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  1. Context.The 2003 October 28 (X17.2) eruptive flare was a unique event. The coronal electric field and theπ-decayγ-ray emission flux displayed the highest values ever inferred for solar flares.

    Aims.Our aim is to reveal physical links between the magnetic reconnection process, energy release, and acceleration of electrons and ions to high energies in the chain of the magnetic energy transformations in the impulsive phase of the solar flare.

    Methods.The global reconnection rate,φ̇(t), and the local reconnection rate (coronal electric field strength),Ec(r, t), were calculated from flare ribbon separation in Hαfiltergrams and photospheric magnetic field maps. Then, HXRs measured by CORONAS-F/SPR-N and the derivative of the GOES SXR flux,İSXR(t) were used as proxies of the flare energy release evolution. The flare early rise phase, main raise phase, and main energy release phase were defined based on temporal profiles of the above proxies. The available results of INTEGRAL and CORONAS-F/SONG observations were combined with Konus-Wind data to quantify the time behavior of electron and proton acceleration. Promptγ-ray lines and delayed 2.2 MeV line temporal profiles observed with Konus-Wind and INTEGRAL/SPI were used to detect and quantify the nuclei with energies of 10−70 MeV.

    Results.The magnetic-reconnection rates,φ̇(t) andEc(r, t), follow a common evolutionary pattern with the proxies of the flare energy released into high-energy electrons. The global and local reconnection rates reach their peaks at the end of the main rise phase of the flare. The spectral analysis of the high-energyγ-ray emission revealed a close association between the acceleration process efficiency and the reconnection rates. High-energy bremsstrahlung continuum and narrowγ-ray lines were observed in the main rise phase whenEc(r, t) of the positive (negative) polarity reached values of ∼120 V cm−1(∼80 V cm−1). In the main energy release phase, the upper energy of the bremsstrahlung spectrum was significantly reduced and the pion-decayγ-ray emission appeared abruptly. We discuss the reasons why the change of the acceleration regime occurred along with the large-scale magnetic field restructuration of this flare.

    Conclusions.The similarities between the proxies of the flare energy release withφ̇(t) andEc(r, t) in the flare’s main rise phase are in accordance with the reconnection models. We argue that the main energy release and proton acceleration up to subrelativistic energies began just when the reconnection rate was going through the maximum, that is, following a major change of the flare topology.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    This paper investigates the incidence of coherent emission in solar radio bursts, using a revised catalog of 3800 solar radio bursts observed by the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters from 1988 to 2023. We focus on the 1.0 and 2.0 GHz data, where radio fluxes of order 1010Jy have been observed. Previous work has suggested that these bursts are due to electron cyclotron maser (ECM) emission. In at least one well-studied case, the bright emission at 1 GHz consists of narrowband spikes of millisecond duration. Coherent emission at 1 GHz can be distinguished from traditional incoherent gyrosynchrotron flare emission based on the radio spectrum: Gyrosynchrotron emission at 1 GHz usually has a spectrum rising with frequency, so bursts in which 1 GHz is stronger than higher-frequency measurements are unlikely to be incoherent gyrosynchrotron. Based on this criterion, it is found that for bursts exceeding 100 sfu, three-quarters of all bursts at 1 GHz and half of all 2 GHz bursts have a dominant coherent emission component, assumed to be ECM. The majority of the very bright bursts at 1 GHz are highly circularly polarized, consistent with a coherent emission mechanism, but not always 100% polarized. The frequency range from 1 to 2 GHz is heavily utilized for terrestrial applications, and these results are relevant for understanding the extreme flux levels that may impact such applications. Further, they provide a reference for comparison with the study of ECM emission from other stars and potentially exoplanets.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 21, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Solar flares are driven by the release of free magnetic energy and its conversion to other forms of energy—kinetic, thermal, and nonthermal. Quantification of partitions between these energy components and their evolution is needed to understand the solar flare phenomenon including nonthermal particle acceleration, transport, and escape as well as the thermal plasma heating and cooling. The challenge of remote-sensing diagnostics is that the data are taken with finite spatial resolution and suffer from line-of-sight (LOS) ambiguity including cases when different flaring loops overlap and project one over the other. Here, we address this challenge by devising a data-constrained evolving 3D model of a multiloop SOL2014-02-16T064620 solar flare of GOES class C1.5. Specifically, we employed a 3D magnetic model validated earlier for a single time frame and extended it to cover the entire flare evolution. For each time frame we adjusted the distributions of the thermal plasma and nonthermal electrons in the model so that the observables synthesized from the model matched the observations. Once the evolving model had been validated in this way, we computed and investigated the evolving energy components and other relevant parameters by integrating over the model volume. This approach removes the LOS ambiguity and permits us to disentangle contributions from the overlapping loops. It reveals new facets of electron acceleration and transport as well as of the heating and cooling of the flare plasma in 3D. We find signatures of substantial direct heating of the flare plasma not associated with the energy loss of nonthermal electrons.

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  4. Abstract We present a multiwavelength analysis of two flare-related jets on 2014 November 13, using data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA), the Reuven High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), the Hinode/X-ray Telescope (XRT), and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Unlike most coronal jets, where hard X-ray (HXR) emissions are usually observed near the jet base, in these events HXR emissions are found at several locations, including in the corona. We carry out the first differential emission measure analysis that combines both AIA (and XRT, when available) bandpass filter data and RHESSI HXR measurements for coronal jets, and obtain self-consistent results across a wide temperature range and into nonthermal energies. In both events, hot plasma first appears at the jet base, but as the base plasma gradually cools, hot plasma also appears near the jet top. Moreover, nonthermal electrons, while only mildly energetic, are found in multiple HXR locations and contain large amounts of total energy. In particular, the energetic electrons that produce the HXR sources at the jet top are accelerated near the top location, rather than traveling from a reconnection site at the jet base. This means that there is more than one particle acceleration site in each event. Jet velocities are consistent with previous studies, including the upward and downward velocities around ∼200 km s −1 and ∼100 km s −1 , respectively, and fast outflows of 400–700 km s −1 . We also examine the energy partition in the later event, and find that the nonthermal energy in the accelerated electrons is most significant compared to the other energy forms considered. We discuss the interpretations and provide constraints on the mechanisms for coronal jet formation. 
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  5. Abstract

    A strong coronal magnetic field, when present, manifests itself as bright microwave sources at high frequencies produced by the gyroresonant (GR) emission mechanism in thermal coronal plasma. The highest frequency at which this emission is observed is proportional to the absolute value of the strongest coronal magnetic field on the line of sight. Although no coronal magnetic field larger than roughly 2000 G has been expected, recently a field at least 2 times larger has been reported. Here, we report on a search for and a statistical study of such strong coronal magnetic fields using high-frequency GR emission. A historic record of spatially resolved microwave observations at high frequencies, 17 and 34 GHz, is available from the Nobeyama RadioHeliograph for a period covering more than 20 yr (1995–2018). Here, we employ this data set to identify sources of bright GR emission at 34 GHz and perform a statistical analysis of the identified GR cases to quantify the strongest coronal magnetic fields during two solar cycles. We found that although active regions with a strong magnetic field are relatively rare (less than 1% of all active regions), they appear regularly on the Sun. These active regions are associated with prominent manifestations of solar activity.

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  6. This paper identifies several unsolved questions about solar flares, which can potentially be answered or at least clarified with mm/submm observations with ALMA. We focus on such questions as preflare phases and the initiation of solar flares and the efficiency of particle acceleration during flares. To investigate the preflare phase we propose to use the extraordinary sensitivity and high spatial resolution of ALMA, which promises to identify very early enhancements of preflare emission with high spatial resolution and link them to the underlying photospheric magnetic structure and chromospheric flare ribbons. In addition to revealing the flare onsets, these preflare measurements will aid in the investigation of particle acceleration in multiple ways. High-frequency imaging spectroscopy data in combination with the microwave data will permit the quantification of the high-energy cutoff in the nonthermal electron spectra, thus helping to constrain the acceleration efficiency. Detection and quantification of secondary relativistic positron (produced due to nonthermal accelerated ions) contribution using the imaging polarimetry data will help constrain acceleration efficiency of nonthermal nuclei in flares. Detection of a “mysterious” rising spectral component with high spatial resolution will help determine the emission mechanism responsible for this component, and will then help in quantifying this either nonthermal or thermal component of the flaring plasma. We discuss what ALMA observing mode(s) would be the most suitable for addressing these objectives. 
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  7. Abstract

    To facilitate the study of solar flares and active regions, we have created a modeling framework, the freely distributed GX Simulator IDL package, that combines 3D magnetic and plasma structures with thermal and nonthermal models of the chromosphere, transition region, and corona. Its object-based modular architecture, which runs on Windows, Mac, and Unix/Linux platforms, offers the ability to either import 3D density and temperature distribution models, or to assign numerically defined coronal or chromospheric temperatures and densities, or their distributions, to each individual voxel. GX Simulator can apply parametric heating models involving average properties of the magnetic field lines crossing a given voxel, as well as compute and investigate the spatial and spectral properties of radio, (sub)millimeter, EUV, and X-ray emissions calculated from the model, and quantitatively compare them with observations. The package includes a fully automatic model production pipeline that, based on minimal users input, downloads the required SDO/HMI vector magnetic field data, performs potential or nonlinear force-free field extrapolations, populates the magnetic field skeleton with parameterized heated plasma coronal models that assume either steady-state or impulsive plasma heating, and generates non-LTE density and temperature distribution models of the chromosphere that are constrained by photospheric measurements. The standardized models produced by this pipeline may be further customized through specialized IDL scripts, or a set of interactive tools provided by the graphical user interface. Here, we describe the GX Simulator framework and its applications.

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  8. Abstract Solar flares, driven by prompt release of free magnetic energy in the solar corona 1,2 , are known to accelerate a substantial portion (ten per cent or more) 3,4 of available electrons to high energies. Hard X-rays, produced by high-energy electrons accelerated in the flare 5 , require a high ambient density for their detection. This restricts the observed volume to denser regions that do not necessarily sample the entire volume of accelerated electrons 6 . Here we report evolving spatially resolved distributions of thermal and non-thermal electrons in a solar flare derived from microwave observations that show the true extent of the acceleration region. These distributions show a volume filled with only (or almost only) non-thermal electrons while being depleted of the thermal plasma, implying that all electrons have experienced a prominent acceleration there. This volume is isolated from a surrounding, more typical flare plasma of mainly thermal particles with a smaller proportion of non-thermal electrons. This highly efficient acceleration happens in the same volume in which the free magnetic energy is being released 2 . 
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  9. Abstract The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in practical applications of microwave gyrosynchrotron emission for plasma diagnostics and three-dimensional modeling of solar flares and other astrophysical objects. This breakthrough became possible due to an apparently minor, technical development of fast gyrosynchrotron codes, which enormously reduced the computation time needed to calculate a single spectrum, while preserving the accuracy of the computation. However, the available fast codes are limited in that they can only be used for a factorized distribution over the energy and pitch angle, while the distribution of electrons over energy or pitch angle is limited to a number of predefined analytical functions. In realistic simulations, these assumptions do not hold; thus, the codes free from the mentioned limitations are called for. To remedy this situation, we extended our fast codes to work with an arbitrary input distribution function of radiating electrons. We accomplished this by implementing fast codes for a distribution function described by an arbitrary numerically defined array. In addition, we removed several other limitations of the available fast codes and improved treatment of the free–free component. The ultimate fast codes presented here allow for an arbitrary combination of the analytically and numerically defined distributions, which offers the most flexible use of the fast codes. We illustrate the code with a few simple examples. 
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  10. null (Ed.)