Water movement in coastal wetlands is affected by spatial differences in topography and vegetation characteristics as well as by complex hydrological processes operating at different time scales. Traditionally, numerical models have been used to explore the hydrodynamics of these valuable ecosystems. However, we still do not know how well such models simulate water‐level fluctuations beneath the vegetation canopy since we lack extensive field data to test the model results against observations. This study utilizes remotely sensed images of sub‐canopy water‐level change to understand how marshes drain water during falling tides. We employ rapid repeat interferometric observations from the NASA's Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar instrument to analyze the spatial variability in water‐level change within a complex of marshes in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana. We also used maps of herbaceous aboveground biomass derived from the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer‐Next Generation to evaluate vegetation contribution to such variability. This study reveals that the distribution of water‐level change under salt marsh canopies is strongly influenced by the presence of small geomorphic features (<10 m) in the marsh landscape (i.e., levees, tidal channels), whereas vegetation plays a minor role in retaining water on the platform. This new type of high‐resolution remote sensing data offers the opportunity to study the feedback between hydrodynamics, topography and biology throughout wetlands at an unprecedented spatial resolution and test the capability of numerical models to reproduce such patterns. Our results are essential for predicting the vulnerability of these delicate environments to climate change.
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Abstract -
Abstract. Coastal marsh survival relies on the ability to increase elevation and offset sea level rise. It is therefore important to realistically model sediment fluxes between marshes, tidal channels, and bays as sediment availability controls accretion. Traditionally, numerical models have been calibrated and validated using in situ measurements at a few locations within the domain of interest. These datasets typically provide temporal information but lack spatial variability. This paper explores the potential of coupling numerical models with high-resolution remote sensing imagery. Products from three sensors from the NASA Delta-X airborne mission are used. Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) provides vertical water level change on the marshland and was used to adjust the bathymetry and calibrate water fluxes over the marsh. AirSWOT yields water surface elevation within bays, lakes, and channels, and was used to calibrate the Chezy bottom friction coefficient. Finally, imagery from AVIRIS-NG provides maps of total suspended solids (TSS) concentration that were used to calibrate sediment parameters of settling velocity and critical shear stress for erosion. Three numerical models were developed at different locations along coastal Louisiana using Delft3D. The coupling enabled a spatial evaluation of model performance that was not possible using simple point measurements. Overall, the study shows that calibration of numerical models and their general performance will greatly benefit from remote sensing.
Global assessments predict the impact of sea-level rise on salt marshes with present-day levels of sediment supply from rivers and the coastal ocean. However, these assessments do not consider that variations in marsh extent and the related reconfiguration of intertidal area affect local sediment dynamics, ultimately controlling the fate of the marshes themselves. We conducted a meta-analysis of six bays along the United States East Coast to show that a reduction in the current salt marsh area decreases the sediment availability in estuarine systems through changes in regional-scale hydrodynamics. This positive feedback between marsh disappearance and the ability of coastal bays to retain sediments reduces the trapping capacity of the whole tidal system and jeopardizes the survival of the remaining marshes. We show that on marsh platforms, the sediment deposition per unit area decreases exponentially with marsh loss. Marsh erosion enlarges tidal prism values and enhances the tendency toward ebb dominance, thus decreasing the overall sediment availability of the system. Our findings highlight that marsh deterioration reduces the sediment stock in back-barrier basins and therefore compromises the resilience of salt marshes.more » « less
Abstract Sediment budget and sediment availability are direct metrics for evaluating the resilience of coastal bays to sea‐level rise (SLR). Here we use a high‐resolution numerical model of a tidally dominated marsh‐lagoon system to explore feedbacks between SLR and sediment dynamics. SLR augments tidal prism and inundation depth, facilitating sediment deposition on the marsh platform. At the same time, our results indicate that SLR enhances ebb‐dominated currents and increases sediment resuspension, reducing the sediment‐trapping capacity of tidal flats and bays and leading to a negative sediment budget for the entire system. This bimodal distribution of sediments budget trajectories will have a profound impact on the morphology of coastal bays, increasing the difference in elevation between salt marshes and tidal flats and potentially affecting intertidal ecosystems. Our results also clearly indicate that landforms lower with respect to the tidal frame are more affected by SLR than salt marshes.