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Creators/Authors contains: "Garber, Joshua M."

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  1. Abstract

    Ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT; >900°C) metamorphism drives crustal differentiation and is widely recognized in the rock record, but its geodynamic causes are debated. Previous work on granulite‐facies metapelite xenoliths from San Luis Potosí, Mexico suggests the lower crust experienced a protracted UHT metamorphic event that coincided with the onset of regional extension. To determine the duration, conditions, and heat sources of UHT metamorphism recorded by these xenoliths, this study characterizes the major‐element, trace‐element, and U‐Pb isotopic systematics of quartz, rutile, feldspar, garnet, and zircon by in situ electron microprobe (EPMA) and laser‐ablation inductively coupled‐plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS), and augments these data with detailed petrography, thermobarometry, phase equilibria modeling, and diffusion modeling. Thermobarometry and phase equilibria modeling suggest peak metamorphic conditions exceeded 0.7 GPa and 900°C. Zircon petrochronology confirms >15 Myr of UHT conditions since its onset at ∼30 Ma. A small population of zircon record elevated temperatures following transition from backarc compression to extension during the waning stages of orogenesis (60–37 Ma). Garnet preserves trace‐element zoning and mineral inclusions consistent with suprasolidus garnet growth and subsequent compositional modification by intracrystalline rare‐earth element diffusion during protracted heating, with diffusion chronometry timescales in agreement with zircon data, followed by fluid‐driven remobilization of trace elements along now‐healed fractures within ∼1 Myr of eruption. In sum, these data are most compatible with lithospheric mantle attenuation or removal as the dominant heat transport mechanism driving synextensional UHT metamorphism and crustal melting, which has bearing on models for crustal differentiation and formation of modern and ancient granulite terranes globally.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Titanite U–Pb geochronology is a promising tool to date high-temperature tectonic processes, but the extent to and mechanisms by which recrystallization resets titanite U–Pb dates are poorly understood. This study combines titanite U–Pb dates, trace elements, zoning, and microstructures to directly date deformation and fluid-driven recrystallization along the Coast shear zone (BC, Canada). Twenty titanite grains from a deformed calc-silicate gneiss yield U–Pb dates that range from ~ 75 to 50 Ma. Dates between ~ 75 and 60 Ma represent metamorphic crystallization or inherited detrital cores, whereas ~ 60 and 50 Ma dates reflect localized, grain-scale processes that variably recrystallized the titanite. All the analyzed titanite grains show evidence of fluid-mediated dissolution–reprecipitation, particularly at grain rims, but lack evidence of thermally mediated volume diffusion at a metamorphic temperature of > 700 °C. The younger U–Pb dates are predominantly found in bent portions of grains or fluid-recrystallized rims. These features likely formed during ductile slip and associated fluid flow along the Coast shear zone, although it is unclear whether the dates represent 10 Myr of continuous recrystallization or incomplete resetting of the titanite U–Pb system during a punctuated metamorphic event. Correlations between dates and trace-element concentrations vary, indicating that the effects of dissolution–reprecipitation decoupled U–Pb dates from trace-element concentrations in some grains. These results demonstrate that U–Pb dates from bent titanite lattices and titanite subgrains may directly date crystal-plastic deformation, suggesting that deformation microstructures enhance fluid-mediated recrystallization, and emphasize the complexity of fluid and deformation processes within and among individual grains.

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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. null (Ed.)
  5. Laser ablation tandem mass spectrometry is a burgeoning field forin situRb‐Sr geochronology. Here, we determined simultaneous isotope ratios of87Sr/86Sr and87Rb/86Sr in metamorphic biotite from western Maine, using an ESL™ imageGEO™193 excimer laser ablation system coupled to a Thermo Scientific™ Neoma™ MC‐ICP‐MS/MS. Measurements were made on Faraday cups with Rb+at mass 87; Sr isotopes were reacted with SF6gas and measured as SrF+at masses 103–107. Twenty‐two laser spots in biotite from a single sample yield a traditional Rb‐Sr isochron date of 289 ± 6 Ma. Time‐resolved signals reveal significant zoning in87Sr/86Sr and87Rb/86Sr within single spot analyses, which were used to construct single spot isochrons. Individual laser spots contain multiple isochronous subpopulations; some spots contain up to three distinct Rb‐Sr isochrons that are decoupled from variations in Rb/Sr. Thirty‐five isochron dates were determined using this sub‐spot approach, with87Sr/86Sr intercepts that systematically vary with Rb‐Sr date; two‐point isochrons were calculated for individual integrations (n= 780) based on these variable intercepts. Both methods yield age peaks at 303, 270 and 240 Ma. These data suggest that the Rb‐Sr system has the potential to record multiple heating, cooling or fluid‐alteration events spanning ~ 100 My within small domains in single biotite crystals.

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  6. Abstract

    Quantifying the timing and conditions of ductile deformation is essential for quantitative models of lithospheric deformation. Yet, directly constraining these variables and documenting how they change during a single deformation event remain difficult. We present titanite microstructural, zoning, trace‐element, and U‐Pb data from  

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  7. null (Ed.)
  8. Abstract

    Metasediments are common constituents of exhumed lower‐to‐mid‐crustal granulite terranes; understanding their emplacement is significant for the assembly and tectonic evolution of deep continental crust. Here, we report a monazite U‐Th‐Pb petrochronological investigation of the Variscan Ivrea‐Verbano Zone (IVZ) (Val Strona di Omegna section)—an archetypal section of lower crust. Monazite Th‐Pb dates from 11 metapelitic samples decrease with structural depth from 310 to 285 Ma for amphibolite‐facies samples to <290 Ma for granulite‐facies samples. These dates exhibit a time‐resolved variation in monazite trace‐element composition, dominated by the effects of plagioclase and garnet partitioning. Monazite growth under prograde to peak metamorphic conditions began as early as 316 ± 2 Ma. Amphibolite‐facies monazite defines a trend consistent with progressively decreasing garnet modal abundances during decompression and cooling starting at ∼310 Ma; the timing of the onset of exhumation decreases to ∼290 Ma at the base of the amphibolite‐facies portion of the section. Structurally lower, granulite‐facies monazite equilibrated under garnet‐present pressure‐temperature conditions at <290 Ma, with monazite (re)crystallization persisting until at least ∼260 Ma. Combined with existing detrital zircon U‐Pb dates, the monazite data define a <30 Myr duration between deposition of clastic sediments and their burial and heating, potentially to peak amphibolite‐to‐granulite‐facies conditions. Similarly brief timescales for deposition, burial and prograde metamorphism of lower crustal sediments have been reported from continental magmatic arc terranes—supporting the interpretation that the IVZ represents sediments accreted to the base of a Variscan arc magmatic system >5 Myr prior to the onset of regional extension and mafic magmatism.

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