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Creators/Authors contains: "Corn, K. A."

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  1. Abstract

    We present a dataset that quantifies body shape in three dimensions across the teleost phylogeny. Built by a team of researchers measuring easy-to-identify, functionally relevant traits on specimens at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History it contains data on 16,609 specimens from 6144 species across 394 families. Using phylogenetic comparative methods to analyze the dataset we describe the teleostean body shape morphospace and identify families with extraordinary rates of morphological evolution. Using log shape ratios, our preferred method of body-size correction, revealed that fish width is the primary axis of morphological evolution across teleosts, describing a continuum from narrow-bodied laterally compressed flatfishes to wide-bodied dorsoventrally flattened anglerfishes. Elongation is the secondary axis of morphological variation and occurs within the more narrow-bodied forms. This result highlights the importance of collecting shape on three dimensions when working across teleosts. Our analyses also uncovered the fastest rates of shape evolution within a clade formed by notothenioids and scorpaeniforms, which primarily thrive in cold waters and/or have benthic habits, along with freshwater elephantfishes, which as their name suggests, have a novel head and body shape. This unprecedented dataset of teleostean body shapes will enable the investigation of the factors that regulate shape diversification. Biomechanical principles, which relate body shape to performance and ecology, are one promising avenue for future research.

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  2. Abstract

    Suction feeding and gill ventilation in teleosts are functionally coupled, meaning that there is an overlap in the structures involved with both functions. Functional coupling is one type of morphological integration, a term that broadly refers to any covariation, correlation, or coordination among structures. Suction feeding and gill ventilation exhibit other types of morphological integration, including functional coordination (a tendency of structures to work together to perform a function) and evolutionary integration (a tendency of structures to covary in size or shape across evolutionary history). Functional coupling, functional coordination, and evolutionary integration have each been proposed to limit morphological diversification to some extent. Yet teleosts show extraordinary cranial diversity, suggesting that there are mechanisms within some teleost clades that promote morphological diversification, even within the highly integrated suction feeding and gill ventilatory systems. To investigate this, we quantified evolutionary integration among four mechanical units associated with suction feeding and gill ventilation in a diverse clade of benthic, primarily suction-feeding fishes (Cottoidei; sculpins and relatives). We reconstructed cottoid phylogeny using molecular data from 108 species, and obtained 24 linear measurements of four mechanical units (jaws, hyoid, opercular bones, and branchiostegal rays) from micro-CT reconstructions of 44 cottoids and 1 outgroup taxon. We tested for evolutionary correlation and covariation among the four mechanical units using phylogenetically corrected principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of measurements for each unit, followed by correlating phylogenetically independent contrasts and computing phylogenetic generalized least squares models from the first principle component axis of each of the four mechanical units. The jaws, opercular bones, and branchiostegal rays show evolutionary integration, but the hyoid is not positively integrated with these units. To examine these results in an ecomorphological context, we used published ecological data in phylogenetic ANOVA models to demonstrate that the jaw is larger in fishes that eat elusive or grasping prey (e.g., prey that can easily escape or cling to the substrate) and that the hyoid is smaller in intertidal and hypoxia-tolerant sculpins. Within Cottoidei, the relatively independent evolution of the hyoid likely has reduced limitations on morphological evolution within the highly morphologically integrated suction feeding and gill ventilatory systems.

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