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  1. Abstract

    Eukaryotic retroelements are generally divided into two classes: long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons and non-LTR retrotransposons. A third class of eukaryotic retroelement, the Penelope-like elements (PLEs), has been well-characterized bioinformatically, but relatively little is known about the transposition mechanism of these elements. PLEs share some features with the R2 retrotransposon fromBombyx mori, which uses a target-primed reverse transcription (TPRT) mechanism, but their distinct phylogeny suggests PLEs may utilize a novel mechanism of mobilization. Using protein purified fromE. coli, we report unique in vitro properties of a PLE from the green anole (Anolis carolinensis), revealing mechanistic aspects not shared by other retrotransposons. We found that reverse transcription is initiated at two adjacent sites within the transposon RNA that is not homologous to the cleaved DNA, a feature that is reflected in the genomic “tail” signature shared between and unique to PLEs. Our results for the first active PLE in vitro provide a starting point for understanding PLE mobilization and biology.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 11, 2025
  2. Purpose

    Undiagnosed dehydration compromises health outcomes across many populations. Existing dehydration diagnostics require invasive bodily fluid sampling or are easily confounded by fluid and electrolyte intake, environment, and physical activity limiting widespread adoption. We present a portable MR sensor designed to measure intramuscular fluid shifts to identify volume depletion.


    Fluid loss is induced via a mouse model of thermal dehydration (37°C; 15‐20% relative humidity). We demonstrate quantification of fluid loss induced by hyperosmotic dehydration with multicomponent T2 relaxometry using both a benchtop NMR system and MRI localized to skeletal muscle tissue. We then describe a miniaturized (~1000 cm3) portable (~4 kg) MR sensor (0.28 T) designed to identify dehydration‐induced fluid loss. T2 relaxometry measurements were performed using a Carr‐Purcell‐Meiboom‐Gill pulse sequence in ~4 min.


    T2 values from the portable MR sensor exhibited strong (R2= 0.996) agreement with benchtop NMR spectrometer. Thermal dehydration induced weight loss of 4 to 11% over 5 to 10 h. Fluid loss induced by thermal dehydration was accurately identified via whole‐animal NMR and skeletal muscle. The portable MR sensor accurately identified dehydration via multicomponent T2 relaxometry.


    Performing multicomponent T2 relaxometry localized to the skeletal muscle with a miniaturized MR sensor provides a noninvasive, physiologically relevant measure of dehydration induced fluid loss in a mouse model. This approach offers sensor portability, reduced system complexity, fully automated operation, and low cost compared with MRI. This approach may serve as a versatile and portable point of care technique for dehydration monitoring.

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