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Creators/Authors contains: "Devireddy, Amith R."

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  1. Abstract

    To successfully survive, develop, grow and reproduce, multicellular organisms must coordinate their molecular, physiological, developmental and metabolic responses among their different cells and tissues. This process is mediated by cell‐to‐cell, vascular and/or volatile communication, and involves electric, chemical and/or hydraulic signals. Within this context, stomata serve a dual role by coordinating their responses to the environment with their neighbouring cells at the epidermis, but also with other stomata present on other parts of the plant. As stomata represent one of the most important conduits between the plant and its above‐ground environment, as well as directly affect photosynthesis, respiration and the hydraulic status of the plant by controlling its gas and vapour exchange with the atmosphere, coordinating the overall response of stomata within and between different leaves and tissues plays a cardinal role in plant growth, development and reproduction. Here, we discuss different examples of local and systemic stomatal coordination, the different signalling pathways that mediate them, and the importance of systemic stomatal coordination to our food supply, ecosystems and weather patterns, under our changing climate. We further discuss the potential biotechnological implications of regulating systemic stomatal responses for enhancing agricultural productivity in a warmer and CO2‐rich environment.

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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)
    Extreme environmental conditions, such as heat, salinity, and decreased water availability, can have a devastating impact on plant growth and productivity, potentially resulting in the collapse of entire ecosystems. Stress-induced systemic signaling and systemic acquired acclimation play canonical roles in plant survival during episodes of environmental stress. Recent studies revealed that in response to a single abiotic stress, applied to a single leaf, plants mount a comprehensive stress-specific systemic response that includes the accumulation of many different stress-specific transcripts and metabolites, as well as a coordinated stress-specific whole-plant stomatal response. However, in nature plants are routinely subjected to a combination of two or more different abiotic stresses, each potentially triggering its own stress-specific systemic response, highlighting a new fundamental question in plant biology: are plants capable of integrating two different systemic signals simultaneously generated during conditions of stress combination? Here we show that plants can integrate two different systemic signals simultaneously generated during stress combination, and that the manner in which plants sense the different stresses that trigger these signals (i.e., at the same or different parts of the plant) makes a significant difference in how fast and efficient they induce systemic reactive oxygen species (ROS) signals; transcriptomic, hormonal, and stomatal responses; as well as plant acclimation. Our results shed light on how plants acclimate to their environment and survive a combination of different abiotic stresses. In addition, they highlight a key role for systemic ROS signals in coordinating the response of different leaves to stress. 
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  4. Summary

    Each year, abiotic stress conditions such as drought, heat, salinity, cold and particularly their different combinations, inflict a heavy toll on crop productivity worldwide. The effects of these adverse conditions on plant productivity are becoming ever more alarming in recent years in light of the increased rate and intensity of global climatic changes. Improving crop tolerance to abiotic stress conditions requires a deep understanding of the response of plants to changes in their environment. This response is dependent on early and late signal transduction events that involve important signaling molecules such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), different plant hormones and other signaling molecules. It is the integration of these signaling events, mediated by an interplay between ROS and different plant hormones that orchestrates the plant response to abiotic stress and drive changes in transcriptomic, metabolic and proteomic networks that lead to plant acclimation and survival. Here we review some of the different studies that address hormone and ROS integration during the response of plants to abiotic stress. We further highlight the integration of ROS and hormone signaling during early and late phases of the plant response to abiotic stress, the key role of respiratory burst oxidase homologs in the integration of ROS and hormone signaling during these phases, and the involvement of hormone and ROS in systemic signaling events that lead to systemic acquired acclimation. Lastly, we underscore the need to understand the complex interactions that occur between ROS and different plant hormones during stress combinations.

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