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Creators/Authors contains: "Damitz, Amy"

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  1. We report measurements of the absolute energies of the hyperfine components of the $12s \ ^2S_{1/2}$ and $13s \ ^2S_{1/2}$ levels of atomic cesium, $^{133}$Cs. Using the frequency difference between these components, we determine the hyperfine coupling constants for these states, and report these values with a relative uncertainty of $\sim$0.06\%. We also examine the hyperfine structure of the $11d \ ^2D_{J}$ ($J=3/2, 5/2$) states, and resolve the sign ambiguity of the hyperfine coupling constants from previous measurements of these states. We also derive new, high precision values for the state energies of the $12s \ ^2S_{1/2}$, $13s \ ^2S_{1/2}$ and $11d \ ^2D_{J}$ states of cesium. 
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