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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. How genomic differences contribute to phenotypic differences is a major question in biology. The recently characterized genomes, isolation environments, and qualitative patterns of growth on 122 sources and conditions of 1,154 strains from 1,049 fungal species (nearly all known) in the yeast subphylum Saccharomycotina provide a powerful, yet complex, dataset for addressing this question. We used a random forest algorithm trained on these genomic, metabolic, and environmental data to predict growth on several carbon sources with high accuracy. Known structural genes involved in assimilation of these sources and presence/absence patterns of growth in other sources were important features contributing to prediction accuracy. By further examining growth on galactose, we found that it can be predicted with high accuracy from either genomic (92.2%) or growth data (82.6%) but not from isolation environment data (65.6%). Prediction accuracy was even higher (93.3%) when we combined genomic and growth data. After theGALactose utilization genes, the most important feature for predicting growth on galactose was growth on galactitol, raising the hypothesis that several species in two orders, Serinales and Pichiales (containing the emerging pathogenCandida aurisand the genusOgataea, respectively), have an alternative galactose utilization pathway because they lack theGALgenes. Growth and biochemical assays confirmed that several of these species utilize galactose through an alternative oxidoreductive D-galactose pathway, rather than the canonicalGALpathway. Machine learning approaches are powerful for investigating the evolution of the yeast genotype–phenotype map, and their application will uncover novel biology, even in well-studied traits.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 30, 2025
  3. Townsend, Jeffrey (Ed.)

    Siderophores are crucial for iron-scavenging in microorganisms. While many yeasts can uptake siderophores produced by other organisms, they are typically unable to synthesize siderophores themselves. In contrast, Wickerhamiella/Starmerella (W/S) clade yeasts gained the capacity to make the siderophore enterobactin following the remarkable horizontal acquisition of a bacterial operon enabling enterobactin synthesis. Yet, how these yeasts absorb the iron bound by enterobactin remains unresolved. Here, we demonstrate that Enb1 is the key enterobactin importer in the W/S-clade species Starmerella bombicola. Through phylogenomic analyses, we show that ENB1 is present in all W/S clade yeast species that retained the enterobactin biosynthetic genes. Conversely, it is absent in species that lost the ent genes, except for Starmerella stellata, making this species the only cheater in the W/S clade that can utilize enterobactin without producing it. Through phylogenetic analyses, we infer that ENB1 is a fungal gene that likely existed in the W/S clade prior to the acquisition of the ent genes and subsequently experienced multiple gene losses and duplications. Through phylogenetic topology tests, we show that ENB1 likely underwent horizontal gene transfer from an ancient W/S clade yeast to the order Saccharomycetales, which includes the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, followed by extensive secondary losses. Taken together, these results suggest that the fungal ENB1 and bacterial ent genes were cooperatively integrated into a functional unit within the W/S clade that enabled adaptation to iron-limited environments. This integrated fungal-bacterial circuit and its dynamic evolution determine the extant distribution of yeast enterobactin producers and cheaters.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  4. Introduction

    Eukaryotic life depends on the functional elements encoded by both the nuclear genome and organellar genomes, such as those contained within the mitochondria. The content, size, and structure of the mitochondrial genome varies across organisms with potentially large implications for phenotypic variance and resulting evolutionary trajectories. Among yeasts in the subphylum Saccharomycotina, extensive differences have been observed in various species relative to the model yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae, but mitochondrial genome sampling across many groups has been scarce, even as hundreds of nuclear genomes have become available.


    By extracting mitochondrial assemblies from existing short-read genome sequence datasets, we have greatly expanded both the number of available genomes and the coverage across sparsely sampled clades.


    Comparison of 353 yeast mitochondrial genomes revealed that, while size and GC content were fairly consistent across species, those in the generaMetschnikowiaandSaccharomycestrended larger, while several species in the order Saccharomycetales, which includesS. cerevisiae, exhibited lower GC content. Extreme examples for both size and GC content were scattered throughout the subphylum. All mitochondrial genomes shared a core set of protein-coding genes for Complexes III, IV, and V, but they varied in the presence or absence of mitochondrially-encoded canonical Complex I genes. We traced the loss of Complex I genes to a major event in the ancestor of the orders Saccharomycetales and Saccharomycodales, but we also observed several independent losses in the orders Phaffomycetales, Pichiales, and Dipodascales. In contrast to prior hypotheses based on smaller-scale datasets, comparison of evolutionary rates in protein-coding genes showed no bias towards elevated rates among aerobically fermenting (Crabtree/Warburg-positive) yeasts. Mitochondrial introns were widely distributed, but they were highly enriched in some groups. The majority of mitochondrial introns were poorly conserved within groups, but several were shared within groups, between groups, and even across taxonomic orders, which is consistent with horizontal gene transfer, likely involving homing endonucleases acting as selfish elements.


    As the number of available fungal nuclear genomes continues to expand, the methods described here to retrieve mitochondrial genome sequences from these datasets will prove invaluable to ensuring that studies of fungal mitochondrial genomes keep pace with their nuclear counterparts.

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  5. The Saccharomycotina yeasts (“yeasts” hereafter) are a fungal clade of scientific, economic, and medical significance. Yeasts are highly ecologically diverse, found across a broad range of environments in every biome and continent on earth; however, little is known about what rules govern the macroecology of yeast species and their range limits in the wild. Here, we trained machine learning models on 12,816 terrestrial occurrence records and 96 environmental variables to infer global distribution maps at ~1 km2resolution for 186 yeast species (~15% of described species from 75% of orders) and to test environmental drivers of yeast biogeography and macroecology. We found that predicted yeast diversity hotspots occur in mixed montane forests in temperate climates. Diversity in vegetation type and topography were some of the greatest predictors of yeast species richness, suggesting that microhabitats and environmental clines are key to yeast diversity. We further found that range limits in yeasts are significantly influenced by carbon niche breadth and range overlap with other yeast species, with carbon specialists and species in high-diversity environments exhibiting reduced geographic ranges. Finally, yeasts contravene many long-standing macroecological principles, including the latitudinal diversity gradient, temperature-dependent species richness, and a positive relationship between latitude and range size (Rapoport’s rule). These results unveil how the environment governs the global diversity and distribution of species in the yeast subphylum. These high-resolution models of yeast species distributions will facilitate the prediction of economically relevant and emerging pathogenic species under current and future climate scenarios.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 5, 2025
  6. Abstract

    A novel budding yeast species was isolated from a soil sample collected in the United States of America. Phylogenetic analyses of multiple loci and phylogenomic analyses conclusively placed the species within the genusPichia. Strain yHMH446 falls within a clade that includesPichia norvegensis,Pichia pseudocactophila,Candida inconspicua, andPichia cactophila. Whole genome sequence data were analyzed for the presence of genes known to be important for carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and the phenotypic data from the novel species were compared to allPichiaspecies with publicly available genomes. Across the genus, including the novel species candidate, we found that the inability to use many carbon and nitrogen sources correlated with the absence of metabolic genes. Based on these results,Pichia galeolatasp. nov. is proposed to accommodate yHMH446T(=NRRL Y‐64187 = CBS 16864). This study shows how integrated taxogenomic analysis can add mechanistic insight to species descriptions.

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  7. Abstract

    For thousands of years, humans have altered the movement of water through construction of earthworks. These earthworks remain in landscapes, where they continue to alter hydrology, even where structures have long since been abandoned. Management of lands containing earthworks requires an understanding of how the earthworks impact hydrology and knowledge of where the structures are located in the landscape. Various methods for detecting topographic features exist in the literature, including a set of rule and threshold‐based techniques and machine learning methods. These tools are either labor‐intensive or require special pre‐processing or a priori assumptions about structures that limit generalizability. Here, we test a topological analysis tool called “persistence” to determine if it is useful for earthwork detection in rangelands. We found that persistence can be used to detect earthworks with 83% precision and 64% accuracy. Breached berms and berms with significant upslope sedimentation are most likely not to be detected using persistence. These results indicate that persistence can be useful for terrain analysis, and it has the potential to substantially reduce manual effort in feature detection by identifying regions where berms may be found.

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  8. Townsend, Jeffrey (Ed.)
    Abstract Xylose is the second most abundant monomeric sugar in plant biomass. Consequently, xylose catabolism is an ecologically important trait for saprotrophic organisms, as well as a fundamentally important trait for industries that hope to convert plant mass to renewable fuels and other bioproducts using microbial metabolism. Although common across fungi, xylose catabolism is rare within Saccharomycotina, the subphylum that contains most industrially relevant fermentative yeast species. The genomes of several yeasts unable to consume xylose have been previously reported to contain the full set of genes in the XYL pathway, suggesting the absence of a gene–trait correlation for xylose metabolism. Here, we measured growth on xylose and systematically identified XYL pathway orthologs across the genomes of 332 budding yeast species. Although the XYL pathway coevolved with xylose metabolism, we found that pathway presence only predicted xylose catabolism about half of the time, demonstrating that a complete XYL pathway is necessary, but not sufficient, for xylose catabolism. We also found that XYL1 copy number was positively correlated, after phylogenetic correction, with xylose utilization. We then quantified codon usage bias of XYL genes and found that XYL3 codon optimization was significantly higher, after phylogenetic correction, in species able to consume xylose. Finally, we showed that codon optimization of XYL2 was positively correlated, after phylogenetic correction, with growth rates in xylose medium. We conclude that gene content alone is a weak predictor of xylose metabolism and that using codon optimization enhances the prediction of xylose metabolism from yeast genome sequence data. 
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