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  1. Chin, WN ; Xu, Z (Ed.)
    Static typing and dynamic typing have respective strengths and weaknesses, and a language often commits to one typing discipline and inherits the qualities, good or bad. Gradual typing has been developed to reconcile these typing disciplines, allowing a single program to mix both static and dynamic typing. It protects soundness of typed regions with runtime checks when values flown into them do not have required static types. One issue with gradual typing is that such checks can incur significant performance overhead. Previous work on performance has focused on coarse-grained gradual typing where each module (file) has to be fully typed or untyped. In contrast, the performance of fine-grained gradual typing where each single parameter can be partially-typed (such as specifying the parameter as a list without giving element type) has not been investigated. Motivated by this situation, this paper systematically investigates performance of fine-grained gradual typing by studying the performance of more than 1 million programs. These programs are drawn from seven commonly-used benchmarks with different types for parameters: some parameters are untyped, some are statically typed, and others are partially statically typed. The paper observes many interesting phenomena that were previously unknown to the research community. They provide insights into future research directions of understanding, predicting, and optimizing gradual typing performance as well as migrating gradual programs towards more static 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 14, 2025
  2. Abstract

    We observed five clusters of upper‐level compact intracloud discharges (CIDs) moving positive charge up over land and over water in Florida. The clusters each contained 3 to 6 CIDs, and the overall cluster duration ranged from 27 to 58 s. On average, the CIDs in a given cluster occurred 11 s apart and were separated by a 3D distance of about 1.5 km. All the clustered CIDs were located above the tropopause and were likely associated with convective surges that penetrated the stratosphere. The average periodicity of CID occurrence within a cluster (every 11 s) was comparable to the periodicity at which the average cluster area is expected to be bombarded by ≥1016 eV cosmic‐ray particles (every 5 s). Each of such energetic particles gives rise to a cosmic ray shower (CRS) and, in the presence of sufficiently strong electric field over a sufficiently large distance, to a relativistic runaway electron avalanche (RREA). We infer that each of our upper‐level CIDs is likely to be caused by a CRS‐RREA traversing, at nearly the speed of light, the electrified overshooting convective surge and triggering, within a few microseconds, a multitude of streamer flashes along its path, over a distance of the order of hundreds of meters (as per the mechanism recently proposed for lightning initiation by Kostinskiy et al., 2020, The upper‐level CID clustering was likely made possible by the recurring action of energetic cosmic rays and the rapid recovery of the negative screening charge layer at stratospheric altitudes.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 28, 2025
  3. One way to personalize chatbot interactions is by establishing common ground with the intended reader. A domain where establishing mutual understanding could be particularly impactful is vaccine concerns and misinformation. Vaccine interventions are forms of messaging which aim to answer concerns expressed about vaccination. Tailoring responses in this domain is difficult, since opinions often have seemingly little ideological overlap. We define the task of tailoring vaccine interventions to a Common-Ground Opinion (CGO). Tailoring responses to a CGO involves meaningfully improving the answer by relating it to an opinion or belief the reader holds. In this paper we introduce Tailor-CGO, a dataset for evaluating how well responses are tailored to provided CGOs. We benchmark several major LLMs on this task; finding GPT-4-Turbo performs significantly better than others. We also build automatic evaluation metrics, including an efficient and accurate BERT model that outperforms finetuned LLMs, investigate how to successfully tailor vaccine messaging to CGOs, and provide actionable recommendations from this investigation. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  4. submitted - in Review for IEEE ICASSP-2024) (Ed.)
    The Fearless Steps Apollo (FS-APOLLO) resource is a collection of over 150,000 hours of audio, associated meta-data, and supplemental technological toolkit intended to benefit the (i) speech processing technology, (ii) communication science, team-based psychology, and history, and (iii) education/STEM, preservation/archival communities. The FSAPOLLO initiative which started in 2014 has since resulted in the preservation of over 75,000 hours of NASA Apollo Missions audio. Systems created for this audio collection have led to the emergence of several new Speech and Language Technologies (SLT). This paper seeks to provide an overview of the latest advancements in the FS-Apollo effort and explore upcoming strategies in big-data deployment, outreach, and novel avenues of K-12 and STEM education facilitated through this resource. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 16, 2025
  5. We report on a nano-infrared (IR) imaging and spectroscopy study of epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide (SiC) by using scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM). With nano-IR imaging, we reveal in real space microscopic domains with distinct IR contrasts. By analyzing the nano-IR, atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy imaging data, we conclude that the imaged domains correspond to single-layer graphene, bilayer graphene (BLG), and higher-doped BLG. With nano-IR spectroscopy, we find that graphene can screen the SiC phonon resonance, and the screening is stronger at more conductive sample regions. Our work offers insights into the rich surface properties of epitaxial graphene and demonstrates s-SNOM as an efficient and effective tool in characterizing graphene and possibly other two-dimensional materials.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 18, 2025
  6. The low-electron flux variability (increase/decrease) in the Earth’s radiation belts could cause low-energy Electron Precipitation (EP) to the atmosphere over auroral and South American Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) regions. This EP into the atmosphere can cause an extra upper atmosphere’s ionization, forming the auroral-type sporadic E layers (Esa) over these regions. The dynamic mechanisms responsible for developing this Esa layer over the auroral region have been established in the literature since the 1960s. In contrast, there are several open questions over the SAMA region, principally due to the absence (or contamination) of the inner radiation belt and EP parameter measurements over this region. Generally, the Esa layer is detected under the influence of geomagnetic storms during the recovery phase, associated with solar wind structures, in which the time duration over the auroral region is considerably greater than the time duration over the SAMA region. The inner radiation belt’s dynamic is investigated during a High-speed Solar wind Stream (September 24-25, 2017), and the hiss wave-particle interactions are the main dynamic mechanism able to trigger the Esa layer’s generation outside the auroral oval. This result is compared with the dynamic mechanisms that can cause particle precipitation in the auroral region, showing that each region presents different physical mechanisms. Additionally, the difference between the time duration of the hiss wave activities and the Esa layers is discussed, highlighting other ingredients mandatory to generate the Esa layer in the SAMA region.

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