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Recently, researches related to unsupervised disentanglement learning with deep generative models have gained substantial popularity. However, without introducing supervision, there is no guarantee that the factors of interest can be successfully recovered (Locatello et al. 2018). Motivated by a real-world problem, we propose a setting where the user introduces weak supervision by providing similarities between instances based on a factor to be disentangled. The similarity is provided as either a binary (yes/no) or real-valued label describing whether a pair of instances are similar or not. We propose a new method for weakly supervised disentanglement of latent variables within the framework of Variational Autoencoder. Experimental results demonstrate that utilizing weak supervision improves the performance of the disentanglement method substantially.more » « less
The majority of state-of-the-art deep learning methods are discriminative approaches, which model the conditional distribution of labels given inputs features. The success of such approaches heavily depends on high-quality labeled instances, which are not easy to obtain, especially as the number of candidate classes increases. In this paper, we study the complementary learning problem. Unlike ordinary labels, complementary labels are easy to obtain because an annotator only needs to provide a yes/no answer to a randomly chosen candidate class for each instance. We propose a generative-discriminative complementary learning method that estimates the ordinary labels by modeling both the conditional (discriminative) and instance (generative) distributions. Our method, we call Complementary Conditional GAN (CCGAN), improves the accuracy of predicting ordinary labels and is able to generate high-quality instances in spite of weak supervision. In addition to the extensive empirical studies, we also theoretically show that our model can retrieve the true conditional distribution from the complementarily-labeled data.more » « less