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Creators/Authors contains: "Davis, Samuel"

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  1. Abstract

    Layered 2D (PbI2)1−x(BiI3)xmaterials exhibit a nonlinear dependence in structural and charge transport properties unanticipated from the combination of PbI2and BiI3. Within (PbI2)1−x(BiI3)xcrystals, phase integration yields deceptive structural features, while phase boundary separation leads to new conductance switching behavior observed as large peaks in current during current–voltage (IV) measurements (±100 V). Temperature‐ and time‐dependent electrical measurements demonstrate that the behavior is attributed to ionic transport perpendicular to the layers. High‐resolution transmission electron microscopy reveals that the structure of (PbI2)1−x(BiI3)xis a “brick wall” consisting of two phases, Pb‐rich and Bi‐rich. These brick‐like features are 10s nm a side and it is posited that iodide ion transport at the interfaces of these regions is responsible for the conductance switching action.

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