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Creators/Authors contains: "Getrich-Thompson, Waverly"

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  1. We describe an analysis of speech during time-critical, team-based medical work and its potential to indicate process delays. We analyzed speech intention and sentence types during 39 trauma resuscitations with delays in one of three major lifesaving interventions: intravenous/intraosseous (IV/IO) line insertion, cardiopulmonary and resuscitation (CPR), and intubation. We found a significant difference in patterns of speech during delays vs. speech during non-delayed work. The speech intention during CPR delays, however, differed from the other LSIs, suggesting that context of speech must be considered. These findings will inform the design of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) that will use multiple sensor modalities to alert medical teams to delays in real time. We conclude with design implications and challenges associated with speech-based activity recognition in complex medical processes. 
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