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Abstract The mass of the top quark is measured in 36.3
of LHC proton–proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at$$\,\text {fb}^{-1}$$ . The measurement uses a sample of top quark pair candidate events containing one isolated electron or muon and at least four jets in the final state. For each event, the mass is reconstructed from a kinematic fit of the decay products to a top quark pair hypothesis. A profile likelihood method is applied using up to four observables per event to extract the top quark mass. The top quark mass is measured to be$$\sqrt{s}=13\,\text {Te}\hspace{-.08em}\text {V} $$ . This approach significantly improves the precision over previous measurements.$$171.77\pm 0.37\,\text {Ge}\hspace{-.08em}\text {V} $$ -
A bstract The second-order (
v 2) and third-order (v 3) Fourier coefficients describing the azimuthal anisotropy of prompt and nonprompt (from b-hadron decays) J/ ψ, as well as prompt ψ(2S) mesons are measured in lead-lead collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of = 5$$ \sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} $$ . 02 TeV. The analysis uses a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.61 nb− 1recorded with the CMS detector. The J/ ψ and ψ(2S) mesons are reconstructed using their dimuon decay channel. Thev 2andv 3coefficients are extracted using the scalar product method and studied as functions of meson transverse momentum and collision centrality. The measuredv 2values for prompt J/ ψ mesons are found to be larger than those for nonprompt J/ ψ mesons. The prompt J/ ψv 2values at highp Tare found to be underpredicted by a model incorporating only parton energy loss effects in a quark-gluon plasma medium. Prompt and nonprompt J/ ψ mesonv 3and prompt ψ(2S)v 2andv 3values are also reported for the first time, providing new information about heavy quark interactions in the hot and dense medium created in heavy ion collisions.