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Creators/Authors contains: "Das, Subha R."

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  1. Photoinduced atom transfer radical polymerization (photo-ATRP) has risen to the forefront of modern polymer chemistry as a powerful tool giving access to well-defined materials with complex architecture. However, most photo-ATRP systems can only generate radicals under biocidal UV light and are oxygen-sensitive, hindering their practical use in the synthesis of polymer biohybrids. Herein, inspired by the photoinduced electron transfer-reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (PET-RAFT) polymerization, we demonstrate a dual photoredox/copper catalysis that allows open-air ATRP under green light irradiation. Eosin Y was used as an organic photoredox catalyst (PC) in combination with a copper complex (X–Cu II /L). The role of PC was to trigger and drive the polymerization, while X–Cu II /L acted as a deactivator, providing a well-controlled polymerization. The excited PC was oxidatively quenched by X–Cu II /L, generating Cu I /L activator and PC˙ + . The ATRP ligand (L) used in excess then reduced the PC˙ + , closing the photocatalytic cycle. The continuous reduction of X–Cu II /L back to Cu I /L by excited PC provided high oxygen tolerance. As a result, a well-controlled and rapid ATRP could proceed even in an open vessel despite continuous oxygen diffusion. This method allowed the synthesis of polymers with narrow molecular weight distributions and controlled molecular weights using Cu catalyst and PC at ppm levels in both aqueous and organic media. A detailed comparison of photo-ATRP with PET-RAFT polymerization revealed the superiority of dual photoredox/copper catalysis under biologically relevant conditions. The kinetic studies and fluorescence measurements indicated that in the absence of the X–Cu II /L complex, green light irradiation caused faster photobleaching of eosin Y, leading to inhibition of PET-RAFT polymerization. Importantly, PET-RAFT polymerizations showed significantly higher dispersity values (1.14 ≤ Đ ≤ 4.01) in contrast to photo-ATRP (1.15 ≤ Đ ≤ 1.22) under identical conditions. 
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  2. Sodium pyruvate, a natural intermediate produced during cellular metabolism, is commonly used in buffer solutions and media for biochemical applications. Here we show the use of sodium pyruvate (SP) as a reducing agent in a biocompatible aqueous photoinduced azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction. This copper( i )-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition is triggered by SP under UV light irradiation, exhibits oxygen tolerance and temporal control, and provides a convenient alternative to current CuAAC systems, particularly for biomolecular conjugations. 
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  3. Exosomes are emerging as ideal drug delivery vehicles due to their biological origin and ability to transfer cargo between cells. However, rapid clearance of exogenous exosomes from the circulation as well as aggregation of exosomes and shedding of surface proteins during storage limit their clinical translation. Here, we demonstrate highly controlled and reversible functionalization of exosome surfaces with well-defined polymers that modulate the exosome’s physiochemical and pharmacokinetic properties. Using cholesterol-modified DNA tethers and complementary DNA block copolymers, exosome surfaces were engineered with different biocompatible polymers. Additionally, polymers were directly grafted from the exosome surface using biocompatible photo-mediated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). These exosome polymer hybrids (EPHs) exhibited enhanced stability under various storage conditions and in the presence of proteolytic enzymes. Tuning of the polymer length and surface loading allowed precise control over exosome surface interactions, cellular uptake, and preserved bioactivity. EPHs show fourfold higher blood circulation time without altering tissue distribution profiles. Our results highlight the potential of precise nanoengineering of exosomes toward developing advanced drug and therapeutic delivery systems using modern ATRP methods.

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