Advanced treated municipal wastewater is an important alternative water source for agricultural irrigation. However, the possible persistence of chemical and microbiological contaminants in these waters raise potential safety concerns with regard to reusing treated wastewater for food crop irrigation. Two low-cost and environmentally-friendly filter media, biochar (BC) and zero-valent iron (ZVI), have attracted great interest in terms of treating reused water. Here, we evaluated the efficacy of BC-, nanosilver-amended biochar- (Ag-BC) and ZVI-sand filters, in reducing contaminants of emerging concern (CECs),
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Chiu, Pei C. (2)
Kniel, Kalmia E. (2)
Sharma, Manan (2)
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Craddock, Hillary A. (1)
East, Cheryl L. (1)
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Sapkota, Amy Rebecca (1)
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Abstract Escherichia coli (E. coli) and total bacterial diversity from wastewater effluent. Six experiments were conducted with control quartz sand and sand columns containing BC, Ag-BC, ZVI, BC with ZVI, or Ag-BC with ZVI. After filtration, Ag-BC, ZVI, BC with ZVI and Ag-BC with ZVI demonstrated more than 90% (> 1 log) removal ofE. coli from wastewater samples, while BC, Ag-BC, BC with ZVI and Ag-BC with ZVI also demonstrated efficient removal of tested CECs. Lower bacterial diversity was also observed after filtration; however, differences were marginally significant. In addition, significantly (p < 0.05) higher bacterial diversity was observed in wastewater samples collected during warmer versus colder months. Leaching of silver ions occurred from Ag-BC columns; however, this was prevented through the addition of ZVI. In conclusion, our data suggest that the BC with ZVI and Ag-BC with ZVI sand filters, which demonstrated more than 99% removal of both CECs andE. coli without silver ion release, may be effective, low-cost options for decentralized treatment of reused wastewater.Graphical Abstract -
Kim, Seongyun ; Eckart, Katherine ; Sabet, Sarah ; Chiu, Pei C. ; Sapkota, Amy Rebecca ; Handy, Eric T. ; East, Cheryl L. ; Kniel, Kalmia E. ; Sharma, Manan ( , Water)Improving the microbial quality of agricultural water through filtration can benefit small farms globally. The incorporation of zero-valent iron (ZVI) into sand filters (ZVI–sand) has been effective in reducing E. coli, Listeria spp., and viruses from agricultural water. This study evaluated ZVI–sand filtration in reducing E. coli levels based on influent water type and the percentage of ZVI in sand filters. A ZVI–sand filter (50% ZVI/50% sand) significantly (p < 0.001) reduced E. coli levels in deionized water by more than 1.5 log CFU/mL compared to pond water over six separate trials, indicating that water type impacts E. coli removal. Overall reductions in E. coli in deionized water and pond water were 98.8 ± 1.7% and 63 ± 24.0% (mean ± standard deviation), respectively. Filters constructed from 50% ZVI/50% sand showed slightly more reduction in E. coli in pond water than filters made from a composition of 35% ZVI/65% sand; however, the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.48). Principal component analysis identified that the turbidity and conductivity of influent water affected E. coli reductions in filtered water in this study. ZVI–sand filtration reduces Escherichia coli levels more effectively in waters that contain low turbidity values.more » « less