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Creators/Authors contains: "Gallo Rosso, A."

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  1. Abstract We present results of several measurements of CsI[Na] scintillation response to 3–60 keV energy nuclear recoils performed by the COHERENT collaboration using tagged neutron elastic scattering experiments and an endpoint technique. Earlier results, used to estimate the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) event rate for the first observation of this process achieved by COHERENT at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), have been reassessed. We discuss corrections for the identified systematic effects and update the respective uncertainty values. The impact of updated results on future precision tests of CEvNS is estimated. We scrutinize potential systematic effects that could affect each measurement. In particular we confirm the response of the H11934-200 Hamamatsu photomultiplier tube (PMT) used for the measurements presented in this study to be linear in the relevant signal scale region. 
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  2. Abstract We present the analysis and results of the first datasetcollected with the MARS neutron detectordeployed at the Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) for the purpose ofmonitoring and characterizing the beam-related neutron (BRN) backgroundfor the COHERENT collaboration. MARS was positionednext to the COH-CsI coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering detectorin the SNS basement corridor. This is the basement location ofclosest proximity to the SNS target and thus, of highest neutrino flux,but it is also well shielded from the BRN flux by infill concreteand gravel. These data show the detector registered roughly one BRN per day.Using MARS' measured detection efficiency, the incomingBRN flux is estimated to be 1.20 ± 0.56 neutrons/m^2/MWhfor neutron energies above ∼3.5 MeV and up to a few tens of MeV.We compare our results with previous BRN measurements in the SNS basement corridorreported by other neutron detectors. 
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  3. Abstract The XENONnT detector uses the latest and largest liquid xenon-based time projection chamber (TPC) operated by the XENON Collaboration, aimed at detecting Weakly Interacting Massive Particles and conducting other rare event searches.The XENONnT data acquisition (DAQ) system constitutes an upgraded and expanded version of the XENON1T DAQ system.For its operation, it relies predominantly on commercially available hardware accompanied by open-source and custom-developed software.The three constituent subsystems of the XENONnT detector, the TPC (main detector), muon veto, and the newly introduced neutron veto, are integrated into a single DAQ, and can be operated both independently and as a unified system.In total, the DAQ digitizes the signals of 698 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), of which 253 from the top PMT array of the TPC are digitized twice, at ×10 and ×0.5 gain.The DAQ for the most part is a triggerless system, reading out and storing every signal that exceeds the digitization thresholds.Custom-developed software is used to process the acquired data, making it available within ∼30 s for live data quality monitoring and online analyses.The entire system with all the three subsystems was successfully commissioned and has been operating continuously, comfortably withstanding readout rates that exceed ∼500 MB/s during calibration.Livetime during normal operation exceeds 99% and is ∼90% during most high-rate calibrations.The combined DAQ system has collected more than 2 PB of both calibration and science data during the commissioning of XENONnT and the first science run. 
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