The ribosome is a ribonucleoprotein complex found in all domains of life. Its role is to catalyze protein synthesis, the messenger RNA (mRNA)-templated formation of amide bonds between α-amino acid monomers. Amide bond formation occurs within a highly conserved region of the large ribosomal subunit known as the peptidyl transferase center (PTC). Here we describe the step-wise design and characterization of mini-PTC 1.1, a 284-nucleotide RNA that recapitulates many essential features of the Escherichia coli PTC. Mini-PTC 1.1 folds into a PTC-like structure under physiological conditions, even in the absence of r-proteins, and engages small molecule analogs of A- and P-site tRNAs. The sequence of mini-PTC 1.1 differs from the wild type E. coli ribosome at 12 nucleotides that were installed by a cohort of citizen scientists using the on-line video game Eterna. These base changes improve both the secondary structure and tertiary folding of mini-PTC 1.1 as well as its ability to bind small molecule substrate analogs. Here, the combined input from Eterna citizen-scientists and RNA structural analysis provides a robust workflow for the design of a minimal PTC that recapitulates many features of an intact ribosome.
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 12, 2025 -
Abstract Understanding how modifications to the ribosome affect function has implications for studying ribosome biogenesis, building minimal cells, and repurposing ribosomes for synthetic biology. However, efforts to design sequence-modified ribosomes have been limited because point mutations in the ribosomal RNA (rRNA), especially in the catalytic active site (peptidyl transferase center; PTC), are often functionally detrimental. Moreover, methods for directed evolution of rRNA are constrained by practical considerations (e.g. library size). Here, to address these limitations, we developed a computational rRNA design approach for screening guided libraries of mutant ribosomes. Our method includes in silico library design and selection using a Rosetta stepwise Monte Carlo method (SWM), library construction and in vitro testing of combined ribosomal assembly and translation activity, and functional characterization in vivo. As a model, we apply our method to making modified ribosomes with mutant PTCs. We engineer ribosomes with as many as 30 mutations in their PTCs, highlighting previously unidentified epistatic interactions, and show that SWM helps identify sequences with beneficial phenotypes as compared to random library sequences. We further demonstrate that some variants improve cell growth in vivo, relative to wild type ribosomes. We anticipate that SWM design and selection may serve as a powerful tool for rRNA engineering.more » « less
ABSTRACT Biomolecular structure drives function, and computational capabilities have progressed such that the prediction and computational design of biomolecular structures is increasingly feasible. Because computational biophysics attracts students from many different backgrounds and with different levels of resources, teaching the subject can be challenging. One strategy to teach diverse learners is with interactive multimedia material that promotes self-paced, active learning. We have created a hands-on education strategy with a set of 16 modules that teach topics in biomolecular structure and design, from fundamentals of conformational sampling and energy evaluation to applications, such as protein docking, antibody design, and RNA structure prediction. Our modules are based on PyRosetta, a Python library that encapsulates all computational modules and methods in the Rosetta software package. The workshop-style modules are implemented as Jupyter Notebooks that can be executed in the Google Colaboratory, allowing learners access with just a Web browser. The digital format of Jupyter Notebooks allows us to embed images, molecular visualization movies, and interactive coding exercises. This multimodal approach may better reach students from different disciplines and experience levels, as well as attract more researchers from smaller labs and cognate backgrounds to leverage PyRosetta in science and engineering research. All materials are freely available at » « less
Phase separation of multivalent protein and RNA molecules underlies the biogenesis of biomolecular condensates such as membraneless organelles. In vivo, these condensates encompass hundreds of distinct types of molecules that typically organize into multilayered structures supporting the differential partitioning of molecules into distinct regions with distinct material properties. The interplay between driven (active) versus spontaneous (passive) processes that are required for enabling the formation of condensates with coexisting layers of distinct material properties remains unclear. Here, we deploy systematic experiments and simulations based on coarse-grained models to show that the collective interactions among the simplest, biologically relevant proteins and archetypal RNA molecules are sufficient for driving the spontaneous emergence of multilayered condensates with distinct material properties. These studies yield a set of rules regarding homotypic and heterotypic interactions that are likely to be relevant for understanding the interplay between active and passive processes that control the formation of functional biomolecular condensates.
Abstract Each year vast international resources are wasted on irreproducible research. The scientific community has been slow to adopt standard software engineering practices, despite the increases in high-dimensional data, complexities of workflows, and computational environments. Here we show how scientific software applications can be created in a reproducible manner when simple design goals for reproducibility are met. We describe the implementation of a test server framework and 40 scientific benchmarks, covering numerous applications in Rosetta bio-macromolecular modeling. High performance computing cluster integration allows these benchmarks to run continuously and automatically. Detailed protocol captures are useful for developers and users of Rosetta and other macromolecular modeling tools. The framework and design concepts presented here are valuable for developers and users of any type of scientific software and for the scientific community to create reproducible methods. Specific examples highlight the utility of this framework, and the comprehensive documentation illustrates the ease of adding new tests in a matter of hours.more » « less
Abstract The first RNA category of the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Structure Prediction competition was only made possible because of the scientists who provided experimental structures to challenge the predictors. In this article, these scientists offer a unique and valuable analysis of both the successes and areas for improvement in the predicted models. All 10 RNA‐only targets yielded predictions topologically similar to experimentally determined structures. For one target, experimentalists were able to phase their x‐ray diffraction data by molecular replacement, showing a potential application of structure predictions for RNA structural biologists. Recommended areas for improvement include: enhancing the accuracy in local interaction predictions and increased consideration of the experimental conditions such as multimerization, structure determination method, and time along folding pathways. The prediction of RNA–protein complexes remains the most significant challenge. Finally, given the intrinsic flexibility of many RNAs, we propose the consideration of ensemble models.
Transcription polymerases can exhibit an unusual mode of regenerating certain RNA templates from RNA, yielding systems that can replicate and evolve with RNA as the information carrier. Two classes of pathogenic RNAs (hepatitis delta virus in animals and viroids in plants) are copied by host transcription polymerases. Using in vitro RNA replication by the transcription polymerase of T7 bacteriophage as an experimental model, we identify hundreds of new replicating RNAs, define three mechanistic hallmarks of replication (subterminal de novo initiation, RNA shape-shifting, and interrupted rolling-circle synthesis), and describe emergence from DNA seeds as a mechanism for the origin of novel RNA replicons. These results inform models for the origins and replication of naturally occurring RNA genetic elements and suggest a means by which diverse RNA populations could be propagated as hereditary material in cellular contexts.