Stellar spectral classification has been highly useful in the study of stars. While there is a currently accepted spectral classification system for carbon stars, the subset of hydrogen-deficient carbon (HdC) stars has not been well described by such a system, due predominantly to their rarity and their variability. Here we present the first system for the classification of HdCs based on their spectra, which is made wholly on their observable appearance. We use a combination of dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithms with human classification to create such a system with eight total classes corresponding to temperature, and an additional second axis corresponding to the carbon molecular band strength. We classify over half of the known sample of HdC stars using this, and roughly calibrate the temperatures of each class using their colours. Additionally, we express trends in the occurrence of certain spectral peculiarities such as the presence of hydrogen and lithium lines. We also present three previously unpublished spectra, report the discovery of two new Galactic dustless HdC stars, and additionally discuss one especially unique star that appears to border between the hottest HdCs and the coolest extreme helium stars.
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ABSTRACT A growing number of supernovae (SNe) are now known to exhibit evidence for significant interaction with a dense, pre-existing, circumstellar medium (CSM). SNe Ibn comprise one such class that can be characterized by both rapidly evolving light curves and persistent narrow He i lines. The origin of such a dense CSM in these systems remains a pressing question, specifically concerning the progenitor system and mass-loss mechanism. In this paper, we present multiwavelength data of the Type Ibn SN 2020nxt, including HST/STIS ultraviolet spectra. We fit the data with recently updated CMFGEN models designed to handle configurations for SNe Ibn. The UV coverage yields strong constraints on the energetics and, when combined with the CMFGEN models, offer new insight on potential progenitor systems. We find the most successful model is a ≲4 M⊙ helium star that lost its $\sim 1\, {\rm M}_\odot$ He-rich envelope in the years preceding core collapse. We also consider viable alternatives, such as a He white dwarf merger. Ultimately, we conclude at least some SNe Ibn do not arise from single, massive (>30 M⊙) Wolf–Rayet-like stars.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 6, 2025 -
Octo-Tiger is a code for modeling three-dimensional self-gravitating astrophysical fluids. It was particularly designed for the study of dynamical mass transfer between interacting binary stars. Octo-Tiger is parallelized for distributed systems using the asynchronous many-task runtime system, the C++ standard library for parallelism and concurrency (HPX) and utilizes CUDA for its gravity solver. Recently, we have remodeled Octo-Tiger’s hydro solver to use a three-dimensional reconstruction scheme. In addition, we have ported the hydro solver to GPU using CUDA kernels. We present scaling results for the new hydro kernels on ORNL’s Summit machine using a Sedov-Taylor blast wave problem. We also compare Octo-Tiger’s new hydro scheme with its old hydro scheme, using a rotating star as a test problem.more » « less
null (Ed.)ABSTRACT octo-tiger is an astrophysics code to simulate the evolution of self-gravitating and rotating systems of arbitrary geometry based on the fast multipole method, using adaptive mesh refinement. octo-tiger is currently optimized to simulate the merger of well-resolved stars that can be approximated by barotropic structures, such as white dwarfs (WDs) or main-sequence stars. The gravity solver conserves angular momentum to machine precision, thanks to a ‘correction’ algorithm. This code uses hpx parallelization, allowing the overlap of work and communication and leading to excellent scaling properties, allowing for the computation of large problems in reasonable wall-clock times. In this paper, we investigate the code performance and precision by running benchmarking tests. These include simple problems, such as the Sod shock tube, as well as sophisticated, full, WD binary simulations. Results are compared to analytical solutions, when known, and to other grid-based codes such as flash. We also compute the interaction between two WDs from the early mass transfer through to the merger and compare with past simulations of similar systems. We measure octo-tiger’s scaling properties up to a core count of ∼80 000, showing excellent performance for large problems. Finally, we outline the current and planned areas of development aimed at tackling a number of physical phenomena connected to observations of transients.more » « less
ABSTRACT The R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars are extremely hydrogen-deficient carbon stars that produce large amounts of dust, causing sudden deep declines in brightness. They are believed to be formed primarily through white dwarf mergers. In this paper, we use mesa to investigate how post-merger objects with a range of initial He-burning shell temperatures from 2.1 to 5.4 × 108 K with solar and subsolar metallicities evolve into RCB stars. The most successful model of these has subsolar metallicity and an initial temperature near 3 × 108 K. We find a strong dependence on initial He-burning shell temperature for surface abundances of elements involved in the CNO cycle, as well as differences in effective temperature and radius of RCBs. Elements involved in nucleosynthesis present around 1 dex diminished surface abundances in the 10 per cent solar metallicity models, with the exception of carbon and lithium that are discussed in detail. Models with subsolar metallicities also exhibit longer lifetimes than their solar counterparts. Additionally, we find that convective mixing of the burned material occurs only in the first few years of post-merger evolution, after which the surface abundances are constant during and after the RCB phase, providing evidence for why these stars show a strong enhancement of partial He-burning products.more » « less