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  1. N/A (Ed.)
    In 2019, women made up about half of the U.S. workforce but only 27% of the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) workforce, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Women pursuing careers in STEM workforces often face gender bias, discrimination, and harassment, yet seldom receive instruction on how to best handle such issues. The National Science Foundation-funded NAVIGATE Project aims to address this situation by providing women STEM graduate students with educational materials on how to recognize and confront discrimination, both interpersonally and organizationally. The skills-based program uses a case study approach, which promotes the internalization of learning and the development of analytical and decision-making skills, as well as proficiency in oral communication and teamwork. Each case study is coupled with discussion questions for individual and group reflection, as well as a complete facilitation guide with possible answers for those leading the training, to promote meaningful engagement with the material. The NAVIGATE facilitators will lead workshop participants through this novel case study approach to supporting the career persistence by women in STEM. The session will include research on the role change agents play in retaining women in STEM. It will also give participants opportunities to work collectively to strategize on how to impart graduate students with the skills necessary to (1) recognize gender bias, harassment and discrimination when encountered, and (2) act to overcome career adversity created by gender bias, harassment, and discrimination to persist in their STEM careers and become transformational leaders in their fields. 
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