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  1. Abstract

    Understanding how populations respond to climate is fundamentally important to many questions in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Climate is complex and multifaceted, with aspects affecting populations in different and sometimes unexpected ways. Thus, when measuring the changing climate it is important to consider the complexity of the phenomenon and the number of ways it can be characterized through different metrics. We used a Bayesian sparse modeling approach to select among 80 metrics of climate and applied the approach to 19 datasets of bird, insect, and plant population responses to abiotic conditions as case studies of how the method can be applied for climate variable selection in a time series context. For phenological datasets, mean spring temperature was frequently selected as an important climate driver, while selected predictors were more diverse for population metrics such as abundance or reproductive success. The climate variable selection approach presented here can help to identify potential climate metrics when there is limited physiological or mechanistic information to make ana priorivariable selection, and is broadly applicable across studies on population responses to climate.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  3. The hyperdiverse geometrid genusEoisHübner, estimated to encompass more than 1,000 species, is among the most species-rich genera in all of Lepidoptera. While the genus has attracted considerable attention from ecologists and evolutionary biologists in recent decades, limited progress has been made on its alpha taxonomy. This contribution focuses on the Olivacea clade, whose monophyly has been recognized previously through molecular analyses. We attempt to define the clade from a morphological perspective and recognize the following species based on morphology and genomic data:E. olivacea(Felder & Rogenhofer);E. pseudolivaceaDoan,sp. nov.;E. auruda(Dognin),stat. rev.;E. beebei(Fletcher, 1952),stat. rev.;E. boliviensis(Dognin),stat. rev.; andE. parumsimiiDoan,sp. nov.Descriptions and illustrations of the immature stages ofE. pseudolivaceareared fromPiper(Piperaceae) in Ecuador are provided.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 21, 2025
  4. Abstract

    Pathogens play a key role in insect population dynamics, contributing to short‐term fluctuations in abundance as well as long‐term demographic trends. Two key factors that influence the effects of entomopathogens on herbivorous insect populations are modes of pathogen transmission and larval host plants. In this study, we examined tritrophic interactions between a sequestering specialist lepidopteran,Euphydryas phaeton, and a viral pathogen, Junonia coenia densovirus, on its native host plant,Chelone glabra, and a novel host plant,Plantago lanceolata, to explore whether host plant mediates viral transmission, survival, and viral loads. A two‐factor factorial experiment was conducted in the laboratory with natal larval clusters randomly assigned to either the native or novel host plant and crossed with either uninoculated controls or viral inoculation (20% of individuals in the cluster inoculated). Diapausing clusters were overwintered in the laboratory and checked weekly for mortality. At the end of diapause, all surviving individuals were reared to adulthood to estimate survivorship. All individuals were screened to quantify viral loads, and estimate horizontal transmission postmortem. To test for vertical transmission, adults were mated, and the progeny were screened for viral presence. Within virus‐treated groups, we found evidence for both horizontal and vertical transmission. Larval clusters reared on the native host plant had slightly higher horizontal transmission. Survival probability was lower in clusters feeding on the native host plant, with inoculated groups reared on the native host plant experiencing complete mortality. Viral loads did not differ by the host plant, although viral loads decreased with increased sequestration of secondary compounds on both host plants. Our results indicate that the use of a novel host plant may confer fitness benefits in terms of survival and reduced viral transmission when larvae feeding on it are infected with this pathogen, supporting hypotheses of potential evolutionary advantages of a host range expansion in the context of tritrophic interactions.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  5. Declines in biodiversity generated by anthropogenic stressors at both species and population levels can alter emergent processes instrumental to ecosystem function and resilience. As such, understanding the role of biodiversity in ecosystem function and its response to climate perturbation is increasingly important, especially in tropical systems where responses to changes in biodiversity are less predictable and more challenging to assess experimentally. Using large-scale transplant experiments conducted at five neotropical sites, we documented the impacts of changes in intraspecific and interspecific plant richness in the genusPiperon insect herbivory, insect richness, and ecosystem resilience to perturbations in water availability. We found that reductions of both intraspecific and interspecificPiperdiversity had measurable and site-specific effects on herbivory, herbivorous insect richness, and plant mortality. The responses of these ecosystem-relevant processes to reduced intraspecificPiperrichness were often similar in magnitude to the effects of reduced interspecific richness. Increased water availability reduced herbivory by 4.2% overall, and the response of herbivorous insect richness and herbivory to water availability were altered by both intra- and interspecific richness in a site-dependent manner. Our results underscore the role of intraspecific and interspecific richness as foundations of ecosystem function and the importance of community and location-specific contingencies in controlling function in complex tropical systems.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 25, 2025
  6. The pressures of global change acting on wild plants and animals include exposure to environmental toxins, the introduction of non-native species, and climate change. Relatively few studies have been reported in which these three main classes of stressors have been examined simultaneously, allowing for the possibility of synergistic effects in an experimental context. In this study, we exposed caterpillars of the Melissa blue butterfly ( Lycaeides melissa ) to three concentrations of chlorantraniliprole, under three experimental climates, on a diet of a native or a non-native host plant throughout larval development in a fully factorial experiment. We find that high pesticide exposure and a non-native diet exhibit strong negative effects on caterpillars, resulting in 62% and 42% reduction in survival, respectively, while interactive effects tend to be weaker, ranging from 15% to 22% reduction in survival. Interactive effects have been shown to be strong in other contexts, but do not appear to be universal; however, our study shows that the cumulative effects of stressors acting in isolation (additively) are sufficiently strong to severely reduce survival and by extension population persistence in the wild. 
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  7. Insect herbivory can be an important selective pressure and contribute substantially to local plant richness. As herbivory is the result of numerous ecological and evolutionary processes, such as complex insect population dynamics and evolution of plant antiherbivore defenses, it has been difficult to predict variation in herbivory across meaningful spatial scales. In the present work, we characterize patterns of herbivory on plants in a species‐rich and abundant tropical genus (Piper) across forests spanning 44° of latitude in the Neotropics. We modeled the effects of geography, climate, resource availability, andPiperspecies richness on the median, dispersion, and skew of generalist and specialist herbivory. By examining these multiple components of the distribution of herbivory, we were able to determine factors that increase biologically meaningful herbivory at the upper ends of the distribution (indicated by skew and dispersion). We observed a roughly twofold increase in median herbivory in humid relative to seasonal forests, which aligns with the hypothesis that precipitation seasonality plays a critical role in shaping interaction diversity within tropical ecosystems. Site level variables such as latitude, seasonality, and maximumPiperrichness explained the positive skew in herbivory at the local scale (plot level) better for assemblages ofPipercongeners than for a single species. Predictors that varied between local communities, such as resource availability and diversity, best explained the distribution of herbivory within sites, dampening broad patterns across latitude and climate and demonstrating why generalizations about gradients in herbivory have been elusive. The estimated population means, dispersion, and skew of herbivory responded differently to abiotic and biotic factors, illustrating the need for careful studies to explore distributions of herbivory and their effects on forest diversity.

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  8. Bossart, Janice L. (Ed.)
    One of the defining features of the Anthropocene is eroding ecosystem services, decreases in biodiversity, and overall reductions in the abundance of once-common organisms, including many insects that play innumerable roles in natural communities and agricultural systems that support human society. It is now clear that the preservation of insects cannot rely solely on the legal protection of natural areas far removed from the densest areas of human habitation. Instead, a critical challenge moving forward is to intelligently manage areas that include intensively farmed landscapes, such as the Central Valley of California. Here we attempt to meet this challenge with a tool for modeling landscape connectivity for insects (with pollinators in particular in mind) that builds on available information including lethality of pesticides and expert opinion on insect movement. Despite the massive fragmentation of the Central Valley, we find that connectivity is possible, especially utilizing the restoration or improvement of agricultural margins, which (in their summed area) exceed natural areas. Our modeling approach is flexible and can be used to address a wide range of questions regarding both changes in land cover as well as changes in pesticide application rates. Finally, we highlight key steps that could be taken moving forward and the great many knowledge gaps that could be addressed in the field to improve future iterations of our modeling approach. 
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