Helical motion is prevalent in nature and has been shown to confer stability and efficiency in microorganisms. However, the mechanics of helical locomotion in larger organisms (>1 centimeter) remain unknown. In the open ocean, we observed the chain forming salp,
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Iasis cylindrica , swimming in helices. Three-dimensional imaging showed that helicity derives from torque production by zooids oriented at an oblique orientation relative to the chain axis. Colonies can spin both clockwise and counterclockwise and longer chains (>10 zooids) transition from spinning around a linear axis to a helical swimming path. Propulsive jets are non-interacting and directed at a small angle relative to the axis of motion, thus maximizing thrust while minimizing destructive interactions. Our integrated approach reveals the biomechanical advantages of distributed propulsion and macroscale helical movement.Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 17, 2025 -
Phytoplankton sinking is a major component of vertical ocean carbon and nutrient fluxes, and sinking is an integral component of phytoplankton biology and ecology. Much of our understanding of phytoplankton sinking derives from the settling column method (SETCOL) in which sinking speeds are calculated from the proportion of cells reaching the bottom of a water-filled column after a set time. Video-based methods are a recent alternative to SETCOL in which sinking speeds are measured by tracking the movement of individual cells in a salinity-stratified water column. In this study, we present the results of a meta-analysis showing that SETCOL produces significantly and consistently lower sinking speeds than the video method. Next, we perform a particle image velocimetry analysis, which shows that the observed discrepancy in sinking speeds between the two methods can probably be explained by weak convection currents in the SETCOLs. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for the interpretation of past and future phytoplankton sinking speed measurements and models that rely on those measurements.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025 -
Abstract Oceanic ctenophores are widespread predators on pelagic zooplankton. While data on coastal ctenophores often show strong top-down predatory impacts in their ecosystems, differing morphologies, prey capture mechanisms and behaviors of oceanic species preclude the use of coastal data to draw conclusion on oceanic species. We used high-resolution imaging methods both in situ and in the laboratory to quantify interactions of Ocyropsis spp. with natural copepod prey. We confirmed that Ocyropsis spp. uses muscular lobe contraction and a prehensile mouth to capture prey, which is unique amongst ctenophores. This feeding mechanism results in high overall capture success whether encountering single or multiple prey between the lobes (71 and 81% respectively). However, multiple prey require several attempts for successful capture whereas single prey are often captured on the first attempt. Digestion of adult copepods takes 44 min at 25 °C and does not vary with ctenophore size. At high natural densities, we estimate that Ocyropsis spp. consume up to 40% of the daily copepod standing stock. This suggests that, when numerous, Ocyropsis spp. can exert strong top-down control on oceanic copepod populations. At more common densities, these animals consume only a small proportion of the daily copepod standing stock. However, compared to data from pelagic fishes and oceanic medusae, Ocyropsis spp. appears to be the dominant copepod predator in this habitat.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
ABSTRACT Even casual observations of a crow in flight or a shark swimming demonstrate that animal propulsive structures bend in patterned sequences during movement. Detailed engineering studies using controlled models in combination with analysis of flows left in the wakes of moving animals or objects have largely confirmed that flexibility can confer speed and efficiency advantages. These studies have generally focused on the material properties of propulsive structures (propulsors). However, recent developments provide a different perspective on the operation of nature's flexible propulsors, which we consider in this Commentary. First, we discuss how comparative animal mechanics have demonstrated that natural propulsors constructed with very different material properties bend with remarkably similar kinematic patterns. This suggests that ordering principles beyond basic material properties govern natural propulsor bending. Second, we consider advances in hydrodynamic measurements demonstrating suction forces that dramatically enhance overall thrust produced by natural bending patterns. This is a previously unrecognized source of thrust production at bending surfaces that may dominate total thrust production. Together, these advances provide a new mechanistic perspective on bending by animal propulsors operating in fluids – either water or air. This shift in perspective offers new opportunities for understanding animal motion as well as new avenues for investigation into engineered designs of vehicles operating in fluids.
ABSTRACT Many fishes use their tail as the main thrust producer during swimming. This fin's diversity in shape and size influences its physical interactions with water as well as its ecological functions. Two distinct tail morphologies are common in bony fishes: flat, truncate tails which are best suited for fast accelerations via drag forces, and forked tails that promote economical, fast cruising by generating lift-based thrust. This assumption is based primarily on studies of the lunate caudal fin of Scombrids (i.e. tuna, mackerel), which is comparatively stiff and exhibits an airfoil-type cross-section. However, this is not representative of the more commonly observed and taxonomically widespread flexible forked tail, yet similar assumptions about economical cruising are widely accepted. Here, we present the first comparative experimental study of forked versus truncate tail shape and compare the fluid mechanical properties and energetics of two common nearshore fish species. We examined the hypothesis that forked tails provide a hydrodynamic advantage over truncate tails at typical cruising speeds. Using experimentally derived pressure fields, we show that the forked tail produces thrust via acceleration reaction forces like the truncate tail during cruising but at increased energetic costs. This reduced efficiency corresponds to differences in the performance of the two tail geometries and body kinematics to maintain similar overall thrust outputs. Our results offer insights into the benefits and tradeoffs of two common fish tail morphologies and shed light on the functional morphology of fish swimming to guide the development of bio-inspired underwater technologies.more » « less
Abstract Upside-down jellyfish, genus
Cassiopea (Péron and Lesueur, 1809), are found in shallow coastal habitats in tropical and subtropical regions circumglobally. These animals have previously been demonstrated to produce flow both in the water column as a feeding current, and in the interstitial porewater, where they liberate porewater at rates averaging 2.46 mL h−1. Since porewater inCassiopea habitat can be nutrient-rich, this is a potential source of nutrient enrichment in these ecosystems. This study experimentally determines that porewater release byCassiopea sp. jellyfish is due to suction pumping, and not the Bernoulli effect. This suggests porewater release is directly coupled to bell pulsation rate, and unlike vertical jet flux, should be unaffected by population density. In addition, we show that bell pulsation rate is positively correlated with temperature, and negatively correlated with animal size. As such, we would predict an increase in the release of nutrient-rich porewater during the warm summer months. Furthermore, we show that, at our field site in Lido Key, Florida, at the northernmost limit ofCassiopea range, population densities decline during the winter, increasing seasonal differences in porewater release. -
Many fishes employ distinct swimming modes for routine swimming and predator escape. These steady and escape swimming modes are characterized by dramatically differing body kinematics that lead to context-adaptive differences in swimming performance. Physonect siphonophores, such as Nanomia bijuga , are colonial cnidarians that produce multiple jets for propulsion using swimming subunits called nectophores. Physonect siphonophores employ distinct routine and steady escape behaviors but–in contrast to fishes–do so using a decentralized propulsion system that allows them to alter the timing of thrust production, producing thrust either synchronously (simultaneously) for escape swimming or asynchronously (in sequence) for routine swimming. The swimming performance of these two swimming modes has not been investigated in siphonophores. In this study, we compare the performances of asynchronous and synchronous swimming in N. bijuga over a range of colony lengths (i.e., numbers of nectophores) by combining experimentally derived swimming parameters with a mechanistic swimming model. We show that synchronous swimming produces higher mean swimming speeds and greater accelerations at the expense of higher costs of transport. High speeds and accelerations during synchronous swimming aid in escaping predators, whereas low energy consumption during asynchronous swimming may benefit N. bijuga during vertical migrations over hundreds of meters depth. Our results also suggest that when designing underwater vehicles with multiple propulsors, varying the timing of thrust production could provide distinct modes directed toward speed, efficiency, or acceleration.more » « less
Water mixing is a critical mechanism in marine habitats that governs many important processes, including nutrient transport. Physical mechanisms, such as winds or tides, are primarily responsible for mixing effects in shallow coastal systems, but the sheltered habitats adjacent to mangroves experience very low turbulence and vertical mixing. The significance of biogenic mixing in pelagic habitats has been investigated but remains unclear. In this study, we show that the upside-down jellyfish
Cassiopea sp. plays a significant role with respect to biogenic contributions to water column mixing within its shallow natural habitat (m deep). The mixing contribution was determined by high-resolution flow velocimetry methods in both the laboratory and the natural environment. We demonstrate that Cassiopea sp. continuously pump water from the benthos upward in a vertical jet with flow velocities on the scale of centimeters per second. The volumetric flow rate was calculated to be 212 L⋅h-1for average-sized animals (8.6 cm bell diameter), which translates to turnover of the entire water column every 15 min for a median population density (29 animals per m2). In addition, we foundCassiopea sp. are capable of releasing porewater into the water column at an average rate of 2.64 mL⋅h−1per individual. The release of nutrient-rich benthic porewater combined with strong contributions to water column mixing suggests a role forCassiopea sp. as an ecosystem engineer in mangrove habitats. -
Eel-like fish can exhibit efficient swimming with comparatively low metabolic cost by utilizing sub-ambient pressure areas in the trough of body waves to generate thrust, effectively pulling themselves through the surrounding water. While this is understood at the fish’s preferred swimming speed, little is known about the mechanism over a full range of natural swimming speeds. We compared the swimming kinematics, hydrodynamics, and metabolic activity of juvenile coral catfish (Plotosus lineatus) across relative swimming speeds spanning two orders of magnitude from 0.2 to 2.0 body lengths (BL) per second. We used experimentally derived velocity fields to compute pressure fields and components of thrust along the body. At low speeds, thrust was primarily generated through positive pressure pushing forces. In contrast, increasing swimming speeds caused a shift in the recruitment of push and pull propulsive forces whereby sub-ambient pressure gradients contributed up to 87% of the total thrust produced during one tail-beat cycle past 0.5 BL s−1. This shift in thrust production corresponded to a sharp decline in the overall cost of transport and suggests that pull-dominated thrust in anguilliform swimmers is subject to a minimum threshold below which drag-based mechanisms are less effective.more » « less
null (Ed.)ABSTRACT Pulsatile jet propulsion is a common swimming mode used by a diverse array of aquatic taxa from chordates to cnidarians. This mode of locomotion has interested both biologists and engineers for over a century. A central issue to understanding the important features of jet-propelling animals is to determine how the animal interacts with the surrounding fluid. Much of our knowledge of aquatic jet propulsion has come from simple theoretical approximations of both propulsive and resistive forces. Although these models and basic kinematic measurements have contributed greatly, they alone cannot provide the detailed information needed for a comprehensive, mechanistic overview of how jet propulsion functions across multiple taxa, size scales and through development. However, more recently, novel experimental tools such as high-speed 2D and 3D particle image velocimetry have permitted detailed quantification of the fluid dynamics of aquatic jet propulsion. Here, we provide a comparative analysis of a variety of parameters such as efficiency, kinematics and jet parameters, and review how they can aid our understanding of the principles of aquatic jet propulsion. Research on disparate taxa allows comparison of the similarities and differences between them and contributes to a more robust understanding of aquatic jet propulsion.more » « less