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Creators/Authors contains: "Gavrilova, Margarita"

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  1. Accelerating classical systems that couple to a fermion-antifermion pair at the microscopic level can radiate pairs of fermions and lose energy in the process. In this work, we derive the generalization of the Larmor formula for fermion pair radiation. We focus on the case of a point-like classical source in an elliptical orbit that emits fermions through vector and scalar mediators. Ultra-light fermion emission from such systems becomes relevant when the mass of the mediator is larger than the frequency of the periodic motion. This enables us to probe regions of the parameter space that are inaccessible in on-shell bosonic radiation. We apply our results to pulsar binaries with mediators that couple to muons and neutrinos. Using current data on binary period decays, we extract bounds on the parameters of such models. 
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  2. A bstract We perform a systematic study of SU(2) flavor amplitude sum rules with particular emphasis on U -spin. This study reveals a rich mathematical structure underlying the sum rules that allows us to formulate an algorithm for deriving all U -spin amplitude sum rules to any order of the symmetry breaking. This novel approach to deriving the sum rules does not require one to explicitly compute the Clebsch-Gordan tables, and allows for simple diagrammatic interpretation. Several examples that demonstrate the application of our novel method to systems that can be probed experimentally are provided. 
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