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Purpose This study aims to evaluate a method of building a biomedical knowledge graph (KG).
Design/methodology/approach This research first constructs a COVID-19 KG on the COVID-19 Open Research Data Set, covering information over six categories (i.e. disease, drug, gene, species, therapy and symptom). The construction used open-source tools to extract entities, relations and triples. Then, the COVID-19 KG is evaluated on three data-quality dimensions: correctness, relatedness and comprehensiveness, using a semiautomatic approach. Finally, this study assesses the application of the KG by building a question answering (Q&A) system. Five queries regarding COVID-19 genomes, symptoms, transmissions and therapeutics were submitted to the system and the results were analyzed.
Findings With current extraction tools, the quality of the KG is moderate and difficult to improve, unless more efforts are made to improve the tools for entity extraction, relation extraction and others. This study finds that comprehensiveness and relatedness positively correlate with the data size. Furthermore, the results indicate the performances of the Q&A systems built on the larger-scale KGs are better than the smaller ones for most queries, proving the importance of relatedness and comprehensiveness to ensure the usefulness of the KG.
Originality/value The KG construction process, data-quality-based and application-based evaluations discussed in this paper provide valuable references for KG researchers and practitioners to build high-quality domain-specific knowledge discovery systems.
Deep learning is an important technique for extracting value from big data. However, the effectiveness of deep learning requires large volumes of high quality training data. In many cases, the size of training data is not large enough for effectively training a deep learning classifier. Data augmentation is a widely adopted approach for increasing the amount of training data. But the quality of the augmented data may be questionable. Therefore, a systematic evaluation of training data is critical. Furthermore, if the training data is noisy, it is necessary to separate out the noise data automatically. In this paper, we propose a deep learning classifier for automatically separating good training data from noisy data. To effectively train the deep learning classifier, the original training data need to be transformed to suit the input format of the classifier. Moreover, we investigate different data augmentation approaches to generate sufficient volume of training data from limited size original training data. We evaluated the quality of the training data through cross validation of the classification accuracy with different classification algorithms. We also check the pattern of each data item and compare the distributions of datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach through an experimental investigation of automated classification of massive biomedical images. Our approach is generic and is easily adaptable to other big data domains.more » « less
Deep learning is an important technique for extracting value from big data. However, the effectiveness of deep learning requires large volumes of high quality training data. In many cases, the size of training data is not large enough for effectively training a deep learning classifier. Data augmentation is a widely adopted approach for increasing the amount of training data. But the quality of the augmented data may be questionable. Therefore, a systematic evaluation of training data is critical. Furthermore, if the training data is noisy, it is necessary to separate out the noise data automatically. In this paper, we propose a deep learning classifier for automatically separating good training data from noisy data. To effectively train the deep learning classifier, the original training data need to be transformed to suit the input format of the classifier. Moreover, we investigate different data augmentation approaches to generate sufficient volume of training data from limited size original training data. We evaluated the quality of the training data through cross validation of the classification accuracy with different classification algorithms. We also check the pattern of each data item and compare the distributions of datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach through an experimental investigation of automated classification of massive biomedical images. Our approach is generic and is easily adaptable to other big data domains.more » « less