash rate from GLM. The precipitation estimates from the ground-based Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system are used as the target labels in the training phase. The experimental results show that in the testing phase, the proposed framework offers more accurate precipitation estimates than the current operational Rainfall Rate Quantitative Precipitation Estimate (RRQPE) product from GOES-R. 
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  7. Missing or low-quality data regions usually happen to weather radars. One of the most common situations is beam blockage or partial beam blockage. Therefore, correction of weather radar observations that are partially or fully blocked is an indispensable step in radar data quality control and subsequent quantitative applications, especially in complex terrain environments such as the western United States. In this article, we propose a deep learning framework based on generative adversarial networks (GANs) for restoring partial beam blockage regions in polarimetric radar observations using local and global contextual information. Due to the diverse precipitation types, blockage conditions, and ground information in different areas, two radars deployed in two different regions characterized by different precipitation types are used to demonstrate the proposed methodology. Both are S-band operational Weather Surveillance Radar – 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D): KFWS located in Fort Worth, northern Texas, and KDAX located in Davis, northern California. For training the GAN model, this article simulates the partial beam blockage situations by manually cropping observation sectors of both KDAX and KFWS radar data. The trained models were tested using independent precipitation events in Texas and California to demonstrate the model effectiveness in inpainting “missing” data. In addition, this paper cross-tested the data with different precipitation features to examine the generalization capacity of the beam blockage correction models. The beam blockage correction performance is also compared with a traditional linear interpolation approach. The results show that for both domains the continuity of precipitation observations is greatly improved after applying the deep learning based inpainting approach. For the KFWS test data, some visible discrepancies exist between the results from models trained based on convective and stratiform precipitation events in Texas and California, respectively, yet both models outperform the traditional interpolation method. For the KDAX test data, both the model trained using the KFWS data from convective precipitation events in Texas and the model trained using KDAX data from stratiform precipitation events in California render a similar performance. Although ground truth is not available for the real blocked radar data, the repaired observations demonstrated a great potential for improved quantitative applications. 
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  8. Accurate estimation of surface precipitation with high spatial and temporal resolution is critical for decision making regarding severe weather and water resources management. Polarimetric weather radar is the main operational instrument used for quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE). However, conventional parametric radar QPE algorithms such as the radar reflectivity (Z) and rain rate (R) relations cannot fully represent clouds and precipitation dynamics due to their dependency on local raindrop size distributions and the inherent parameterization errors. This article develops four deep learning (DL) models for polarimetric radar QPE (i.e., RQPENetD1, RQPENetD2, RQPENetV, RQPENetR) using different core building blocks. In particular, multi-dimensional polarimetric radar observations are utilized as input and surface gauge measurements are used as training labels. The feasibility and performance of these DL models are demonstrated and quantified using U.S. Weather Surveillance Radar - 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) observations near Melbourne, Florida. The experimental results show that the dense blocks-based models (i.e., RQPENetD1 and RQPENetD2) have better performance than residual blocks, RepVGG blocks-based models (i.e., RQPENetR and RQPENetV) and five traditional Z-R relations. RQPENetD1 has the best quantitative performance scores, with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.58 mm, root mean squared error (RMSE) of 2.68 mm, normalized standard error (NSE) of 26%, and correlation of 0.92 for hourly rainfall estimates using independent rain gauge data as references. These results suggest that deep learning performs well in mapping the connection between polarimetric radar observations aloft and surface rainfall. 
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  9. Satellite sensors have been widely used for precipitation retrieval, and a number of precipitation retrieval algorithms have been developed using observations from various satellite sensors. The current operational rainfall rate quantitative precipitation estimate (RRQPE) product from the geostationary operational environmental satellite (GOES) offers full disk rainfall rate estimates based on the observations from the advanced baseline imager (ABI) aboard the GOES-R series. However, accurate precipitation retrieval using satellite sensors is still challenging due to the limitations on spatio-temporal sampling of the satellite sensors and/or the uncertainty associated with the applied parametric retrieval algorithms. In this article, we propose a deep learning framework for precipitation retrieval using the combined observations from the ABI and geostationary lightning mapper (GLM) on the GOES-R series to improve the current operational RRQPE product. Particularly, the proposed deep learning framework is composed of two deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that are designed for precipitation detection and quantification. The cloud-top brightness temperature from multiple ABI channels and the lightning flash rate from the GLM measurement are used as inputs to the deep learning framework. To train the designed CNNs, the precipitation product multiradar multi-sensor (MRMS) system from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is used as target labels to optimize the network parameters. The experimental results show that the precipitation retrieval performance of the proposed framework is superior to the currently operational GOES RRQPE product in the selected study domain, and the performance is dramatically enhanced after incorporating the lightning data into the deep learning model. Using the independent MRMS product as a reference, the deep learning model can reduce the retrieval uncertainty in the operational RRQPE product by at least 31% in terms of the mean squared error and normalized mean absolute error, and the improvement is more significant in moderate to heavy rain regions. Therefore, the proposed deep learning framework can potentially serve as an alternative approach for GOES precipitation retrievals. 
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  10. Abstract

    Tornadoes, as highly destructive weather events, require accurate detection for effective decision‐making. Traditional radar‐based tornado detection algorithms (TDA) face challenges with limited tornado feature extraction capabilities, leading to high false alarm rates and low detection probabilities. This study introduces the Multi‐Task Identification Network (MTI‐Net), leveraging Doppler radar data to enhance tornado recognition. MTI‐Net integrates tornado detection and estimation tasks to acquire comprehensive spatial and locational information. As part of MTI‐Net, we introduce a novel backbone network of Multi‐Head Convolutional Block (MHCB), which incorporates Spatial and Channel Attention Units (SAU and CAU). SAU optimizes local tornado feature extraction, while CAU reduces false alarms by enhancing dependencies among input variables. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of MTI‐Net over TDA, with a decrease in false alarm rates from 0.94 to 0.46 and an increase in hit rates from 0.23 to 0.81, highlighting the effectiveness of MTI‐Net in handling small‐scale tornado events.

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