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Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 19, 2025
The primary theory of software engineering is that an organiza- tion’s Policies and Processes influence the quality of its Products. We call this the PPP Theory. Although empirical software engineer- ing research has grown common, it is unclear whether researchers are trying to evaluate the PPP Theory. To assess this, we analyzed half (33) of the empirical works published over the last two years in three prominent software engineering conferences. In this sample, 70% focus on policies/processes or products, not both. Only 33% provided measurements relating policy/process and products. We make four recommendations: (1) Use PPP Theory in study design; (2) Study feedback relationships; (3) Diversify the studied feed- forward relationships; and (4) Disentangle policy and process. Let us remember that research results are in the context of, and with respect to, the relationship between software products, processes, and policies.more » « less
Embedded Network Stacks (ENS) enable lowresource devices to communicate with the outside world, facilitating the development of Internet of Things and Cyber- Physical Systems. Some defects in ENS are thus high-severity cybersecurity vulnerabilities: they are remotely triggerable and can impact the physical world. While prior research has shed light on the characteristics of defects in many classes of software systems, no study has described the properties of ENS defects nor identified a systematic technique to expose them. The most common automated approach to detecting ENS defects is feedback-driven randomized dynamic analysis (“fuzzing”), a costly and unpredictable technique. This paper provides the first systematic characterization of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in ENS. We analyzed 61 vulnerabilities across 6 open-source ENS. Most of these ENS defects are concentrated in the transport and network layers of the network stack, require reaching different states in the network protocol, and can be triggered by only 1-2 modifications to a single packet. We therefore propose a novel systematic testing framework that focuses on the transport and network layers, uses seeds that cover a network protocol’s states, and systematically modifies packet fields. We evaluate this framework on 4 ENS and replicated 12 of the 14 reported IP/TCP/UDP vulnerabilities. On recent versions of these ENSs, it discovered 7 novel defects (6 assigned CVES) during a bounded systematic test that covered all protocol states and made up to 3 modifications per packet. We found defects in 3 of the 4 ENS we tested that had not been found by prior fuzzing research. Our results suggest that fuzzing should be deferred until after systematic testing is employed.more » « less
This paper systematizes knowledge about secure software supply chain patterns. It identifes four stages of a software supply chain attack and proposes three security properties crucial for a secured supply chain: transparency, validity, and separation. The paper de- scribes current security approaches and maps them to the proposed security properties, including research ideas and case studies of supply chains in practice. It discusses the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches relative to known attacks and details the various security frameworks put out to ensure the security of the software supply chain. Finally, the paper highlights potential gaps in actor and operation-centered supply chain security techniques.more » « less