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  1. Abstract

    Various machine learning models have been used to predict the properties of polycrystalline materials, but none of them directly consider the physical interactions among neighboring grains despite such microscopic interactions critically determining macroscopic material properties. Here, we develop a graph neural network (GNN) model for obtaining an embedding of polycrystalline microstructure which incorporates not only the physical features of individual grains but also their interactions. The embedding is then linked to the target property using a feed-forward neural network. Using the magnetostriction of polycrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2alloys as an example, we show that a single GNN model with fixed network architecture and hyperparameters allows for a low prediction error of ~10% over a group of remarkably different microstructures as well as quantifying the importance of each feature in each grain of a microstructure to its magnetostriction. Such a microstructure-graph-based GNN model, therefore, enables an accurate and interpretable prediction of the properties of polycrystalline materials.

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