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Creators/Authors contains: "Churavy, Valentin"

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  1. Automatic differentiation (AutoDiff) in machine learning is largely restricted to expressions used for neural networks (NN), with the depth rarely exceeding a few tens of layers. Compared to NN, numerical simulations typically involve iterative algorithms like time steppers that lead to millions of iterations. Even for modest-sized models, this may yield infeasible memory requirements when applying the adjoint method, also called backpropagation, to time-dependent problems. In this situation, checkpointing algorithms provide a trade-off between recomputation and storage. This paper presents the package Checkpointing.jl that leverages expression transformations in the programming language Julia and the package ChainRules.jl to automatically and transparently transform loop iterations into differentiated loops. The user may choose between various checkpointing algorithm schemes and storage devices. We describe the unique design of Checkpointing.jl and demonstrate its features on an automatically differentiated MPI implementation of Burgers’ equation on the Polaris cluster at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility. 
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  2. Derivatives are key to numerous science, engineering, and machine learning applications. While existing tools generate derivatives of programs in a single language, modern parallel applications combine a set of frameworks and languages to leverage available performance and function in an evolving hardware landscape. We propose a scheme for differentiating arbitrary DAG-based parallelism that preserves scalability and efficiency, implemented into the LLVM-based Enzyme automatic differentiation framework. By integrating with a full-fledged compiler backend, Enzyme can differentiate numerous parallel frameworks and directly control code generation. Combined with its ability to differentiate any LLVM-based language, this flexibility permits Enzyme to leverage the compiler tool chain for parallel and differentiation-specific optimizations. We differentiate nine distinct versions of the LULESH and miniBUDE applications, written in different programming languages (C++, Julia) and parallel frameworks (OpenMP, MPI, RAJA, Julia tasks, MPI.jl), demonstrating similar scalability to the original program. On benchmarks with 64 threads or nodes, we find a differentiation overhead of 3.4 - 6.8× on C++ and 5.4 - 12.5× on Julia. 
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  3. MPI.jl is a Julia package for using the Message Passing Interface (MPI), a standardized and widely-supported communication interface for distributed computing, with multiple open source and proprietary implementations. It roughly follows the C MPI interface, with some additional conveniences afforded by the Julia language such as automatic handling of buffer lengths and datatypes. 
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  4. Abstract. We introduce ClimateMachine, a new open-source atmosphere modeling framework which uses the Julia language and is designed to be scalable on central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs). ClimateMachine uses a common framework both for coarser-resolution global simulations and for high-resolution, limited-area large-eddy simulations (LESs). Here, we demonstrate the LES configuration of the atmosphere model in canonical benchmark cases and atmospheric flows using a total energy-conserving nodal discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization of the governing equations. Resolution dependence, conservation characteristics, and scaling metrics are examined in comparison with existing LES codes. They demonstrate the utility of ClimateMachine as a modeling tool for limited-area LES flow configurations. 
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  5. Computing derivatives is key to many algorithms in scientific computing and machine learning such as optimization, uncertainty quantification, and stability analysis. Enzyme is a LLVM compiler plugin that performs reverse-mode automatic differentiation (AD) and thus generates high performance gradients of programs in languages including C/C++, Fortran, Julia, and Rust. Prior to this work, Enzyme and other AD tools were not capable of generating gradients of GPU kernels. Our paper presents a combination of novel techniques that make Enzyme the first fully automatic reversemode AD tool to generate gradients of GPU kernels. Since unlike other tools Enzyme performs automatic differentiation within a general-purpose compiler, we are able to introduce several novel GPU and AD-specific optimizations. To show the generality and efficiency of our approach, we compute gradients of five GPU-based HPC applications, executed on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. All benchmarks run within an order of magnitude of the original program's execution time. Without GPU and AD-specific optimizations, gradients of GPU kernels either fail to run from a lack of resources or have infeasible overhead. Finally, we demonstrate that increasing the problem size by either increasing the number of threads or increasing the work per thread, does not substantially impact the overhead from differentiation. 
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  6. Applying differentiable programming techniques and machine learning algorithms to foreign programs requires developers to either rewrite their code in a machine learning framework, or otherwise provide derivatives of the foreign code. This paper presents Enzyme, a high-performance automatic differentiation (AD) compiler plugin for the LLVM compiler framework capable of synthesizing gradients of statically analyzable programs expressed in the LLVM intermediate representation (IR). Enzyme synthesizes gradients for programs written in any language whose compiler targets LLVM IR including C, C++, Fortran, Julia, Rust, Swift, MLIR, etc., thereby providing native AD capabilities in these languages. Unlike traditional source-to-source and operator-overloading tools, Enzyme performs AD on optimized IR. On a machine-learning focused benchmark suite including Microsoft's ADBench, AD on optimized IR achieves a geometric mean speedup of 4.2 times over AD on IR before optimization allowing Enzyme to achieve state-of-the-art performance. Packaging Enzyme for PyTorch and TensorFlow provides convenient access to gradients of foreign code with state-of-the-art performance, enabling foreign code to be directly incorporated into existing machine learning workflows. 
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  7. null (Ed.)