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Economic models and watershed models provide useful results, but when seeking to integrate these systems, the temporal units typically utilized by these models must be reconciled. A hydrologic-economic modeling framework is built to couple the Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF), representing the watershed system, with the Rectangular Choice-of-Technology (RCOT) model, an extension of the basic input-output (I-O) model. This framework is implemented at different sub-annual timesteps to gain insight in selecting temporal units best suited for addressing questions of interest to both economists and hydrologists. Scenarios are designed to examine seasonal increases in nitrogen concentration that occur because of agricultural intensification in Cedar Run Watershed, located in Fauquier County, northern Virginia. These scenarios also evaluate the selection among surface water, groundwater, or a mix of (conjunctive use) practices for irrigation within the crop farming sector in response to these seasonal impacts. When agricultural intensification occurs in Cedar Run Watershed, implementing conjunctive use in irrigation reduces the seasonal increases in nitrogen concentration to specified limits. The most efficient of the conjunctive use strategies explicitly considered varies depending on which timestep is utilized in the scenario: a bi-annual timestep (wet and dry season) vs. a seasonal timestep. This modeling framework captures the interactions between watershed and economic systems at a temporal resolution that expands the range of questions one can address beyond those that can be analyzed using the individual models linked in this framework.more » « less
Economic input-output and watershed models provide useful results, but these kinds of models do not use the same spatial units, which typically limits their integration. A modular hydrologic-economic modeling framework is designed to couple the Rectangular Choice-of-Technology (RCOT) model, a physically constrained, input-output (I-O) model, with the Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF). Integrating these two models can address questions relevant to both economists and hydrologists, beyond addressing only administrative or watershed concerns. This framework is utilized to evaluate alternative future development prospects within Fauquier County, northern Virginia, specifically residential build-up, and agricultural intensification in the upstream location of the local watershed. Scenarios are designed to evaluate the downstream impacts on watershed health caused by upstream development and changes made within the economic sectors in response to these impacts. In the first case, an alternative residential water technology is more efficient than the standard for ensuring adequate water supply downstream. For scenarios involving upstream agricultural intensification, a crop shift from grains to fruits and vegetables is the most efficient of the alternatives considered. This framework captures two-way feedback between watershed and economic systems that expands the types of questions one can address beyond those that can be analyzed using these models individually.more » « less