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  1. Samples for the analysis of dissolved nutrients were collected during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) from the water column, sea ice cores and from special events/locations (e.g., leads, melt ponds, brine, incubation experiments). Samples for dissolved inorganic nutrients (NO3 +NO2 , NO2 , PO4 , Si(OH)4, NH4 ) were analysed onboard during PS122 legs 1 to 3, with duplicate samples collected from CTD casts for later analysis of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP). From leg 4, all samples collected were stored frozen at -20°C for later analysis. Analyses of stored samples were carried out at the AWI Nutrient Facility between January and March 2021. Nutrient analyses onboard and on land were carried out using a Seal Analytical AA3 continuous flow autoanalyser, controlled by the AACE software version 7.09. Best practice procedures for the measurement of nutrients were adopted following GO-SHIP recommendations (Hydes et al., 2010; Becker et al., 2019). Descriptions of sample collection and handling can be found in the various cruise reports (Haas & Rabe, 2023; Kanzow & Damm, 2023; Rex & Metfies, 2023; Rex & Nicolaus, 2023; Rex & Shupe, 2023). Here we provide data from the water column, obtained from the analysis of discrete samples collected from CTD-Rosette casts from Polarstern ( and Ocean City ( Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. For reference, here we included data from CTD-BTL files associated with nutrient samples. These data are presented by Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Polarstern CTD and Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Ocean City CTD. 
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  2. Samples for the analysis of dissolved nutrients were collected during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) from the water column, sea ice cores and from special events/locations (e.g., leads, melt ponds, brine, incubation experiments). Samples for dissolved inorganic nutrients (NO3 +NO2 , NO2 , PO4 , Si(OH)4, NH4 ) were analysed onboard during PS122 legs 1 to 3, with duplicate samples collected from CTD casts for later analysis of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP). From leg 4, all samples collected were stored frozen at -20°C for later analysis. Analyses of stored samples were carried out at the AWI Nutrient Facility between January and March 2021. Nutrient analyses onboard and on land were carried out using a Seal Analytical AA3 continuous flow autoanalyser, controlled by the AACE software version 7.09. Best practice procedures for the measurement of nutrients were adopted following GO-SHIP recommendations (Hydes et al., 2010; Becker et al., 2019). Descriptions of sample collection and handling can be found in the various cruise reports (Haas & Rabe, 2023; Kanzow & Damm, 2023; Rex & Metfies, 2023; Rex & Nicolaus, 2023; Rex & Shupe, 2023). Here we provide data from the water column, obtained from the analysis of discrete samples collected from CTD-Rosette casts from Polarstern ( and Ocean City ( Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. For reference, here we included data from CTD-BTL files associated with nutrient samples. These data are presented by Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Polarstern CTD and Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Ocean City CTD. 
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  3. This dataset contains upper ocean temperature and salinity profiles made during July – September, 2020 as part of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition in the Central Arctic. The primary aim of these profiles was to capture the stratification of the upper ocean due to meltwater input throughout the summer melt season and the transition to fall freeze-up. The dataset includes data from two instruments: (i) YSI probe, and (ii) Sontek Castaway. The YSI probe was used to take point measurements of temperature and salinity, allowing for more fine-scale profiles in the upper couple of meters. The Sontek Castaway is a small conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) device that was used to make profiles over the upper 10s of meters, here typically in complement to the YSI observations, and are processed to 15 centimeters (cm) vertical resolution. Profiles were made in two primary locations: (i) near-surface of leads surrounding the sea ice floe, using both YSI and Castaway, and (ii) upper ocean directly beneath the sea ice, typically using YSI only. A small number of additional observations were made in coincident melt ponds and the upper ocean directly underneath. Details of collection and processing methods, including quality control for both instruments, can be found in data archive descriptions. 
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