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ABSTRACT Cross-correlation between weak lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and weak lensing of galaxies offers a way to place robust constraints on cosmological and astrophysical parameters with reduced sensitivity to certain systematic effects affecting individual surveys. We measure the angular cross-power spectrum between the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) DR4 CMB lensing and the galaxy weak lensing measured by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Y3 data. Our baseline analysis uses the CMB convergence map derived from ACT-DR4 and Planck data, where most of the contamination due to the thermal Sunyaev Zel’dovich effect is removed, thus avoiding important systematics in the cross-correlation. In our modelling, we consider the nuisance parameters of the photometric uncertainty, multiplicative shear bias and intrinsic alignment of galaxies. The resulting cross-power spectrum has a signal-to-noise ratio = 7.1 and passes a set of null tests. We use it to infer the amplitude of the fluctuations in the matter distribution (S8 ≡ σ8(Ωm/0.3)0.5 = 0.782 ± 0.059) with informative but well-motivated priors on the nuisance parameters. We also investigate the validity of these priors by significantly relaxing them and checking the consistency of the resulting posteriors, finding them consistent, albeit only with relatively weak constraints. This cross-correlation measurement will improve significantly with the new ACT-DR6 lensing map and form a key component of the joint 6×2pt analysis between DES and ACT.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025
A bstract We report a search for the charged-lepton flavor violation in Υ(2
S ) →ℓ ∓τ ± (ℓ =e, μ ) decays using a 25 fb− 1Υ(2S ) sample collected by the Belle detector at the KEKBe +e − asymmetric-energy collider. We find no evidence for a signal and set upper limits on the branching fractions ( ) at 90% confidence level. We obtain the most stringent upper limits:$$ \mathcal{B} $$ (Υ(2$$ \mathcal{B} $$ S )→ μ ∓τ ± )< 0. 23× 10− 6and (Υ(2$$ \mathcal{B} $$ S )→ e ∓τ ± )< 1. 12× 10− 6.Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025 -
We measure the branching fraction of the decayusing data collected with the Belle II detector. The data contain 387 millionpairs produced incollisions at theresonance. We reconstructdecays from an analysis of the distributions of theenergy and thehelicity angle. We determine the branching fraction to be, in agreement with previous results. Our measurement improves the relative precision of the world average by more than a factor of two.
Published by the American Physical Society 2024 Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025