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Creators/Authors contains: "Filatov, Alexander S."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 26, 2025
  2. Iron–sulfur clusters play essential roles in biological systems, and thus synthetic [Fe4S4] clusters have been an area of active research. Recent studies have demonstrated that soluble [Fe4S4] clusters can serve as net H atom transfer mediators, improving the activity and selectivity of a homogeneous Mn CO2 reduction catalyst. Here, we demonstrate that incorporating these [Fe4S4] clusters into a coordination polymer enables heterogeneous H atom transfer from an electrode surface to a Mn complex dissolved in solution. A previously reported solution-processable Fe4S4-based coordination polymer was successfully deposited on the surfaces of different electrodes. The coated electrodes serve as H atom transfer mediators to a soluble Mn CO2 reduction catalyst displaying good product selectivity for formic acid. Furthermore, these electrodes are recyclable with a minimal decrease in activity after multiple catalytic cycles. The heterogenization of the mediator also enables the characterization of solution-phase and electrode surface species separately. Surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) reveals spectroscopic signatures for an in situ generated active Mn–H species, providing a more complete mechanistic picture for this system. The active species, reaction mechanism, and the protonation sites on the [Fe4S4] clusters were further confirmed by density functional theory calculations. The observed H atom transfer reactivity of these coordination polymer-coated electrodes motivates additional applications of this composite material in reductive H atom transfer electrocatalysis. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  3. Solid-state reactions formed vertical carpets of 2D metal carbides and nitrides on metal substrates. 
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  4. Carbonate-based electrolytes are widely used in Li-ion batteries but are limited by a small operating temperature window and poor cycling with silicon-containing graphitic anodes. The lack of non-carbonate electrolyte alternatives such as ether-based electrolytes is due to undesired solvent co-intercalation that occurs with graphitic anodes. Here, we show that fluoroethers are the first class of ether solvents to intrinsically support reversible lithium-ion intercalation into graphite without solvent co-intercalation at conventional salt concentrations. In full cells using a graphite anode, they enable 10-fold higher energy densities compared to conventional ethers, and better thermal stability over carbonate electrolytes (operation up to 60 °C) by producing a robust solvent-derived solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). As single-solvent–single-salt electrolytes, they remarkably outperform carbonate electrolytes with fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) and vinylene carbonate (VC) additives when cycled with graphite–silicon composite anodes. Our molecular design strategy opens a new class of electrolytes that can enable next generation Li-ion batteries with higher energy density and a wider working temperature window. 
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