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Abstract Trait-based frameworks are increasingly used for predicting how ecological communities respond to ongoing global change. As species range shifts result in novel encounters between predators and prey, identifying prey ‘guilds’, based on a suite of shared traits, can distill complex species interactions, and aid in predicting food web dynamics. To support advances in trait-based research in open-ocean systems, we present the Pelagic Species Trait Database, an extensive resource documenting functional traits of 529 pelagic fish and invertebrate species in a single, open-source repository. We synthesized literature sources and online resources, conducted morphometric analysis of species images, as well as laboratory analyses of trawl-captured specimens to collate traits describing 1) habitat use and behavior, 2) morphology, 3) nutritional quality, and 4) population status information. Species in the dataset primarily inhabit the California Current system and broader NE Pacific Ocean, but also includes pelagic species known to be consumed by top ocean predators from other ocean basins. The aim of this dataset is to enhance the use of trait-based approaches in marine ecosystems and for predator populations worldwide.
The Target Absorbers for Neutrals (TANs) represent one of the most radioactive regions in the Large Hadron Collider. Seven 40cm long fused silica rods with different dopant specifications, manufactured by Heraeus, were irradiated in one of the TANs located around the ATLAS experiment by the Beam RAte of Neutrals (BRAN) detector group. This campaign took place during Run 2 data taking, which occurred between 2016 and 2018. This paper reports a complete characterization of optical transmission per unit length of irradiated fused silica materials as a function of wavelength (240 nm–1500 nm), dose (up to 18 MGy), and level of OH and H2 dopants introduced in the manufacturing process. The dose delivered to the rods was estimated using Monte Carlo simulations performed by the CERN FLUKA team.more » « less
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a life-threatening intestinal disease, is becoming a larger proportionate cause of morbidity and mortality in premature infants. To date, therapeutic options remain elusive. Based on recent cell therapy studies, we investigated the effect of a human placental-derived stem cell (hPSC) therapy on intestinal damage in an experimental NEC rat pup model. NEC was induced in newborn Sprague-Dawley rat pups for 4 days via formula feeding, hypoxia, and LPS. NEC pups received intraperitoneal (ip) injections of either saline or hPSC (NEC-hPSC) at 32 and 56 h into NEC induction. At 4 days, intestinal macroscopic and histological damage, epithelial cell composition, and inflammatory marker expression of the ileum were assessed. Breastfed (BF) littermates were used as controls. NEC pups developed significant bowel dilation and fragility in the ileum. Further, NEC induced loss of normal villi-crypt morphology, disruption of epithelial proliferation and apoptosis, and loss of critical progenitor/stem cell and Paneth cell populations in the crypt. hPSC treatment improved macroscopic intestinal health with reduced ileal dilation and fragility. Histologically, hPSC administration had a significant reparative effect on the villi-crypt morphology and epithelium. In addition to a trend of decreased inflammatory marker expression, hPSC-NEC pups had increased epithelial proliferation and decreased apoptosis when compared with NEC littermates. Further, the intestinal stem cell and crypt niche that include Paneth cells, SOX9 + cells, and LGR5 + stem cells were restored with hPSC therapy. Together, these data demonstrate hPSC can promote epithelial healing of NEC intestinal damage. NEW & NOTEWORTHY These studies demonstrate a human placental-derived stem cell (hPSC) therapeutic strategy for necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). In an experimental model of NEC, hPSC administration improved macroscopic intestinal health, ameliorated epithelial morphology, and supported the intestinal stem cell niche. Our data suggest that hPSC are a potential therapeutic approach to attenuate established intestinal NEC damage. Further, we show hPSC are a novel research tool that can be utilized to elucidate critical neonatal repair mechanisms to overcome NEC.more » « less
Abstract Rapidly controlling and switching adhesion is necessary for applications in robotic gripping and locomotion, pick and place operations, and transfer printing. However, switchable adhesives often display a binary response (on or off) with a narrow adhesion range, lack post‐fabrication adhesion tunability, or switch slowly due to diffusion‐controlled processes. Here, pneumatically controlled shape and rigidity tuning is coupled to rapidly switch adhesion (≈0.1 s) across a wide range of programmable adhesion forces with measured switching ratios as high as 1300
x . The switchable adhesion system introduces an active polydimethylsiloxane membrane supported on a compliant, foam foundation with pressure‐tunable rigidity where positive and negative pneumatic pressure synergistically control contact stiffness and geometry to activate and release adhesion. Energy‐based modeling and finite element computation demonstrate that high adhesion is achieved through a pressure‐dependent, nonlinear stiffness of the foundation, while an inflated shape at positive pressures enables easy release. This approach enables adhesion‐based gripping and material assembly, which is utilized to pick‐and‐release common objects, rough and porous materials, and arrays of elements with a greater than 14 000x range in mass. The robust assembly of diverse components (rigid, soft, flexible) is then demonstrated to create a soft and stretchable electronic device. -
Abstract Ecological forecasting provides a powerful set of methods for predicting short‐ and long‐term change in living systems. Forecasts are now widely produced, enabling proactive management for many applied ecological problems. However, despite numerous calls for an increased emphasis on prediction in ecology, the potential for forecasting to accelerate ecological theory development remains underrealized.
Here, we provide a conceptual framework describing how ecological forecasts can energize and advance ecological theory. We emphasize the many opportunities for future progress in this area through increased forecast development, comparison and synthesis.
Our framework describes how a forecasting approach can shed new light on existing ecological theories while also allowing researchers to address novel questions. Through rigorous and repeated testing of hypotheses, forecasting can help to refine theories and understand their generality across systems. Meanwhile, synthesizing across forecasts allows for the development of novel theory about the relative predictability of ecological variables across forecast horizons and scales.
We envision a future where forecasting is integrated as part of the toolset used in fundamental ecology. By outlining the relevance of forecasting methods to ecological theory, we aim to decrease barriers to entry and broaden the community of researchers using forecasting for fundamental ecological insight.
A search for the nonresonant production of Higgs boson pairs in thechannel is performed usingof proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The analysis strategy is optimized to probe anomalous values of the Higgs boson self-coupling modifierand of the quartic() coupling modifier. No significant excess above the expected background from Standard Model processes is observed. An observed (expected) upper limitis set at 95% confidence-level on the Higgs boson pair production cross section normalized to its Standard Model prediction. The coupling modifiers are constrained to an observed (expected) 95% confidence interval of() and(), assuming all other Higgs boson couplings are fixed to the Standard Model prediction. The results are also interpreted in the context of effective field theories via constraints on anomalous Higgs boson couplings and Higgs boson pair production cross sections assuming different kinematic benchmark scenarios.
© 2024 CERN, for the ATLAS Collaboration 2024 CERN Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025