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Creators/Authors contains: "Geller, Marvin_A"

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  1. Abstract

    In a previous paper, we identified a “notch” in unstable layers at Koror (7.3°N, 134.5°E), where there was a relative deficiency in thin unstable layers and a corresponding relative excess in thicker layers, at altitudes centered at 12 km. We hypothesized that this feature was associated with the previously identified stability minimum in the tropics at that same altitude. In this paper, we extend our studies of this notch and its association with the tropical stability minimum by examining other stations in the deep tropics and also some stations at higher latitudes within the tropics. We find that this notch feature is found at all the other radiosonde stations in the deep tropics that we examined. We also find that the annual variations in unstable layer occurrences at stations at higher latitudes within the tropics show variations consistent with our hypothesis that this notch is associated with the region of minimum stability in the tropics at altitudes centered around 12 km, in that the annual variation in this notch feature is consistent with the annual variation of minimum stability in this region. Two factors contribute to the notch feature. One is that the data quality control procedure of the analysis rejects many thin layers due to the small trend-to-noise ratio in the region of minimum stability. The other is that the cloud-top outflow, which was previously identified with the stability minimum, advects thicker unstable layers throughout the deep tropics at the altitudes of the notch.

    Significance Statement

    Previous papers have separately identified a stability minimum in the tropics and a “notch” feature in the thicknesses of unstable atmospheric layers where there are less thin unstable layers and a corresponding excess of thicker unstable layers, both at altitudes around 12 km. We previously hypothesized that these two features were associated with one another. In this paper, we examine this notch feature and the minimum in atmospheric stability at both deep tropical radiosonde stations and stations located at higher latitudes in the tropics, and we find that the annual variation of this notch feature is consistent with the latitudinal migration of the latitudes of the stability minimum. Turbulence associated with this notch feature might be significant for aircraft operations.

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  2. Abstract

    We have published a recent paper on differences between temperature fluctuations of various vertical scales in raw and processed U.S. high vertical resolution radiosonde data (HVRRD). In that paper, we note that the small-scale temperature fluctuations in the raw U.S. HVRRD are significantly larger than those in the processed U.S. HVRRD and that those small-scale temperature fluctuations are much larger during daytime that during nighttime. We believe that this is due to the varying amount of solar radiation falling on the radiosonde temperature sensor as the radiosonde instrument swings and rotates. In light of these new results, we present revisions to some of our conclusions about the climatology of atmospheric unstable layers. When we repeat our calculations of atmospheric unstable layers using the processed U.S. HVRRD, we find the following. 1) The 0000/1200 UTC differences in unstable layer occurrences in the lower stratosphere that were noted in our earlier paper essentially disappear. 2) The “notch” in the deep tropics where there is a relative deficiency of thin unstable layers and a corresponding excess of thicker layers is still a feature when processed data are analyzed, but the daytime notch is less marked when the processed data were used. 3) The discontinuity in unstable layer occurrences, when there was a change in radiosonde instrumentation, is still present when processed data are analyzed, but is diminished from what it was when the raw data were analyzed.

    Significance Statement

    In a previous paper deriving the climatology of atmospheric unstable layers, we emphasized several findings. We reexamine three of the main points of that paper when processed U.S. high vertical resolution radiosonde data are analyzed instead of the raw data used in that previous paper. We find the 0000/1200 UTC differences virtually disappear in the new analysis. We find that the “notch” feature previously noted at Koror still exists, and we find that the discontinuity in unstable layers, when radiosonde instrumentation is changed, is diminished, but is still present in the new analysis.

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  3. Abstract

    A companion paper by Fritts et al. reviews extensive evidence for Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI) “tube” and “knot” (T&K) dynamics at multiple altitudes in the atmosphere and in the oceans that reveal these dynamics to be widespread. A second companion paper by Fritts and Wang reveals KHI T&K events at larger and smaller scales to arise on multiple highly stratified sheets in a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of idealized, multiscale gravity wave–fine structure interactions. These studies reveal the diverse environments in which KHI T&K dynamics arise and suggest their potentially ubiquitous occurrence throughout the atmosphere and oceans. This paper describes a DNS of multiple KHI evolutions in wide and narrow domains enabling and excluding T&K dynamics. These DNSs employ common initial conditions but are performed for decreasing Reynolds numbers (Re) to explore whether T&K dynamics enable enhanced KHI-induced turbulence where it would be weaker or not otherwise occur. The major results are that KHI T&K dynamics extend elevated turbulence intensities and energy dissipation ratesεto smaller Re. We expect these results to have important implications for improving parameterizations of KHI-induced turbulence in the atmosphere and oceans.

    Significance Statement

    Turbulence due to small-scale shear flows plays important roles in the structure and variability of the atmosphere and oceans extending to large spatial and temporal scales. New modeling reveals that enhanced turbulence accompanies Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities (KHIs) that arise on unstable shear layers and exhibit what were initially described as “tubes” and “knots” (T&K) when they were first observed in early laboratory experiments. We perform new modeling to explore two further aspects of these dynamics: 1) can KHI T&K dynamics increase turbulence intensities compared to KHI without T&K dynamics for the same initial fields and 2) can KHI T&K dynamics enable elevated turbulence and energy dissipation extending to more viscous flows? We show here that the answer to both questions is yes.

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  4. Abstract

    The 1-s-resolution U.S. radiosonde data are analyzed for unstable layers, where the potential temperature decreases with increasing altitude, in the troposphere and lower stratosphere (LS). Care is taken to exclude spurious unstable layers arising from noise in the soundings and also to allow for the destabilizing influence of water vapor in saturated layers. Riverton, Wyoming, and Greensboro, North Carolina, in the extratropics, are analyzed in detail, where it is found that the annual and diurnal variations are largest, and the interannual variations are smallest in the LS. More unstable layer occurrences in the LS at Riverton are found at 0000 UTC, while at Greensboro, more unstable layer occurrences in the LS are at 1200 UTC, consistent with a geographical pattern where greater unstable layer occurrences in the LS are at 0000 UTC in the western United States, while greater unstable layer occurrences are at 1200 UTC in the eastern United States. The picture at Koror, Palau, in the tropics is different in that the diurnal and interannual variations in unstable layer occurrences in the LS are largest, with much smaller annual variations. At Koror, more frequent unstable layer occurrences in the LS occur at 0000 UTC. Also, a “notch” in the frequencies of occurrence of thin unstable layers at about 12 km is observed at Koror, with large frequencies of occurrence of thick layers at that altitude. Histograms are produced for the two midlatitude stations and one tropical station analyzed. The log–log slopes for troposphere histograms are in reasonable agreement with earlier results, but the LS histograms show a steeper log–log slope, consistent with more thin unstable layers and fewer thick unstable layers there. Some radiosonde stations are excluded from this analysis since a marked change in unstable layer occurrences was identified when a change in radiosonde instrumentation occurred.

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