The angiosperm genus Silene has been the subject of extensive study in the field of ecology and evolution, but the availability of high-quality reference genome sequences has been limited for this group. Here, we report a chromosome-level assembly for the genome of Silene conica based on Pacific Bioscience HiFi, Hi-C, and Bionano technologies. The assembly produced 10 scaffolds (1 per chromosome) with a total length of 862 Mb and only ∼1% gap content. These results confirm previous observations that S. conica and its relatives have a reduced base chromosome number relative to the genus's ancestral state of 12. Silene conica has an exceptionally large mitochondrial genome (>11 Mb), predominantly consisting of sequence of unknown origins. Analysis of shared sequence content suggests that it is unlikely that transfer of nuclear DNA is the primary driver of this mitochondrial genome expansion. More generally, this assembly should provide a valuable resource for future genomic studies in Silene, including comparative analyses with related species that recently evolved sex chromosomes.
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Abstract -
Slotte, Tanja (Ed.)Abstract Intracellular transfers of mitochondrial DNA continue to shape nuclear genomes. Chromosome 2 of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains one of the largest known nuclear insertions of mitochondrial DNA (numts). Estimated at over 600 kb in size, this numt is larger than the entire Arabidopsis mitochondrial genome. The primary Arabidopsis nuclear reference genome contains less than half of the numt because of its structural complexity and repetitiveness. Recent data sets generated with improved long-read sequencing technologies (PacBio HiFi) provide an opportunity to finally determine the accurate sequence and structure of this numt. We performed a de novo assembly using sequencing data from recent initiatives to span the Arabidopsis centromeres, producing a gap-free sequence of the Chromosome 2 numt, which is 641 kb in length and has 99.933% nucleotide sequence identity with the actual mitochondrial genome. The numt assembly is consistent with the repetitive structure previously predicted from fiber-based fluorescent in situ hybridization. Nanopore sequencing data indicate that the numt has high levels of cytosine methylation, helping to explain its biased spectrum of nucleotide sequence divergence and supporting previous inferences that it is transcriptionally inactive. The original numt insertion appears to have involved multiple mitochondrial DNA copies with alternative structures that subsequently underwent an additional duplication event within the nuclear genome. This work provides insights into numt evolution, addresses one of the last unresolved regions of the Arabidopsis reference genome, and represents a resource for distinguishing between highly similar numt and mitochondrial sequences in studies of transcription, epigenetic modifications, and de novo mutations.more » « less
Abstract Reciprocal co‐evolving interactions between hosts and parasites are a primary source of strong selection that can promote rapid and often population‐ or genotype‐specific evolutionary change. These host–parasite interactions are also a major source of disease. Despite their importance, very little is known about the genomic basis of co‐evolving host–parasite interactions in natural populations, especially in animals. Here, we use gene expression and sequence evolution approaches to take critical steps towards characterizing the genomic basis of interactions between the freshwater snail
Potamopyrgus antipodarum and its co‐evolving sterilizing trematode parasite,Microphallus sp., a textbook example of natural coevolution. We found thatMicrophallus ‐infectedP. antipodarum exhibit systematic downregulation of genes relative to uninfectedP. antipodarum . The specific genes involved in parasite response differ markedly across lakes, consistent with a scenario where population‐level co‐evolution is leading to population‐specific host–parasite interactions and evolutionary trajectories. We also used anF ST‐based approach to identify a set of loci that represent promising candidates for targets of parasite‐mediated selection across lakes as well as within each lake population. These results constitute the first genomic evidence for population‐specific responses to co‐evolving infection in theP. antipodarum‐Microphallus interaction and provide new insights into the genomic basis of co‐evolutionary interactions in nature.