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Creators/Authors contains: "Feng, L."

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  1. Abstract

    Large stocks of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in northern permafrost soils are vulnerable to remobilization under climate change. However, there are large uncertainties in present‐day greenhouse gas (GHG) budgets. We compare bottom‐up (data‐driven upscaling and process‐based models) and top‐down (atmospheric inversion models) budgets of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) as well as lateral fluxes of C and N across the region over 2000–2020. Bottom‐up approaches estimate higher land‐to‐atmosphere fluxes for all GHGs. Both bottom‐up and top‐down approaches show a sink of CO2in natural ecosystems (bottom‐up: −29 (−709, 455), top‐down: −587 (−862, −312) Tg CO2‐C yr−1) and sources of CH4(bottom‐up: 38 (22, 53), top‐down: 15 (11, 18) Tg CH4‐C yr−1) and N2O (bottom‐up: 0.7 (0.1, 1.3), top‐down: 0.09 (−0.19, 0.37) Tg N2O‐N yr−1). The combined global warming potential of all three gases (GWP‐100) cannot be distinguished from neutral. Over shorter timescales (GWP‐20), the region is a net GHG source because CH4dominates the total forcing. The net CO2sink in Boreal forests and wetlands is largely offset by fires and inland water CO2emissions as well as CH4emissions from wetlands and inland waters, with a smaller contribution from N2O emissions. Priorities for future research include the representation of inland waters in process‐based models and the compilation of process‐model ensembles for CH4and N2O. Discrepancies between bottom‐up and top‐down methods call for analyses of how prior flux ensembles impact inversion budgets, more and well‐distributed in situ GHG measurements and improved resolution in upscaling techniques.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025
  2. We introduce a new class of photonic resonators with resonant modes that feature hybrid standing-travelling waves. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. In this paper, we prove bounds for the unique, positive zero of O  G (z) := 1 −O G (z) , where O G ( z ) is the so-called orbit polynomial [1]. The orbit polynomial is based on the multiplic- ity and cardinalities of the vertex orbits of a graph. In [1] , we have shown that the unique, positive zero δ≤1 of O  G (z) can serve as a meaningful measure of graph symmetry. In this paper, we study special graph classes with a specified number of orbits and obtain bounds on the value of δ. 
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  5. Abstract

    This study presents an azimuthally anisotropic shear wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Alaska, based on Rayleigh wave phase speed observations from 10 to 80 s period recorded at more than 500 broadband stations. We test the hypothesis that a model composed of two homogeneous layers of anisotropy can explain these measurements. This “Two‐Layer Model” confines azimuthal anisotropy to the brittle upper crust along with the uppermost mantle from the Moho to 200 km depth. This model passes the hypothesis test for most of the region of study, from which we draw two conclusions. (a) The data are consistent with crustal azimuthal anisotropy being dominantly controlled by deformationally aligned cracks and fractures in the upper crust undergoing brittle deformation. (b) The data are also consistent with the uppermost mantle beneath Alaska and surroundings experiencing vertically coherent deformation. The model resolves several prominent features. (1) In the upper crust, fast directions are principally aligned with the orientation of major faults. (2) In the upper mantle, fast directions are aligned with the compressional direction in compressional tectonic domains and with the tensional direction in tensional domains. (3) The mantle fast directions located near the Alaska‐Aleutian subduction zone and the surrounding back‐arc area form a toroidal pattern that is consistent with mantle flow directions predicted by recent geodynamical models. Finally, the mantle anisotropy is remarkably consistent with SKS fast directions, but to fit SKS split times, anisotropy must extend below 200 km depth across most of the study region.

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