Seismic resonance and surface displacement measurements can be implemented in tandem to improve landslide characterization and progressive failure monitoring. Crack aperture data are frequently used in rock slope stability monitoring and often exhibit recognizable trends prior to failure, such as accelerated crack opening. Alternatively, ambient resonance data offer multiple parameters including modal frequencies, damping, and polarization that can be monitored alongside crack aperture and may respond differently to environmental forcings and complex failure evolution. We analyzed data from continuous ambient vibration monitoring and concomitant crack aperture measurements at the Courthouse Mesa instability, a large toppling sandstone slab in Utah, USA. Three years of data revealed crack aperture increases of 2–4 mm/year with no clearly detectable irreversible changes in modal parameters, including frequency. Annually, frequency and displacement varied by 29% and 19% of the mean, respectively, with average and maximum daily frequency fluctuations of 6.5% and 16%, respectively. These reversible cyclic changes were primarily temperature-driven, but annually, frequency was in-phase with temperature whereas crack aperture lagged temperature changes by ∼37 days. Polarization and damping also varied seasonally but were less strongly correlated with temperature. Conceptual 3D finite element modeling demonstrated consistent frequency decreases associated with crack propagation but variable changes in crack aperture measured at a single point; i.e., crack propagation did not always result in increased crack opening but always generated a resonance frequency decrease. Taken together, our data suggest a possible thermal wedging-ratcheting mechanism at the Courthouse Mesa instability, where annual thermoelastic crack closure is impeded by debris infill but the absence of downward crack propagation during the monitoring period is evidenced by no permanent resonance frequency changes. Our study demonstrates that combined seismic resonance and crack aperture data provide an improved description of rock slope instability behavior, supporting refined characterization and monitoring of changes accompanying progressive failure.
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Natural arches are culturally valued rock landforms common in sedimentary rocks of the Colorado Plateau and additionally occur broadly around the world. Recent notable collapses of some of these landforms have highlighted the need to better understand the mechanics of their failure. While environmentally driven weathering has been the focus of most previous studies of arch collapse, comparably little attention has been given to anthropogenic vibration sources and how these often slight- to moderate-magnitude shaking events might steadily weaken arches over time. We collected 12–15 months of continuous ambient vibration data from arches and nearby bedrock in both anthropogenically ‘noisy’ and ‘quiet’ locations and used these datasets to develop an annual model of arch peak ground velocity based on magnitude-cumulative frequency distributions. Working from these models, we added vibration events of varying magnitude or frequency of occurrence, informed by field data, imitating arch vibration in response to different anthropogenic activities such as helicopter flights or induced earthquakes. We then applied subcritical fracture mechanics principles to predict annual crack growth rates in an idealized arch under these different vibration conditions. Our results demonstrate that in a single year, cracks grow minimally longer (∼1%) in ‘noisy’ environments than in areas not experiencing anthropogenic vibration energy. Few (1+) 30-s moderate-magnitude events (∼15 mm/s) or many (>37,000) 30-s low-magnitude events (∼2 mm/s) cause markedly increased crack growth. Our approach provides a valuable new framework for assessing the range and frequency of occurrence of vibrations experienced by an arch, and for predicting arch damage. Our results, in turn, yield important new outputs applicable in support of conservation management of these and similar landforms world-wide under exposure to a range of human-induced vibration activity.more » « less
Abstract Modal analysis of freestanding rock formations is crucial for evaluating their vibrational response to external stimuli, aiding accurate assessment of associated geohazards. Whereas conventional seismometers can be used to measure the translational components of normal modes, recent advances in rotational seismometer technology now allow direct measurement of the rotational components. We deployed a portable, three-component rotational seismometer for a short-duration experiment on a 36 m high sandstone tower located near Moab, Utah, in addition to conducting modal analysis using conventional seismic data and numerical modeling. Spectral analysis of rotation rate data resolved the first three natural frequencies of the tower (2.1, 3.1, and 5.9 Hz), and polarization analysis revealed the orientations of the rotation axes. Modal rotations were the strongest for the first two eigenmodes, which are mutually perpendicular, full-height bending modes with horizontal axes of rotation. The third mode is torsional with rotation about a subvertical axis. Measured natural frequencies and the orientations of displacements and rotation axes match our numerical models closely for these first three modes. In situ measurements of modal rotations are valuable at remote field sites with limited access, and contribute to an improved understanding of modal deformation, material properties, and landform response to vibration stimuli.more » « less
Abstract Thousands of rock arches are situated within the central Colorado Plateau—a region experiencing small- to moderate-magnitude contemporary seismicity. Recent anthropogenic activity has substantially increased the seismicity rate in some areas, raising questions about the potential for vibration damage of natural arches, many of which have high cultural value. However, predictions of the vibration response and potential for damage at a given site are limited by a lack of data describing spectral amplification of ground motion on these landforms. We analyzed 13 sandstone arches in Utah, computing site-to-reference spectral amplitude ratios from continuous ambient seismic data, and compared these to spectral ratios during earthquakes and teleseismic activity. We found peak ground velocities on arches at their dominant natural modes (in the range of 2–20 Hz) are ∼20–180 times the velocity on adjacent bedrock, due to amplification arising from slender geometry and low modal damping (0.8%–2.7%). Ambient spectral ratios are generally 1.2–2.0 times the coseismic spectral ratios. Because arches experience highly amplified ground motion, the range of earthquakes considered potentially damaging may need to be revised to include lower-magnitude events. Our results have implications for conservation management of these and other culturally valuable landforms.more » « less
Abstract The dynamic properties of freestanding rock towers are important inputs for seismic stability and vibration hazard assessments, however data describing the natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios of these landforms remain rare. We measured the ambient vibration of 14 sandstone and conglomerate rock towers and fins in Utah, United States, using broadband seismometers and nodal geophones. Fundamental frequencies vary between 0.8 and 15 Hz—inversely with tower height—and generally exhibit subhorizontal modal vectors oriented parallel to the minimum tower width. Modal damping ratios are low across all features, between 0.6% and 2.2%. We reproduced measured modal attributes in 3D numerical eigenfrequency models for 10 of the 14 landforms, showing that the fundamental mode of these features is full-height bending akin to a cantilever. Fin-like landforms commonly have a torsional second mode whereas tower-like features have a second full-height bending mode subperpendicular to the fundamental. In line with beam theory predictions, our data confirm that fundamental frequencies scale with the ratio of a tower’s width to its squared height. Compiled data from 18 other sites support our results, and taken together, provide guidance for estimating the modal properties of rock towers required for vibration risk assessment and paleoseismic shaking intensity analysis in different settings.more » « less
Abstract. Helicopters emit high-power infrasound in a frequency range thatcan coincide with the natural frequencies of rock landforms. While a singleprevious study demonstrated that close-proximity helicopter flight was ableto excite potentially damaging vibration of rock pinnacles, the effects on abroader range of landforms remain unknown. We performed a series ofcontrolled flights at seven sandstone arches and towers in Utah, USA,recording their vibration response to helicopter-sourced infrasound. Wefound that landform vibration velocities increased by a factor of up to 1000during close-proximity helicopter flight as compared to ambient conditionsimmediately prior and that precise spectral alignment between infrasoundand landform natural frequencies is required to excite resonance. We defineadmittance as the ratio of vibration velocity to infrasound pressure andrecorded values of up to 0.11 mm s−1 Pa−1. While our resultsdemonstrate a strong vibration response, the measured velocities are lowerthan likely instantaneously damaging values. Our results serve as a basisfor predicting unfavorable degradation of culturally significant rocklandforms due to regular helicopter overflights.more » « less
Abstract Continuous ambient seismic monitoring is becoming common for structural health assessment of geologic features. However, the ability to detect or predict permanent mechanical change associated with damage requires detailed understanding of reversible drifts in resonance attributes associated with changing meteorological conditions. Here, we analyze the response of 17 sandstone rock arches to changing meteorological conditions during extended vibration‐based monitoring, with a focus on 1 arch in Utah which was continuously monitored for 15 months. Our results show that variations in resonance are correlated with temperature on daily and yearly time scales, but that the temperature sensitivity of frequency changes are variable at different sites and resonance modes, generally ranging from 0.5% to 6% per 10°C. Numerical modeling suggests the primary mechanism governing these frequency drifts is stress stiffening, where confined thermal dilation induces bulk stress changes in the low‐stress, nonlinear elastic regime via fracture closure. Secondary mechanisms affecting resonance attributes are driven by moisture, including formation of shallow pore ice, which can generate sharp frequency changes of up to 17% per −10°C, and moisture‐induced softening. Daily lag times of several hours between temperature and frequency extrema provide constraints on the rock volumes affected by these mechanisms, indicating modal attributes are sensitive to thermally driven changes occurring in the outermost centimeters of the structure. Through improved understanding of the reversible variations of rock mass resonance, our results aid future assessment of irreversible frequency changes associated with damage, and thus structural health monitoring of fragile geologic features.
Abstract We acquired a unique ambient vibration dataset from Castleton Tower, a 120 m high bedrock monolith located near Moab, Utah, to resolve dynamic and material properties of the landform. We identified the first two resonant modes at 0.8 and 1.0 Hz, which consist of mutually perpendicular, linearly polarized horizontal ground motion at the top of the tower. Damping ratios for these modes were low at ∼1%. We successfully reproduced field data in 3D numerical eigenfrequency simulation implementing a Young’s modulus of 7 GPa, a value ∼30% lower than measured on core samples. Our analysis confirms that modal deformation at the first resonant frequencies closely resembles that of a cantilever beam. The outcome is that with basic estimates of geometry and material properties, the resonant frequencies of other freestanding rock monoliths can be estimated a priori. Such estimates are crucial to evaluate the response of rock towers to external vibration inputs.more » « less